Data Type Mismatch In Inserting A Numeric Value?

Aug 18, 2010

I am using C# windows based GUI and MS-Access as my database. Unfortunately, I cannot insert a record with a numeric value, this means that one of my field is a number data type. Below is my code;


strItemCode = lvProducts.Items[i].SubItems[0].Text.Trim();
iQty = int.Parse(lvProducts.Items[i].SubItems[2].Text);
cmAdjustedItems.CommandText = "INSERT INTO tblAdjustedItems VALUES(@itemcode, @adjustmentid, @qty)";
cmAdjustedItems.Parameters.AddWithValue("@itemcode", strItemCode);
cmAdjustedItems.Parameters.AddWithValue("@adjustmentid", strAdjustmentID);
cmAdjustedItems.Parameters.AddWithValue("@qty", iQty);

All the variables in my code were properly declared.

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Access :: Data Type Mismatch While Inserting Into A Number Field In An Access Database Using A Parameterized Query?

Jun 9, 2010

I have a data type mismatch while inserting into a number field in an access database using a parameterized query.I think this should be pretty simple but I am still learning a lot.


I have some commented out as I am working one field at a time. The working fields are textboxes and the non working ones are dropdown lists. But I think it may be the field that the list is drawing from? Not sure.

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DataSource Controls :: Arithmetic Overflow Error Converting Numeric To Data Type Numeric

Feb 15, 2010

First of all im new to and am in the process of learning it.

Heres my problem, i am receiving this error when submitting the form: "Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric"

And it halts at command.ExecuteNonQuery();

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Code Behind:


Stored Procedure:


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Apr 18, 2010

i have set the type of a column in a table numeric(6,2) but when i insert a value above 9999,99 i get the error

"Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric."

Do you know whats wrong??

ofc thats all through visual studio for an asp site thats why im posting here

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ADO.NET :: Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression?

Mar 28, 2011

Whats The wrong With This Code

Data type mismatch in criteria expression

Public Class Class1
Dim str As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:Documents and SettingsMasterMindsMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2008ProjectsWebApplication1WebApplication1indb1.mdb"
Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection(str)
Public Sub insert(ByVal Nationalty As String, ByVal NationalID As Single, ByVal StNameA As String, ByVal Gender As String, ByVal BirthDate As Date, ByVal Address As String, ByVal TawjehiAvg As Integer, ByVal alfera As String, ByVal Phone As Integer, ByVal
Specialization As String, ByVal Period As String)
If con.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
End If
Dim adp As New OleDb.OleDbCommand("insert into stinfo values (" & getmaxid() & ",'" & Nationalty & "'," & NationalID & ",'" & StNameA & "','" & Gender & "','" & BirthDate & "','" & Address & "'," & TawjehiAvg & ",'" & alfera & "'," & Phone & ",'" &
Specialization & "','" & Period & "')", con)
End Sub
Public Function getmaxid() As Integer
Dim z As Integer = 1
If con.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
End If
Dim adp As New OleDb.OleDbCommand("select max(Stnum) from stinfo", con)
z = adp.ExecuteScalar
Return z + 1
Catch ex As Exception
Return z
End Try
End Function
Dim x As New Class1
Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
x.insert(DropDownList5.Text, TextBox1.Text, TextBox2.Text, DropDownList1.Text, TextBox5.Text, TextBox6.Text, TextBox7.Text, TextBox8.Text, TextBox9.Text, DropDownList3.Text, DropDownList4.Text)
End Sub

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Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression?

May 24, 2010

I'm trying to make a search that would list results in an access database which is newer than the date given in the textbox. When i run my sql query and it tries to fill the dataset, i get that data type mismatch error. This is the exact error:

Data type mismatch in criteria expression.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Data type mismatch in criteria expression.

Source Error:

Line 176: OleDbConnection MyConn = new OleDbConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["strConn"]);//Luodaan yhteys
Line 177: objCommand = new OleDbDataAdapter(strSQL, MyConn);
Line 178: objCommand.Fill(DataSet1, "Testi"); //Täytetään dataset (fill on DataAdapterin komento), "Testi" on datatablen nimi
Line 179: DataSet1.Tables["Testi"].Columns[0].ReadOnly = true; //Asetetaan ID sarake vain-luku muotoon, ettei avainta pääse muuttamaan
Line 180: DataGrid1.DataSource=DataSet1.Tables["Testi"].DefaultView; //Asetetaan DataSourceksi Datasetin datatable "Testi" johon tiedot on haettu

Source File: c:inetpubwwwrootphoenixsearch.aspx.cs Line: 178

In the access database the date field is of datetime type. The dates are in european DD.MM.YYYY format which i transform using datetime variable and convert function. The sql query runs fine in access database but when i run it thru my oledb connection in my page it gives me errors. How should i modify my query, or make adjustments to my code, to not get this error? Do i need to send the datetime as a parameter? And how do i do that? Here is the code for the search event:


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Access :: Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression?

Oct 20, 2010


<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="true" Debug="true" %>

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SQL Server :: Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression: Date

Oct 4, 2010

I am getting a "Data type mismatch in criteria expression" error when trying the following SELECT statement. strdt and spdate are Date types in my vb codebehind and the Contract field name is a DateTime field.

nmxSQL As
String =
"SELECT * FROM Nymex WHERE (NymexID='" & nymID &
"' And Contract>='" & strdt &
"' And Contract<='" & spdate &

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Access :: Error; Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression?

Jan 12, 2011

I have used the repeater function in an aspx page to create a discussion/fourm style page where user can posts comments, but when I try and write a comment I get this error; Data type mismatch in criteria expression. The user gets to the discussion page from a link in a gridview so that it displays all the posts on the specific film, and the correct posts come up, its just when a user wants to post something themsevles I get the error.This is the code in the discussion.aspx.vb page

Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender


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Access :: Query Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression?

Jan 14, 2011

I am getting this' Data type mismatch error' when i click on a submit button after tag selection. It was working before but now it is not working. It say there is an error on line 105.[Code]....

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Databases :: Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression?

Jan 9, 2011

I am importing data from an Excel worksheet. The columns are labelled aa, ab, ac .... in row1 and the rows are labelled with integers in col aa. Although I can import the entire worksheet (so long as it isn't too big), when I add a WHERE clause to import only a single row I get a type mismatch which I have not been able to isolate. How can I make progress.

Protected Function SetsConnection(ByVal n_cust As Integer) As OleDbCommand
' Create the connection string for the EXCEL file containing the filename and Provider settings.
Dim rope As String


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Jan 3, 2011

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Dec 9, 2010

I am validating user from Login.xlsx file. It was working fine by validating email and password from that file. For testing i got new file same contents of file but added some more user names. So after that when i validating the user i am getting the following error "Data type mismatch in criteria expression".

But when i replaced the new to old one it is working fine. The contens of both files are the same. So why this kind of error happened.

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Data Controls :: Error Converting Data Type Nvarchar To Numeric

Nov 6, 2013

protected void Update(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach (GridViewRow row in gvStudeff.Rows)


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Databases :: While Inserting This String"SC1101E,B+,", Getting Error "ORA-06502: PL/SQL: Numeric Or Value Error:...

Nov 4, 2010

I'm using Microsoft Oracle Data Provider(System.Data.OracleClient). As soon as I get the string (SC1101E,B+,) in my input parameter, I get the below error:-

"ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small"

Strange, as this same query works completely fine with my SQL client/toad.

The database type is varchar2 with 2000 length. A lot of longer strings easily able to be updated. But as soon as above string get in the parameter, the code starts vomitting error.


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Feb 15, 2010

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Ultra web grid code:

<igtbl:UltraWebGrid ID="UwgUsageDetails" runat="server" Height="287px" Width="100%">


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Format A Numeric String Using A Numeric Composite Format?

Aug 9, 2010

I've just encountered an interesting problem in a standard BoundField in a GridView. The field is for EmployeeCode, which is purely numeric, but stored in a character column in the database. The DataFormatString="{0:00000}" attribute on the BoundField doesn't work, as I assume that format is only for numeric values.

To work around this, I had to use a TemplateField, and bind the text value using the attribute Text='<%# PadNumericString(Eval("EmployeeCode").ToString(), 5) %>'. Is there no simpler way of doing this?

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LINQ Group By And Compare Date Error Message - The Conversion Of A Char Data Type To A Datetime Data Type

Jan 27, 2011

I have the following:


I keep getting this error:

Message = "The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value."

What i'm trying to do is group by ContentObjectId and then get StartDate that is greater than today.

I'm using entity framwork and MS SQL2008

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AJAX :: WCF Contract Mismatch?

Apr 26, 2010

I'm kind of new to and am bad at translating stack traces. While workign on the above function in my web services I've seem to have run into a problem. I can connect to services which return static values. But when I try to connect to a service method that accesses the database I get the following error message:

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ADO.NET :: Find The DataType MisMatch Row In DataTable?

Jan 11, 2011


How find the DataType MisMatch Row In DataTable.

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Forms Data Controls :: Numeric Pagination In Repeater?

Feb 14, 2011

i need code for pagination in repeater which is exactly same as pagination in gridvicw.

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ADO.NET :: Linq To Sql Column Mismatch Using Stored Procedures?

Aug 26, 2010

I'm using Linq to Sql to call some stored procedures for more complex work; is there any way Linq to Sql can tell me when the output columns from the stored procedure do not match the properties of my entity object? It seems that Linq to Sql tries its best to match the columns and ignores any mismatches.

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Charting - Ms Chart Multiple Series X Value Mismatch?

Sep 3, 2010

I'm currently developing a website that shows multiple charts that I build using data from SQL tables. I've used and followed Scott Mitchell's tutorial [URL] and K. Scott Allen's ChartBuilder class [URL] and all works well.

However when have two series that I want to show on the same Chart, if one set of data does not have all of the X values the other series does, the chart blindly puts all the data on, ignoring trying to match the X values of the other series, therefore mismatching the X values when the chart is shown.

I know that I can fiddle the data so that both sets of data have the same X values, however I'm trying to make the class handle anomalies in the data so that I don't have to worry too much about the data.

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Forms Data Controls :: Getting Numeric Value From Listbox On Selected Text?

Jan 4, 2011

How would I retreive the following numeric id value from a xml response, to a dropdownlistbox?


The following does not work for newContactID

var xmlResponse = proxy.ProcessClientAction(xmlRequest);var parsedXmlResopnse = XElement.Parse(xmlResponse);

I would like to have the ContactRecID's value stored in the variable newContactID based on the selection of the user. So if the user selects the the person "Sam" then 4033 should be stored in newContactId.


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Forms Data Controls :: Numeric Paging Using ... Symbols In Gridview

May 5, 2010

I have implemented a numeric paging using PagerTempalte.I have setted down page size is 5.I have to implement 2 thigs in gridview PagerTempalte:- #1 I have to show numeric paging with .. symbol like: 12345. If suppose there is a total 20 record record then it will display like :12345. If u clicked on. afert 5 then it has to show next set of 5 records like: ..678910...

#2 I have to show set of records out of total records in pager template like: showing records 1-5 out of 20 So final pager look out should be like this:- 12345... showing records 1-5 out of 20

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