Data Controls :: Get Selected Index Of Dropdownlist Inside Gridview Using JavaScript

May 7, 2015

In ASP.NET, I can get the selected index of dropdownlist using:

var dropdown1 = document.getElementById('dropdown1');But I want the selected index of that dropdownlist, which is present INSIDE a GridView.How to get that using JavaScript?

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Similar Messages:

Data Controls :: Update Row Cell Values In GridView On DropDownList Selected Index Changed

Jul 17, 2015

How do i change the name column text the current row when the selected index of drop down is changed? ex:first row is mudassar khan and belgium, when i change belgium i want mudassar to be replaced to a name which i fetch from database....

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Data Controls :: Selected Value Of DropDownList Inside GridView Getting Lost On PostBack

Mar 14, 2014

I can not get the Selected Item value in in GridView Dropdowntemplate Feild

I Get Only First index item text value

string ItemSkuCode = ddlIMEntity.SelectedItem.Text + "-" + txtIMItem.Text + " -";
foreach (GridViewRow tempr in gvParameter.Rows)
DropDownList ddl = (DropDownList)tempr.FindControl("ddlParameterValue");
// string str1 = Request.Form[ddl.UniqueID.];
if (ddl.Items.Count > 0)


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Data Controls :: Enable / Disable TextBox Based On Selected Value Of DropDownList Inside GridView

May 7, 2015

I'm using a gridview rows, in that I'm adding the rows. I need to disable the textboxes based upon the selected value from the dropdownlist (Yes / No). This should be remain same for the previous rows when ever I'm adding new rows.

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Data Controls :: Show / Hide TextBox Based On Selected Value Of DropDownList Inside GridView

May 7, 2015

In my query i have 1 gridview..

In this gridview i have 1 dropdownlist and  1 textbox..

textbox is in visible=false state..

My question is after selecting dropdown list selected value i want visible textbox in gridview..

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Web Forms :: Populate Columns In DropDownList And Filter GridView Data On Selected Index Changed

Jul 2, 2012

I want to filter grid view, drop down list should select the column and text box will filter the column. like ID NAME Phone Designation fields in gridview.i will select Designation in dropdown and type programmer in text box .so it should filter programmers from the gridview...

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Data Controls :: Could Not Find Selected Index In DropdownList

Apr 28, 2014

<br />
<table align="center">


For Edit I want to select the OfficeName before Selecting a Department or any another way to do this

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Forms Data Controls :: Javascript Loop Through Each DropDownList Inside GridView

Mar 28, 2010

I have a GridView, the first column it's a RadioButton template and the second it's a DropDownList Template, the number of rows depends on the user, I mean they are not static. I'm using the following JS function to get the row selected with the radiobuttons:


With this function I know which RadioButton was selected, now, I would like to get the DropDownList value or text of the selected row, I know I have to loop through every DropDownList to get an array of controls, but since they are something like ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_GVProducts_ctl02_DValsDropDown, I just don't know how to achive this through JS.

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Forms Data Controls :: Setting The Selected Index / Value In A DropDownList?

Feb 8, 2011

I have a problem in setting the selected index /value in a drop down list. The list is bound by a Linq query and I want to add an item at the top of the list and set it as the selected item.

THis is the code i am using

ListItem li = new ListItem("Select", "", true);
list.DataSource = (from ap in edc.Approvers
where ! ap.approverEmail.Equals("")
orderby ap.approverEmail
select new {ap.approverEmail}).Distinct();
list.DataTextField = "approverEmail";
list.DataValueField = "approverEmail";
list.Items.FindByText("Select").Selected = true;

The listItem li is the item i want to be first in the list and also selected. Adding this before the databind just loses the item.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Make Dropdownlist Box To Selected Index To 0

Sep 13, 2010

I have a dropdownlist1 control in footer template, but when i go to edit command for editing an existing row. at that time. the footer dropdownlist box showing exact index which is selected in edit template dropdownlist box.

dropdownlist1 is in footer template and dropdownlist2 is in edit item template.

same datagrtid i am using for adding new rows via footer template and editing existing rows via edititem template.

how to make dropdownlist1 which is in footer template to selectedindex "0", when i go to editcommand. tried using itemdatabound but not working.

View 4 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Selected Index Of Radiobuttonlist Inside A Repeater?

Dec 6, 2010

im having a quizz (a question and multiple answer related to the question) , i use an asp repeater to display the questionand a nested radiobuttonlist inside the item template for the related answer:


I do bind the the radiobutton on itemDatabound, i need to store the answer selected by the user, for that i used the following method:


but the rptAns referring to the radiobuttonlist (there is only one quiz at a time), the selectedindex always remain at the first index even when the user does change the selected radio button.i have made a check when on item databound to see if the page is a postback before opulating the radiobuttonlist.

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Data Controls :: Replace DropDownList Text With Value On Selected Index Changed

Jan 5, 2014

I want to create a drop down list, where user can view the code name and the name the code when they click on the drop down list.

But after they choose, only the code is appeared. This is my current coding as for now. 

<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlcodetype" runat="server">
<asp:ListItem Selected="True">-</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem>DK Deck</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem>EG Engine</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem>CT Catering</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem>OT Others</asp:ListItem>

With this, both my name and the code name are appeared. 

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Forms Data Controls :: Set Dropdownlist Index Inside A Formview?

Jan 17, 2010

Ok i have a dropdownlist inside a formview.When i select to update the formview the dropdownlist will automatically go to the first item on the list.

Is it possible to keep the item that is currently selected before i go to the update formview page?

I can get the dropdownlist from the formview with Findcontrols but then?

P.S. My dropdownlist is declared inside the formview


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Capture A DropDownList Selected Index Change Event

Sep 15, 2010

I have a gridview that receives data based on selection from a primary dropdownlist object. Works.

Within the gridview, there is a dropdownlist whose selected index is based on the query from the primary dropdownlist. Works.


How do I force the used to change whatever value that the dropdownlist contains after they make their initial selection from the primary dropdownlist; except the default value of "make a selection".

Gridview, contains a checkbox which drives whether a selected row is inserted into the data base. The databind in done using an ObjectDataSource on the presentation page, not in the code behind.

View 11 Replies

Data Controls :: Filter Repeater Control Data On DropDownList Selected Index Changed

May 7, 2015

i need to Filter and display Google Map Markers from database based on DropDownList selection. for that I need to pass the selected value of DropDownList to the query.What should i do in the following code to do the above task?

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;


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Data Controls :: How To Fetch Data On Selected Index Of Dropdownlist

Apr 27, 2016

how can i fetch the data from different tables stored in database on the value selected of dropdownlist..for ex.


then the data from that table will be fatched from the databse and entries are displayed in gridview.


then the data from that table will be fatched from the databse and entries are displayed in gridview.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Validate A Text Box (if It Is Blank) Inside A List View Row, On Selected Index ?

Feb 8, 2010

i have a drop down list and a text box, inside a listview row (and this is a repeating layout). i populate each dropdownlist with same contents ( these contents/items come from a custom collection object).

i have added a required field validator in the listview's item template, that has its validation group = the validation group of the drop down list, and validates if the textbox is blank or not. this validation takes place on the selected index changed of the drop downlist for that row.

1. on selected index changed, EACH dropdownlist validates only its corressponding textbox perfectly (which is what i want)

but if i enter some text in one of the textboxes after doing 1, the dropdownlist for THAT particular row, assigns the correct value to the text entered. but for other rows (for which i changed their corresponding ddls to test the required field validation and for which the text boxes are still blank), their ddls by itself assign the values to the blank text without validating.

markup of code for listview is [Code]....

code behind for the ddl selected index changed is [Code]....

method GetIndexFromId retrieves index of the custom object inside a collection depending on the Id (which is a property) of the object.

i notice that the ddl selectedindexchanged is being hit as many number of times as many rows i change (i.e as many ddls in different rows i change to check the required field validation)

View 7 Replies

Web Forms :: Selected Index Change Event On Dropdownlist In Gridview

Aug 30, 2012

How to select next row of grid view on selected index change event on dropdownlist in gridview...

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Disabling Dropdownlist Inside A Gridview Based On Value Selected On Another Dropdownlist?

Jan 11, 2011

what i m trying is i hav two dropdownlists inside the gridview... namely say ddonsiteoffsite and ddhours... now what i want is if the selectedtext of ddonsiteoffsite is "onsite" the ddhours should b disabled... i tried the code snippet but ... its not disabling the ddhours... can someone help me please..

<asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText=" OnSite/OffSite" >
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddOnsiteOffside" runat="server" onchange="ToggleOnOff(this)">

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AJAX :: To Get The Selected Index,selected Value , Selected Text Using Javascript Of Combobox Control

Feb 17, 2010

Can i get the selected index,selected value , selected text using javascript of ajax combobox control. if yes send me the sample code.

View 7 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Validating DropdownList "contains Data" Inside Gridview Using Javascript

Sep 9, 2010

I have Gridview with Dropdownlist which contains data as {select,1,2,3} .Gridview contains multiple rows of data.Submit button is also on form but outside gridview. If any of the rows of gridview dropdownlist contain value as "Select" and click Submit button ,give message as "Please select value". I want to do this stuff using javascript.

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Forms Data Controls :: Change Gridview Selected Index Dynamically

Feb 9, 2010

I have a gridview. .When I add new data to gridview, I want to change gridview selectex index dynamically. I want to set gridview selectedindex the new added data .

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Forms Data Controls :: Find Index Of Selected Column In Asp Gridview?

Mar 13, 2011

i know how to find the index of selected row in asp gridview , but i need to find the index of selected column in asp gridview ?for ex:i have i gridview contains columns with header ( the header is the primary key i looking for ) , this grid contain linkbutton , i want to get the column header name on click on linkbutton ?

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Forms Data Controls :: Using The Selected Index Of A Gridview Where The Key Includes UserID?

Jul 17, 2010

I have Gridview1 that brings up the columns Resorts, Seasons, Seasons_ID, Resorts_ID, and User_ID

The three ID's are all foreign keys from related tables, and they are together a combined primary key of the table being accessed (they were defined that way to prevent duplicate entries for any User/Resort/Season combination).

Now the problem: I want to use the selected row from that gridview in the WHERE clause of a SQLDatasource by setting the WHERE clause up like:

WHERE (([Resort_ID] = @Resort_ID) AND ([Season_ID] = @Season_ID) AND ([User_ID] = @User_ID)) , with the parameters each coming from statements like


When I select a row in the Gridview, I get the following error:

Operand type clash: uniqueidentifier is incompatible with int

I am pretty sure this has to do with the User_ID being in the WHERE clause.

So I have tried something like this to access the selected index:


This does not work, as it seems to return only the first key (of three) in the DataKeyNames list.

So the question: How can I use the SelectedIndex of that gridview for such a purpose when the key contains a UserID?

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Data Controls :: Unable To Get Component Value Inside GridView Row Index

May 14, 2013

I want to get the component value inside the gridview row index. When the DropDownList SelectedIndexChange event is trigger.

Unable to get Selected Value of DropDownList inside GridView ItemTemplate in SelectedIndexChanged event...

Here the codes:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
ArrayList Dummysource = new ArrayList() { "AA", "BB", "CC", "DD" };
if(!IsPostBack ) {
GridView1.DataSource = Dummysource;


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