Data Controls :: Save Checked Checkbox Values Into Database Which Is Inside GridView
Dec 23, 2015
I have a gridview inside which there are 4-5 checkboxes. In that gridview, I have 10 rows too. So, Now what i want is.
IF I check, 2 checkboxes and don't check remaining checkboxes. how to save the value of the checked checkboxes value as Y and unchecked checkboxes value as N into the database.
I want to get Row Fields in Gridview on Checkbox Change inside gridview.I have checkbox column in grid, i want to get row details in msgbox as i select checkbox. On selected index change of checkbox inside ridview.Everytime i select checkbox, it gives msgbox for row details.
I have a gridview and users would select some records and would click on the submit button and i will be saving those records into database using a stored proc.... now .... just below the gridview and above the submit button there are few checkboxes by default they wud be checked. How would i save the selected values and the checked boxes in database i wrote the stored proc for the gridview but how would i save the checked checkboxes into the same table.
For i As Integer = 0 To gvSelectScreen.Rows.Count - 1 Dim chkTemp As CheckBox = TryCast(gvSelectScreen.Rows(i).FindControl("cbStatus"), CheckBox) If chkTemp.Checked Then ContractNumber = gvSelectScreen.Rows(i).Cells(0).Text ClientProgramNumber = gvSelectScreen.Rows(i).Cells(1).Text ClientProgramName = gvSelectScreen.Rows(i).Cells(2).Text StartDate = CType(gvSelectScreen.Rows(i).FindControl("txtStartDate"), TextBox).Text EndDate = gvSelectScreen.Rows(i).Cells(5).Text Dim connStr As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("MainConnectionString").ConnectionString Dim myCon As New SqlConnection(connStr) Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("usp_ParametersFromGrid") Dim dt As New DataTable cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure cmd.Parameters.Add("@ContractNumber", SqlDbType.VarChar, 22).Value = ContractNumber.ToString() cmd.Parameters.Add("@ClientProgramNumber", SqlDbType.VarChar, 22).Value = ClientProgramNumber.ToString() cmd.Parameters.Add("@ClientProgramName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100).Value = ClientProgramName.ToString() cmd.Parameters.Add("@StartDate", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20).Value = StartDate.ToString() cmd.Parameters.Add("@EndDate", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20).Value = EndDate.ToString() cmd.Parameters.Add("@RequestID", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50).Value = RequestID.ToString() cmd.Connection = myCon myCon.Open() cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() myCon.Close() End If
Now above the submit button as i said, there are few checkboxes and they are checked by would i save the selected item (in the gridview and the checked checkbox values in the same row in the database(sql server)
I am using Checkbox in Gridview item template once it checked it cant be unchecked..once i click the button the checked box should automatically unchecked.
I got a list of customers That I'm gone show in the gridview. I have added a checkbox infront of every customer so i can select what customers gone be used and passed to the next method. With a little bit of strugle I almost got everything working now except for this thing with keeping the values of checked customers when I page to the next page (2,3,4,5 ect).
I have a GridView that I was previously populating via an ObjectDataSource, and this code was working perfectly (ie, when the checkbox was checked Checkbox.Checked = true):
I have created a gridview and added a headertemplate field inside templatefield. Inside header template field I have added a button and a condirmbutton extender. confirmbutton extender uses modelpopup with ok cancel. This works fine but with one problem. I want this popup to open on button click only if user has checked atleast one checkbox from gridview. So far it shows this modelpopup everytime even user hasn't checked anything.
I am having gridview and i have check box for each row. There are 2 buttons ,accept and reject outside the gridview. If I click accept button, all the checked rows fields value should change to accept and if i click reject button all the checked rows column value should change to reject. There are 3 columns only one column will change.
i have code to update multiple rows in a gridview. What I want is that if the row value is = 1 in the database then the row is checked otherwise it's not. I've put some pseudo code in below to illustrate what I want to achieve.
I am trying to retrieve a value from the row based on the user checking the checkbox but the only way it works is opposite of what I think it should be. The problem is I can only get the values if I set "If RowCheckBox.Checked = False" So I have rows returned in the gridview:
row1, record1 row2, record2 row3, record3
I want to check row1 and row3 and grab the values record1 and record3 I use:
Dim str As String Dim row As GridViewRow Dim index As Integer = dgrdSearchResults.SelectedIndex lblStatus.Text = index For Each row In dgrdSearchResults.Rows If index = -1 Then index = 0 End If Dim RowCheckBox As CheckBox = CType(dgrdSearchResults.Rows(index).FindControl("chkResults"), CheckBox) If RowCheckBox.Checked Then str = dgrdSearchResults.Rows(index).Cells(2).Text lblStatus.text = str End If index += 1 Next
With this code I basically step out even when I have rows checked. zaybe I am looking to much but I cannot get it to return the values I need unless I change "If RowCheckBox.Checked " to If RowCheckBox.Checked = "False"
I have a ASP.Net page that has a gridview control. This gridView control has a checkbox controls. I would like to assign a boolean value from a database field to the Checked property- Checked='<%# Bind("RESULTS") %>'.
When page loads,I get error - Specified cast is invalid!
Note: If a constant value is passed at design time it works fine. But i want to assign the value at runtime using Bind.
Environment details: VS 2008, ASP.NET 2.0 and .Net Framework 3.0 & C# language.
I tried returning values like 0s and 1s, Ys and Ns and True and False from a database field. But i still get the above mentioned error.
I tried retreving the value in OnRowDataBound event using Eval, since Bind is not available in code behind. But it would make the field readonly and i cannot edit and update the Results field.
Even though there is a value returned by the query why does the Checkbox does not assign the value using <%# Bind("Results") %> to Checked property instead throws error - Specified cast is invalid.
how i can edit and update Checkbox.
where did the Bind method of ASP.Net 1.x is moved? How can i use Bind in code behind of ASP.Net 2.0?When i type DataBinder the intellisense shows Eval and other stuff but i don't see Bind that would solve the problem of two- way binding.
Here I want to assign the above database work to my team members. When I check the above check box and press assign button ,it shows in another page means the gridview selected row shows in another grid in another page .
And once i check any check box and assign , automatically the checked row vanished from my grid view.
I have a repeater control on my page. Here's my code:
I would like to change a background color of the item's <div> when user checks the chechbox. I have an event handler for CheckedChange event but I don't know how can I get access to this div from the event handler.
i got my checkbox control in each row.actually my problem is i bound checkbox in a gridviw and i need those checkbox are checkd if database values are match.i do it like below
but problem is only one checkbox is page_Load i bind gridviw in ROwDatabound event i check Duecode in another i need only matching checkbox should be checked.
I have 3 checkbox and one button in default.aspx page I want when users select these checkboxs and click on button it saves this checkboxs values in cookie...
I wrote below code:
protected void Imgorder_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { HttpCookie order = new HttpCookie("order"); if (CheckBox1.Checked) { order.Value = CheckBox1.Text; } } }
is it correct? and if it is correct I wrote it just for 1 checkbox how I can write for 3 checkboxs that if users select them it saves valuse in cookie...
I need to make sure only one checkbox gets checked in a GridView. I have tried a solution on here, but I get an error. The other is looping through the checkboxes in the gridview to get the value, in this case, a date.