DataSource Controls :: Getting An Auto-increment Field To Work In SQL
Feb 11, 2010
I'm trying to get an IDENTITY column to auto-increment with each new row inserted, so that the field (userid in this case) can be used as a unique identifier.
However, I'm getting this error:
My code looks like this:
I don't understand - if I have to explicitly insert something into my auto-increment column, how do I know what to insert? Isn't the point of an auto-increment column that it's... auto?
i have a question, suppose i have a table 'tblImage' which have 3 rows of data and my auto increment is not +1.
imageId imageName 1 a.gif 2 b.gif 4 c.gif
i want to query '2' using LINQ C# to the table in MS SQL and show the record which i have done easily BUT now i want to get the next auto incremented value to make Next button on the sane web form, which is in this case is '4' and i also want the previous imageId as well.
I am using LINQ to store and retrieve data from tables with a clustered index key. However, I also need to know how to obtain an inserted table row identity with an auto-increment Primary key. The "Go To Definition" feature for my data context of dataClassesDataContext provides the following information:
[System.Data.Linq.Mapping.DatabaseAttribute(Name="EFMDB")] public partial class DataClassesDataContext : System.Data.Linq.DataContext
I am asking for the C# code that is needed in a button click event handler that will insert a row of data in a table named "Fields". It only consists of an auto-incrementing primary key column (FieldID), a string column (Phrase) and a null defaulted variable column.
I have a simple query on a table to calculate the sum of a field (This field is a calculated field from within SQL 2005)SELECT SUM(RunTime) AS TotaL FROM TimeSheets.It errors out with: Error Message: Operand data char type char is invalid for sum operator.If I use the MAX or MIN function, no isssues. The data in this field is numeric.
i am using one text box in New registration page. when ever user clicks on New registration button, The text box of record number should be auto incremented.
I want to insert a complete row with automatic increment and the PartsNo should be the same as the PartsNo from the PartsMaster table.
The medialink should be the PartsNo + '-2.jpg' The mediadescription is for example 'image2' The CatalogCode should be 'catalog' and the sorting code should be '0'
From The partsMaster table I Just need the PartNo So I can add this to the PartMedia Table. The PartNo is the foreign key in the PartMedia table.
The following I got so far but no luck
insert into dbo.PartsMedia (PartNo,MediaLink,MediaDescription,CatalogCode, SortCode) values (dbo.PartsMaster.PartNo, PartsMaster.PartNo+'-2.jpg','image2', 'catalog','0')
I use SQL Server and when I create a new table I make a specific field an auto increment primary key. The problem is some people told me making the field an auto increment for the primary key means when deleting any record (they don't care about the auto increment field number) the field increases so at some point - if the type of my field is integer for example - the range of integer will be consumed totally and i will be in trouble.
So they tell me not to use this feature any more.The best solution is making this through the code by getting the max of my primary key then if the value does not exist the max will be 1 other wise max + 1.Any suggestions about this problem? Can I use the auto increment feature?I want also to know the cases which are not preferable to use auto increment ..and the alternatives...note :: this question is general not specific to any DBMS , i wanna to know is this true also for DBMSs like
i was given a form in which empid is varchar and i m supposed to auto increment it using a function and calling it ....i have never done this. plz help me out the way .
I am trying to set up an insert command in vb for sql server (not mysql). the following works fine as long as I manually enter a new ASSalesId and don't have this field auto increment. this field is set up a a primary key. I would like to just use auto increment on this field. but every time I set the field to auto increment the insert fails. if I just remove the reference to this field from the statement the insert fails.
I have a simple list of data in my database that I call to my page. I have used the 'reorder list' ajax control to provide a drag and drop way of managing the sort order of my data. It uses a 'position' column in the database to do this.
How do I go about making sure that when inserting data to this table, the new item gets assigned the correct 'position' value? For example if I have 9 items already in my table, I want this newly inserted list item to get assigned a value of 10 in the position column.
I'm still relatively new to I'm trying to figure out the best way to write and implement this.
I have a cell that needs to autoincrement by 1 for every new database row in my table, Unfortunately I have to have the autoincrement restart at 1 at the beginning of each year so I can't use SQL Server identity increment. Maybe i'm wrong about the last statement and I just don't know how to do it.
The code i have is something like this:
If thereadedyear <> Now.Year then theReadedYear = Now.Year SomehowWrite readedYear StartNumber = 1 Else StartNumber =+ 1 End if
I'm trying to define a computed column that will contain an auto-incremented number. In other words, I want it to work exactly like identity, but since I can have only one identity column per table, I wanted to make a computed column that reads its latest value and increment it by 1.