DataSource Controls :: Adding 2 Fields Together And Inserting Into A Database?
Jul 6, 2010
I have an SQL datasource that successfully enters customer details into a table. What it includes is the persons address. First of all we add the persons address, then we add the persons name to that address in a seperate physical procedure. i.e. on a different form.
What I need to do is try and stop users entering the same address twice. The way I have thought of doing this is by making a string field called AddressIdentity and have this contain the door number and the postcode of the address with all the spaces stripped out. Then when adding the address, it checks if this exists before adding it. However I cannot work out how to put the 2 fields together without using the codebehind file, which I don't mind doing if I need to, but I'm sure its avoidable.
Here is my code - I have only included the relevant parts:
InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [tbl_shop_client_addresses] ([FlatNo], [Address1], [Address2], [Town], [County], [Postcode],
[Country], [Telephone], [DoorNo]) VALUES (@FlatNo, @Address1, @Address2, @Town, @County, @Postcode, @Country, @Telephone, @DoorNo)"
So how do I do it? I was trying:
InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [tbl_shop_client_addresses] ([FlatNo], [Address1], [Address2], [Town], [County], [Postcode],
[Country], [Telephone], [DoorNo], [AddressIdentity]) VALUES (@FlatNo, @Address1, @Address2, @Town, @County, @Postcode, @Country, @Telephone, @DoorNo, @Postcode + @DoorNo)"
but of course AddressIdentity is a string. Do I use ' ' marks with an & sign? Or can't I do this?? Maybe I need to use the codebehind anyway to see if the field exists before inserting it?
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" (" +
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<asp:button ....>
</boundfield> [code].....
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Object Access Class
public void InsertCarPolicyHolder(PolicyHolderClass ph, CarInsuranceOptions options)
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Oct 14, 2010
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Jan 10, 2010
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dashDataSource.InsertParameters.Add("databaseColumName", NameOFTextBox.Text)
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Nov 24, 2010
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Jan 26, 2011
I need to insert a Boolean value into an SQL Server datatable. I'm having a problem with what I'm trying. I don't see the option for a Boolean data type in SQL Server so I used Binary(1). Is this the right data type for storing Boolean in SQL Server?
The lines:
cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@Active", SqlDbType.Binary, 1))
cmd.Parameters("@Active").Value = False
generate the following error on the execute command:
InvalidCastException: Invalid cast from 'System.Boolean' to 'System.Byte[]'
Is there an example somewhere that covers how to store a boolean in an SQL Server table?
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