Data Controls :: How To Hide A Column Inside GridView
May 7, 2015I want hide a datacolumn of GridView but still access its value in c#.
View 1 RepliesI want hide a datacolumn of GridView but still access its value in c#.
View 1 RepliesI have a gridview inside a datalist, i need to hide a particular column of that gridview inside datalist. how should i proceed????
View 1 RepliesAs per my requirement, I am getting CompID, Company Name and URL from SQL database. I want to display just CompName and URL in gridvew. So, I need to hide the CompID in gridview. One way I can do BoundField field Visible to false but I need to retrive that compID id when user selected any of the row. if I set visible to false user wont see any compID in gridvew but I want access the selected compID also using SelectedRow.Cells[1].Text..
View 1 RepliesI am working on page where I need to hide some coulmn("Grid or Ptf") when user click checkbox. Below is code.
How can I hide the coulmn, so other coulmn value can show remain, and colspan get also adjusted.
I have two columns in gridview
CustomerId CustomerName
Now how to hide column CustomerId programmatically??
I have 5 column, in first two column read only id in hidden field, but in UI first two column shows empty,this two column in UI does not show only show remaining three column, then how to hide first two column using css ...
View 1 Repliesprovide an example to do that... "Hide column if row is empty" in Databound()
datasource could be .1
coulmn: id-value1-value2-value3
row: 1-4-3-NULL (output: hides row value3) because the value is NULL
coulmn: id-value1-value2-value3
row: 1-4-NULL-NULL (output: hides row value2,value3)
I've programatically created a DataView item by adding columns and rows to a table in the class file. Then I add that to my webform using a GridView. I'd like to hide some of the columns so that the end user doesn't see them but still be able to access their values.
How do I do this programatically? The table.Columns.Count returns the actually number of columns. Somehow when it converts into a DataView, it is only returning 1 column.
//From class file
//From webform
In this example, I want to hide the ID column.
With reference to the following link: [URL]
I have a column on Page1 gridview which holds Edit and Delete button.My question is how can i remove or hide the Edit and Delete button column on Page2 gridview so that the buttons are not visible?NB: The Gridview is tied to a session which was from page1. So on Page2 the buttons should not be seen...
I am trying to show/hide TemplateField of gridview but not getting it... here is ma sample aspx code
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="ColumnA">
<asp:Label ID="lblTest" runat="server" Text=' <%# Eval("Test")>'></asp:Label>
Now in server side i am trying to hide this column but failed !!
protected void gv_RowCreated(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Header || e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
gv.Columns[2].HeaderStyle.CssClass = "hiddenClass"; // here i am setting display:None using css class
how to show/hide TemplateField on server side
I am facing a problem with Gridview control. I have created a Gridview1 which is having 3 button column that has been added at design time and some column can be added through the Datatable at runtime. At Design time GridView1 has 3 button column
At Runtime I do GridView1.Datasource=dt; //Now my gridview is having 7 columns i.e. 4 more columns added through datatable.
I can easily display that GridView1 on webpage but I dont want to show some column that I added through Datatable to the user.
When I try to hide that column, I get error like Index out of bound exception but when I hide button column I can able to do that easily.
I have a gridview, which contains a template field with a button. On this button, I want to show and hide another column with this one button. I don't want to use Java Script because my site already uses a lot of this and AJAX. So, can someone show an example of some code behind, which is what I want to do on how to show and hide another column on a gridview?
View 1 Repliesi have a gridview, in my gridview, i have a attachment button.
when user click on the attachment button, it will direct them to EquipmentAttachment.aspx.
what i want to do right now is, if the attachment exist, then the attachment button visible, else the button attachment set to false.
I don't know how to access,...
View 1 RepliesThis is my Code
My query is if i select Other in dropdownlist i want visible textbox..
how to i do it..
<asp:GridView ID="TypeFruit" runat="server">
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Type" >
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlfruit" runat="server" >
<asp:ListItem Value="0">Select</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="1">Fruit</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="2">Other</asp:ListItem>
<asp:TextBox ID="TxtOther" runat="server" Visible="false"></asp:TextBox>
in above code works fine if every textbox disable/enable depending upon the dropdown list selected value, in my query i want effects only one textbox
in my query i have gridview with 1 dropdown list ddl, two texboxes tb1 and tb2.
tb1 is in visible false..
tb2 is in visible true.
if i select dropdown selected value as "other" tb1 column should be visible and ddl selected value not effected to another textbox tb2.
In my query i have 1 gridview..
In this gridview i have 1 dropdownlist and 1 textbox..
textbox is in visible=false state..
My question is after selecting dropdown list selected value i want visible textbox in gridview..
I want to open asp panel inside gridview selected row and the panel is placed outside the gridview(above gridview) using javascript or jquery.
View 1 RepliesI am checking string and then bind category. If condition is false then i need anchor tag in which i pass querystring to specific link.
<asp:Literal runat="server" ID="litPrice" Text='<%#((String.IsNullOrEmpty(Eval("Price").ToString()) || Eval("Price").ToString()=="00/0.00" || Eval("Price").ToString()=="0/0.00") ? "<span font-family="arial"><a href=""+ Eval("category")>Enquiry</a></span>" : Eval("Price"))%>' >
I am getting error. CS1010: Newline in constant
I have a bound column.
<asp:BoundField DataField="WorkPreference" HeaderText="WorkPreference"
<HeaderStyle HorizontalAlign="Left" />
dr["WorkPreference"] = sa.WorkPreference ( This is how I bind the data to a DataRow)
The example of the data which gets bound to this column is like the following:
Communications and Marketing Officers; Environmental Assessors; Geologists and Geosciences; Geospatial/Spatial Information Officers;
What I want is that the data should be presented to the user like the following:
Communications and Marketing Officers
Environmental Assessors
Geologists and Geosciences
Geospatial/Spatial Information Officers
In short: I basicaly want to put a break where there is a colon and then bind the data to the gridview. It looks like simple but if you can let me know.
How can i move the RESET button inside sort order column , so that my code doesnot break?
I m working with VS-2005 without ajax functionality(With out Update Panel). I have a gridview which has a two colmn inside first column there is image. When user clicks on the image a pop up form with calender control should open when user selects the date from calender that date should get sets up in second column
View 4 RepliesI am having an requirement of displaying the records in the following way in the gridview.
I have 2 gridviews they are bind by sqldatasource ,it contains Id , Name and Price
i dont want to show ID coloumn when page is loaded.How to hide it?
with reference to the below link
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