DataSource Controls :: How To Add Parameter To SqlDataSource1 At Runtime

Aug 24, 2010

I am getting the following error:

Must declare the scalar variable "@Approved"

I want to add a parameter to my SqlDataSource1 when certain controls are checked.


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Similar Messages:

DataSource Controls :: How To Get Sqldatasource1.selectCommand Value

Mar 30, 2011

How to get sqldatasource1.selectCommand value


i want to set that if nothing return i will display a msg to users.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Use Correctly

Jan 14, 2011

I have a query that looks like this attached to a sqldatasource :

SELECT [fldBaseline] FROM [BI_PATHS_Target_Baseline] WHERE fldBranch = @fldBranch and
fldyear=@fldyear and fldcategory = @cat

and i want to make a LABEL to read that fldbaseline value and i tried this :


btw the @fldbranch is pulling from a dropdownlist and so it the @year but the @cat is just defined always as 'LEAN' But im not sure what to put inside the select() part. i know you have to put atasourceselectarguments.empty if no parameters, but what would I do here since their are 3?

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DataSource Controls :: Empty Message In Dropdownlist When Bind With Sqldatasource1?

Mar 26, 2011

i have a dropdownlist that bind with sqldatasource1. everytime i load this page, dropdownlist will display directly the content of data.

However, what i want is display empty message like --Please select your currency-- by default.

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DataSource Controls :: Variable Connection String Parameter In A DataSource Control

May 20, 2010

I have several web forms which use a GridView linked to a DataSource control which is defined at design time as follows:

connectionstring="<%&#36; ConnectionStrings:PgSqlConnection %>"
providername="<%&#36; ConnectionStrings:PgSqlConnection.ProviderName %>" >

As you can see, the connectionstring parameter is defined to a specific connection string name and I need to be able to set such a parameter to a different value, for example, to a session variable content.

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DataSource Controls :: Access Property Of Object As Session Variable As Declarative Datasource Parameter Value

Oct 27, 2010

I am storing a custom "Organisation" object as a session variable. One of the properties of the Organisation object is "OrganisationID" (integer). I have a DataSource that requires a parameter value to run, and I want to use a SessionParameter to populate this. In a previous version, I stored the OrganisationID directly as a session variable. In that case, I could easily access it like this:


However, how do I now access the OrganisationID property of an "Organisation" type session variable (called "Organisation")? I have tried this, which does not seem to work: <asp:SessionParameter Name="OrganisationID" SessionField="Organisation.OrganisationID" Type="Int32" />

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DataSource Controls :: Passing Parameter To Datasource In Code Behind?

Mar 25, 2010

I need to pass the control parameter to Sql Datasource in code behind,

<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="DDL_RType" Name="rtype" PropertyName="SelectedValue"

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Web Forms :: How To Change A Parameter To A Web Part At Runtime

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How can I change a parameter to a web part at runtime?

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How To Determine User Control Parameter At Runtime

Oct 26, 2010

I have a user control which I call like this:

<MyNamespace:MyControl runAt="server" ID="foo" /> Is there any way I can determine the ID parameter at run-time and pass it in?

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SQL Server :: Store Procedure Parameter Sequence Change In Runtime?

Oct 26, 2010

this is my code:


some of my col datatype is nVarchar...

in run time because my value in my table (dt_excel_allRows) are FARSI ; the sequence of my parameter changed and it cant be executed!!!!!

of course the problem is because of FARSI is rtl languges....

i can not user sqlPArameter becuse of some reason....

i think some thing like rtl or ltr can fix my problem....but how?

View 2 Replies

Web Forms :: Crystal Report Asks For Parameter At Runtime Even-though Supplied?

May 30, 2012

i have the below code for passing parameters to crystal reprot & displayin g the report

1) even though i am passing parameter values i get a screen where its asking for the values

Parameter Field(s)



need to avod this

when the page is loaded no parameter  values are passed

2) after enetring the value in the textbox when i click submit i get th e logon error

customerReport = new CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument();
ParameterFields paramFields = new ParameterFields();
ParameterField paramField = new ParameterField();
ParameterDiscreteValue paramDiscreteValue = new ParameterDiscreteValue(); paramField.Name = "dept"; paramDiscreteValue.Value = drpdept.SelectedItem.Text; paramField.CurrentValues.Add(paramDiscreteValue); paramField.Name = "emp"; paramDiscreteValue.Value = drpemp.SelectedItem.Text;


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DataSource Controls :: Set Up Connectionstring At Runtime From Web.config - MySQL?

Jul 7, 2010

I want to setup the connectionstring of the SqlDatasource of a dropdown list at runtime, eg. Page Load event. I have install MySQl ODBC driver, System DSN name as "MySQL_Employee" If I have an entry in Web.config:

<add name="mysqlConnection" connectionString="DSN=MySQL_Employee;UID=john;description=connection to employee database;server=empServer;database=employee;port=3306;" providerName="System.Data.Odbc"/>

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DataSource Controls :: Binding GridView With SqlDataSource At Runtime?

Aug 20, 2010

I want to create a generic page which contains a gridview and sqldatasource. I want to put these two controls on .aspx (C#) page but bind them at runtime. It should have selectcommand, updatecommand, deletecommand and insertcommand. Stored procedures are created for that. Help is needed to make it. .

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DataSource Controls :: Sending Table Name To Stored Proc At Runtime?

Apr 15, 2010

can i set the table name in stored proc at runtime ..

@Tablename varchar(25)
like select * from @Tablename

is it possible...

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DataSource Controls :: Best Way To Allow The User To Import Data From A .CSV File At Runtime - That Is Dynamically?

Feb 19, 2010

I'm writing my web application in VB. Is there any way to allow the user to import data from a .CSV file at runtime - that is dynamically? I intend to have the table structures in place, then just have it such that they can append or replace the data that currently exists in the system.

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DataSource Controls :: Runtime Compilation Error CS1026 When Use Linq Statement?

May 5, 2010

We have an application developed on VS2008 [Asp.Net & C#], in this application we provide the facility to the user to write his/her business logic code. For that purposes we maintained a Businesslogic.cs file where user can write his/her code and our application build it as a BusinessLogic.dll file at runtime.

But the problem is when we introducing Linq statement/code into the BusinessLogic.cs file then it generated compilation error [CS1026 ].

Note that, when we build the dll from VS2008 environment then it working fine with the same code which we write into the BusinessLogic.cs & don't generated any compilation error.

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DataSource Controls :: SQL Parameter Not Being Sent To Procedure

Aug 3, 2010

What am i missing or doing wrong here, when i debug, im seeing the selected value in the code behind, but when the page loads, it says the following:

Procedure or function 'Onsite_Report_Procedures' expects parameter '@rptNum', which was not supplied.

ConnectionString="<%&#36; ConnectionStrings:connectn %>"
<asp:Parameter Name="@rptNum" Type="String" />


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DataSource Controls :: How To Get SP Output Parameter From ODS

Aug 4, 2010

I have a stored procedure with output parameter. I encapsulate it with Table Adapter and BLL. Call it using ObjectDataSource in conjuction with formview, just like the one in Data Access Tutorial. How do I get the output parameter in event INSERTED of the ObjectDataSource in code behind (VB)?

My stored procedure looks like this:


My BLL code looks like this:


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DataSource Controls :: Output Parameter Not Getting Value?

Jul 12, 2010

We have a stored procedure which creates and returns as output the next value in line:


Yes, the dullards who created this system not only failed to use an identity for the primary key of this table, they then proceeded to add 1 to a varchar column to create the new value, thus insuring it can never be anything but numeric.

Sigh. I'm told we cannot address that obvious deficiency now, and we have to leave the column as varchar. Double sigh.

If I execute this sproc from SSMS, the hh_num variable is returned as expected:


However, when I run it through the application, the parameter I set up as output does not get its Value attribute changed:


I've verified that the "@hh_num" maintains its direction and name through the ExecuteNonQuery call, but its Value remains an empty string.

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DataSource Controls :: Want To Use Parameter In SQL Command?

Jun 5, 2010

I want to use parameter in SQL command, Which the following code is better and why?

string id= getId();
SqlCommand cmd1 = cn1.CreateCommand();
cmd1.CommandText = " INSERT INTO std(idStd) VALUES (idStd=id) ";
string idF = getId();
SqlCommand cmd1 = cn1.CreateCommand();
cmd1.CommandText = " INSERT INTO std(idStd) VALUES (idStd=@id) ";
cmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue(@id, idF);

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DataSource Controls :: Declare Parameter In C#?

May 11, 2010

I´m in need to export datagrids to excel. I found a good solution in C#. I´m a newbie at I have got it to work but I´m not familar to set the SQL connection and bind data in C#.

I need to declare my query with a calendar parameter but I have no idea how this should be done in this code.

Either, how do I set parameters into the C# code or how can I set a SQLDATASOURCE in the ASPX file and still run all code.



And CS


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DataSource Controls :: Parameter Is Not Valid?

Apr 13, 2010

I'm trying to get image from database into picturebox

pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromStream(new MemoryStream((byte[])ds.Tables[0].Rows[i].ItemArray[0]));

But I am getting error:

parameter is not valid

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DataSource Controls :: SQLDataAdapter Parameter?

Jan 26, 2010

I have the following sub that I need help with an error on. When run error message is saying that the parameter called by the stored proc was not supplied. Am I missing something? I can't seem to find it.....


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DataSource Controls :: Beginner With A Parameter ?

Oct 26, 2010


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DataSource Controls :: Add Parameter To IN Clause In SQL?

Jan 28, 2010

i am developing an application using and backend server is SQL SERVER 2005.

in my application i have 12 regions. from that 12 regions user will select any of them.

if user select 1,2,3 then i have to pass this string to IN clause

for that i have storedproc like

create procedure sp_updateDistributorContractforAllRegions (
@unitprice float,
@region varchar(50)
update employee set UnitPrice=@unitprice where regionid in (@region)

here regionid datatype in employee table is INT.

from code behind i am adding the parameter as 1,2,3.when i run the query it gives the error as

Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '1,2,3' to data type int.

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