Data Controls :: How To Get Repeater Row Item Index Inside TextBox TextChanged Event
May 7, 2015
I have a repeater control. show my products. in the quantity column I have a textbox that fills from database, the problem is when I want to update the quantity from the textbox, how to get the id of the row repeater and the value of the textbox to update the record. try using the method OnTextChanged. or maybe Jquery?.
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Oct 27, 2010
Asp.NET v2.0
Data grid with mulitple texboxes per row.
Each textbox has a TextChange() event wired up for data validation.
These events fire just fine, the data validation works just fine.
My issue is this: User enters text into TextBox1 one then tabs into TextBox2. The cursor appears for a split second inside of TextBox2 then disappears as focus is being set somewhere else on the page. I'm not sure how that change of focus is happening.
In this scenario, after tabbing out of TextBox1, how can I maintain focus on TextBox2 (and then subsequently TextBox3, TextBox4,etc..)
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May 6, 2010
I have a series of textboxes on a FormView. There is a textbox for entering a percent for a deposit amount and next to that a corresponding textbox for entering a dollar value for a deposit amount. There are 3 sets of these.
If a user changes a percent textbox, I update the dollar value textbox based on the percent times the project's total cost. If a user changes the dollar value textbox, the percent textbox gets updated as a percent of that dollar amount divided by the project's total cost.
I have the percent textboxes formatted as "{0:0%}" and the dollar value textboxes as "{0:C}".
When a user types into the textbox, the formatting goes away and we get raw numbers but I don't want those raw numbers to remain as such after they tab or click out of the field. I added a TextChanged event to reset the formatting. This works fine on reformatting the percent textbox but the currency one remains as just a raw numeric value.
Here is the markup (ignore the lack of validation for numeric input will be added):
<asp:TextBox ID="txtDepositPercent1" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true"
CssClass="TextboxAnimatedRightAlign" Width="33px"
Text='<%# String.Format("{0:0%}", Eval("fld_dep1")) %>'
OnTextChanged="txtDeposit_TextChanged" />
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Dec 6, 2010
im having a quizz (a question and multiple answer related to the question) , i use an asp repeater to display the questionand a nested radiobuttonlist inside the item template for the related answer:
I do bind the the radiobutton on itemDatabound, i need to store the answer selected by the user, for that i used the following method:
but the rptAns referring to the radiobuttonlist (there is only one quiz at a time), the selectedindex always remain at the first index even when the user does change the selected radio button.i have made a check when on item databound to see if the page is a postback before opulating the radiobuttonlist.
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May 21, 2010
Right now I'm using the following code in my markup:
<asp:HiddenField ID="TheName" runat="server" Value=<%#Eval("SpeakerName")%> />
I would like to use:
<asp:HiddenField ID="TheName" runat="server" Value=<%#Eval(0)%> />
I would like to be able to call it by index instead of explicitly by "SpeakerName". Is there a way to do this in ASP.NET 4.0?
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Jan 17, 2014
How can I get current viewed itemindex of a repeater item template, have tried a few stuffs i got from google search, but it seems not to work.
I have items like:
1 text link1
2 text link2
3 text link3
4 text link4
where 1, 2, 3, 4 are the itemindex, i want to be able to get 1 if text link1 is clicked, or 2 if text link two is clicked etc.
Here is my repeater html
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Jan 17, 2010
I've done things like
<%# somefunction("string") %>
before in my asp code, calling some public function in the codebehind. But now I'm trying to do this from within a repeater item. The message I receive from the compiler is: "The name 'somefunction' does not exist in the current context." Error 97 The name 'getclass' does not exist in the current context 169
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Aug 27, 2010
I have a panel which has a repeater within it. Within the repeater I have a few controls. One of those controls is a Drop Down list which has an OnSelectedIndexChanged event. I can get this to fire without issue but I cannot find my DropDownList control within that repeater within the SelectedIndexChanged event . The repeater has an OnItemDataBound event and I can use the RepeaterItemEventArgs to find the control using e.Item.FindControl("ControlName") without issue but when that event occurs is NOT when I need to find the DropDownList.
What I want to do is have another control's Visible property be set to "true" when the value of the DropDownList meets a certain value. As far as I know I can only do this during the SelectedIndexChanged event and I can't change the signature of the event by trying to use RepeaterItemEventArgs.
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Apr 30, 2014
Working in 4.5 + Kentico CMS
I have Repeater in usercontrol and Inside the repeater i have 1 itemtemplate in which i have ImageButton on it. Also i am handling the Click event on the Imagebutton using ItemCommand of the Repeater. when i click the image button it fires the item_command on the codebehind which is fine. But if i use !Ispostback on page load to stop loadinghte databind event again which is in pageload, it's not firing the Item_Command Event.
If i remove the !Ispostback from my page it's doing the pageload event againt which has calling my databind method and then it calls the Item_commands event. Wondering is this kentico issue or usercontrol problem?
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Oct 20, 2010
Basics: I have a text box (txtDepositAmount) that people can enter a deposit amount into and a drop down (ddlSelectedTerm) that sets the terms. Through these two values I calculate the APY (lblCurrentApy).
Rules: If only one of the values is selected I still want to do an update on the current APY label and clear it. If either value changes I want to update the current APY and recalculate.
The problem: As soon as I click away from the textbox and onto the drop down to select my term the drop down flashes and closes because the textbox TextChanged event was just fired.
I have to click on the drop down a second time to be able to select anything!
Do I need to change what event I'm looking at or do I need to move some of the controls outside of the UpdatePanel? Can this only happen if some of the business rules change? Should I just give up and go to javascript?
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Jun 6, 2013
i'm using a repeater with an hyperlink and i'm displaying some data from a table x and when the link is clicked i want to add some from the displayed data in another table y..I used a datasource for selecting information , should i use another datasource for the insert command or what to do ..
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Mar 10, 2010
I want to let TextBox control TextChanged event fire only when there are more than one character in the TextBox.
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Apr 14, 2013
I have this code
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if (!IsPostBack) {
ArrayList olist = new ArrayList() {"visible", "invisible", "visible", "visible", "visible", "invisible", "visible", "visible", "invisible"};
for (int i = 0; i <= olist.Count-1; i++) {
if (olist[i].ToString() == "visible" ) {
[Code] ....
I want to hide the button if records found "invisible".
The output must be like this:
Another question is
I want to get the button index value inside the repeater row, when the user click the button the index value display one Label3
void repbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
Label3.Text = "The button item index that clicked in the repeater is: "; // + irepeater.Items. ;
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May 13, 2010
I aam working with textChanged event in a textbox to validate a value in textbox.hen i am enter data in textbox then press submit button i am getting validation summary before the textbox textchanged event. Is there anyway to fire textchanged event first to validate before button validation summary?
View 4 Replies
Apr 6, 2010
when the user comes out of a texbox, i need to read the text entered in the textbox.
I tried using the textchanged event. But it is not firing when i move out of the textbox.
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