Data Controls :: Dynamically Add N Rows To GridView And Choose N From TextBox?
Dec 6, 2013
How to add Dynamic Rows in GridView by input values in textbox in ASP.Net
For the example key in serial number abcd001 in texbox1 , and input value texbox2 is 10, then click add button it will auto generate serial number from abcd001, abcd002 abcd003 till abcd010 and add one by one in gridview.
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Similar Messages:
Dec 9, 2013
i had write and modified a code in your previous post
now i want insert the data in SQL Server 2008 database, but show an error.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Data;
using System.Collections;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
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May 7, 2015
I want to add rows with two textbox in one row for the selected value in dropdownlist.
if i select 4 , i should get 4 rows with two textbox in each row...
can it be possible?
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Sep 30, 2010
I have "Order" object with Columns Ticket,OTP and CustomerName etc.Intially on DataGrid, I'm binding Ticket only , when user clicks on "Column Chooser" button, another windows appears to pickup CustomerName,OTP columns to add specified column dynamically on Datagrid. Environment : ,C# with Object Data source
Public Class Order
publc void Order()
public string Ticket
return this.strTicket;
this.strTicket = value;
public string OtpNumber
return this.strOtpNumber;
this.strOtpNumber = value;
public string CustomerName
return this.strCustomer;
this.strCustomer = value;
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May 27, 2010
I need to load n number of rows to a gridview without data binding.. I am assisgning the values to the gridview.Rows[i].cells[0].Text="value" . at this time i need to increment the number of rows in gridview based on the number results ...
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Dec 4, 2012
I follow this code [URL] it works. But the example is show only for 1 row.. come to my case when user want 12 rows for the first time gridview row load. I manage to add it by using for loop. but i stuck at the how to set previous data when user add new row to 13th row. The gridview seems like refresh and the entered data is gone!
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Sep 20, 2015
I have 2 textboxes , one for Rows and one for Columns...
in my query, if i enter Rows as 4, Columns as 3 then i want display gridview with 4x3 like
A B C --- Header1 A1 B1 C12 A2 B2 C23 A3 B3 C34 A4 B4 C4
if i enter Rows as 7, Columns as 4 then i want display gridview with 7x4 like
A B C D --- Header1 A1 B1 C1 D12 A2 B2 C2 D23 A3 B3 C3 D34 A4 B4 C4 D45 A5 B5 C5 D56 A6 B6 C6 D67 A7 B7 C7 D7
how to write complete code for above query
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May 7, 2015
I have 3 textboxes , 1 dropdown , 1 Button and 1 gridview .
Textboxes ID are :ACode , ADesc , ASeq
DropDown ID is :CPhase
Button ID is :AddRowBTN
GridView ID is :PhasesTempGrid
Now whats the story is ?After adding some data into textboxes , when a user clicks ADDRow BTN , that data gets saved into datatable , then that datatable gets binded to gridview and it shows my textboxes data in it .
What i want to achieve ?In my gridview i am use templateField and inside that template field there are textboxes ( Let the users edit the row without clicking any button ) .
Take an example of dummy data and problem persisting in there :for e.g i put some data in textboxes :ACode = "ABCD"ADesc = "EFGH"ASeq = "HIJK"Then i click Add BTN , it saves the data in datatable and show in gridview , now if i do this in gridview :ACode = "Edited ABCD"ADesc = "Edited EFGH too"ASeq = "WoW There"Then i click Add BTN , it removes the edited record in gridview and shows original data which had came earlier from textboxes :ACode = "ABCD"ADesc = "EFGH"ASeq = "HIJK"I don't want that to be done ... Simple is that user can enter data from textboxes , click the btn to submit into grid then he can edit the data like he want ... data must not get flashed , here's my coding i have done so far :
public void AddNewData()
var dt = new DataTable();
if (ViewState["myDatatable"] != null)
dt = (DataTable) ViewState["myDatatable"];
here i havent added dropdown combo in gridview but you can do it so that it will save my time (Bind it just the way PhaseDropDown have bind)...
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Feb 21, 2014
I have a grid with 3 templetefield columns. Above that i have a checkbox list collection. i want to add no of rows equal to no of checkbox checked from list.
If I check 3 checkbox then 3 rows should be added to grid dynamically without postback.. I am trying to do it using javascript.
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Oct 21, 2015
by using above thread its working great..
i want below rows and columns pattern
Rows 3, Columns 4 in my query..
1 2 3 4 -- Header
A 1 2 3 4
B 1 2 3 4
C 1 2 3 4
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Jan 15, 2011
I have write this code to create a gridview with 3 columns
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt = new DataTable();
dt.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(int)).AutoIncrement = true;
dt.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string));
dt.Columns.Add("Price(Grouch)/Hectares", typeof(float));
DataColumn[] keys = new DataColumn[2];
keys[0] = dt.Columns["ID"];
dt.PrimaryKey = keys;
dt.Rows.Add("1", "Seaside Location", 1.5);
Session[key] = dt;
return dt;
I would like to add in this code a textbox with the quantity.
When i give the quantity i want in another textbox to have the total.
for example 2*1.5=3
How can i do that?
My huge problem is that i dont know how to take the values of the 3rd column.The value 1.5 in this example.
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Aug 18, 2015
I am using autocomplete jquery textbox in gridview , for first time when grid view is binded autocomplete jquery textbox works , when new row is dynamically added with textbox, the code is not working
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("*[id$=Gridview1] input[id$=txtHead]").autocomplete('Search_CS.ashx');
[Code] .....
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Sep 11, 2013
I want to add inputs from textboxes, ddl to datagridview without saving it to database by clicking on add button as many rows i want and later save it to database when clicked on save button....
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Apr 11, 2014
One row with textbox will show inside gridview,when we will fillup data iside textbox and press "ADD NEW " button,it will save in the 1st row of gridview without textbox. And another row with blank textbox will appear.
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Jan 26, 2010
Language: C#
Values for multiline textbox in gridview are coming from SQL db "text" type previously entered by user...sometimes a small amount, sometimes a lot. Want to display enough to make it readable without wasting space on the screen. Can't believe this mechanism is not built in but have researched & see I may have to count lines then set the "number of row" property.
Question 1: Should this be done in databound or rowdatabound event?
Question 2: Could someone provide the "row counting" code (in C#)?
View 5 Replies
Nov 23, 2013
I have gridview which can display the table information,I'll select the table name from the dropdown list, after selecting the table, the table info. is displayed in the gridview. irrespective of he columns... "AutoGenerateColumns is True".. one table contains 10 columns and other contains 15 like that.. i am able to display the columns in the gridview.. it doesnt contains any itemtemplate columns in the gridview of .aspx page.. now i need to add a row at the end of the same clicking the "Addnew" Button. which is existing at the top of the Gridview.. the button is not inside the gridview..
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Mar 7, 2011
How do i add and remove textbox dynamically with validation in gridview?
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Aug 28, 2010
i think that the the subject can explain what i need, it's about adding a TextBox control with the code behind into a GridView, and also about how can i retrieve entered data after submitting, im using C#,
View 7 Replies
Feb 25, 2016
I have created dynamic gridview with textbox
here is the link:
but whenever i created new row i have lost focus on textbox. Instead of focus on new row (first column) cursor focusing on somewhere else.
how i can focus on textbox in new row.
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May 7, 2015
I have used Jquery Qucik serach Plugin and Its working fine for me. But I want to get the each record after filter when click on save button.
let's say gridview has total records are 4 then filtered records are 2.When click on Save button 4 records are getting.
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Aug 29, 2010
How to fetch data from textbox inside a gridview
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Apr 13, 2010
I m developing attendence report sheet into the gridview.My gridview content the textbox which i want load the data from the database on page load event.Plz anyone help me how can i set the textbox value from database.
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Oct 8, 2010
I have Gridview and Button Control on Form.i want to Add Dynamically TextBox And DropDownList In Gridview on Button Click Wich is placed outside of Gridview.
When i click on Button -> One TextBox and One Dropdownlist which contains values bydefault 1,2,3 should bind to gridview. Button is placed outside Gridview.
View 6 Replies
Jan 28, 2010
I have a gridview each line has 4 linkbuttons - Edit , Update , Cancel , Delete and a few columns with data...For example TeamName and TeamEmail, and a hidden column that contains a validator (for ease of validating controls that are found on the same row , same naming container)
When Edit button is Clicked , the specific line goes into editing mode , Texboxes are created for TeamName and for TeamEmail .
I create dinamically (code behind ) a new textbox that reads the value from the TeamEmail textbox , i give it a new id (let's say "Email") , add that email to the controltovalidate property of my validator , and call the validate() method of the validator.
Everything works fine when i modify the value in a worng format , the validator err message appears , when i modify the TeamEmail value to a good email format , the validator property isvalid becomes true , and the update is running , but my textbox is empty :( updating the TeamEmail value to null.
This is some bad code but hope you understand what i meant :
This is my html coed of my gridview
This is the code that manages the validation:
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Mar 10, 2011
I'm working on setting up a Gridview that dynamically creates new "columns" after a set amount of rows. To do this, I bind a datasource to the Gridview and then add new cells and shift the other items into those cells. I seem to be having an error with the link buttons that I move around. All of the items get put in there correct location, but for some reason, when I click a link button that has been added to a new cell, the sender's text is the LinkButton in the original cell's text. Does anyone know why this would be happening? Is the gridview not meant to be manipulated after it has been data bound? This is the code that I use to update the gridview.
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