Data Controls :: Get Data Based On DropDownList Selection And Display In TextBox?
Feb 19, 2014
i have a question, i ywant to know how to make if i pick an item from a drop down list it description goes to a textbox beside it automaticaly is very very important to me at this point
i have one dropdown list and one gridview in my page by default all the textboxes in gridview enabled if i change the dropdown value textboxes in the gridview has to disable how to implement this?
To what extent our institution is useful for you Dropdownlist1(Good/Poor).When user select the Poor form the Dropdownlist1 in that case ONLY POPUP screen will be displayed.The POPUP Screen as follows
Textbox (In that textbox user type the reason for Poor) Submit(Button)
When user Click the Submit (Button) the selected dropdownlist and Remarks will be displayed in the Gridview. The Gridview as follows
Dropdown Reason 0 The institution has to be improved for lot
instead of Select the Good from dropdownlist1, user wrongly select the Poor from the dropdownlist. that time POPUP screen is to displayed.(Only when user select the Poor from the Dropdownlist POUP Screen is to be displayed in that textbox type the reason and click the Submit Button). Then Gridview as follows
Dropdown Reason 0 The institution has to be improved for lot
Then user again select the Good from the Dopdownlist1 means Previously value in the Gridview.Dropdown and reason has to be deleted in the Gridview.for that how can i do using csharp.
I have successfully implemented article - "Print only the items which are selected using checkbox in a ASP.Net DataList control"
I would like to add a dropdownlist above the DataList Control to filter the contents of Datalist and then print the items selected using Checkbox in a ASP.NET DataList Control.
I have dynamically popute the data in Dropdownlist(Countries) and the On selected index event of Dropdownlist there is noeed to bind /populate the Checkbox list from database depending on the selections made from the Dropdownlist.
For example If I select Gujrata then all the cities of Gujrat should be visible and bounded to the check box list.
2) Once the checkbox list is bounded with data from the database, We need to select the checkbox from the checkboxlist and pass tyhe selected text of all the selected checkboxes fro the checkbox list as comma seperated values to database and then I need to Display in the Grid.
Below is my code for Dynamically populated/Bind DropDown list and get the States:
I have repeater control on page which bind with sql data source.i have dropdown to filter the records of repeater on button click event it refresh complete page i just want to show a wait message to user and just refresh repeater data instead of complete page refresh.i do not want to use ajax update panel.
Now, based on user selection say, 'Car', I want to display Help text associated with selection on page. Help text description - 1000 characters. Now, how do I fetch Help Text Description from? should I store in Session scope or Application Scope or fetch from Database based on drop down selection.
i have radio button list and one textbox in gridview if the value is yes text has to enable otherwise i need disable the text box in grid view how do this?
I'm having trouble figuring out how to display a gridview based on the selection of a drop down list. I manually entered the drop down list items, but in the configure/choose data source I don't understand how you make a relationship between each list item and the corresponding database table you want to show.
I have a dynamically generated dropdownlist, that lists e.g. Company Names. I want to be able to select a particular Company and display associated information e.g. Name, Address, City, State... etc. in text boxes adjacent to the list.
I am trying to fire the following code from the dropdownlist "OnSelectedIndexChanged" property, but cannot 1) get the code to fire upon selection, and 2) populate the text boxes...
i have displayed a xml file in the tree view form by binding i want a sample code to access the nodes which are being selected and to display dynamically in a grid view
I have a problem with binding a DropDownList. Let's assume a database five years old with many historical records. In order to enable just working with active data every datasource has a column hidden which is occasionally set by administrator in order to clean up old records. The selection looks like
1) SELECT Id, Value FROM Table WHERE Hidden = 0
The issue arises when the user opens a form with old data. As some records in DropDownListhave have already been hidden an exception is raised as the component cannot find the data for the list. For this case the following selection is valid
2) SELECT Id, Value FROM Table
it is possible to combine these two selection queries? The display value should always use query 2 while the listed values should use the query 1.
I would like the user to select an item from a drop down list. Next to the drop down is a textbox or label control. From the ddl selection I would like to populate the textbox or label from a database with a corresponding field from the database the dropdownlist was populated from. On selectindexchange event I can populate the textbox with the Unique id from the value, but I need to input a different field into the textbox. Can I use some sort of variable to assign the Textbox.Text = ?
in our project we need to show the markers on Google map from the database. we have already got the code in which all the markers are displayed for the the places stored in database. But our aim is somewhat different.We need marker on one place that is selected from the elaborate,if we select an area from the dropdownlist that contains names of areas stored in database,then "only" marker on that place must be displayed.Further,selecting the subarea from dropdownlist2 should zoom the map and display a marker on that how do we do that? what are the changes required to be made in this code?
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web;
I have a gridview.In Header of gridview i added dropdownlist.
Here the problem is, i am getting selected value in temp variable(if i change to 20,50,100) in dropdown selection event but it is not binding the pagesize for the gridview and also dropdownlist showing the value "10" only after the pageload.
I have one dropdown list and two textbox. I am developing a small application for my par tics in which currency name populate from the data base which are in drop down it will working now.
Now I want when I select currency name from dropdown list the code the and the country name show in the other textbox value .for example when I select Currency name like UK pound the value show .one show currency code 2 and other country name United state. All text box value change on changing vale in droupdownlist dynamically means all value dependent on the dropdown list .
All value from the data base
I bind three value with the currency name ,id,currency code and country name. because when I change the dropdown list so change value in text box .but I fail to do that.
How to value change in textbox to changing value in dropdown list. I know code show be on the DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged but I have no exact code
I'm using a gridview rows, in that I'm adding the rows. I need to disable the textboxes based upon the selected value from the dropdownlist (Yes / No). This should be remain same for the previous rows when ever I'm adding new rows.