DataSource Controls :: How To Ensure That Some Records Are Not Picked Using Sql

Apr 23, 2010

I am developing web applications using csharp. How can I ensure that some records are not picked using sql. I have a table with records and its content differ from each other dot ".". Table is as follows

Student1 Details2 Details2

1 Musol School Books
2 Musol School Books.
3 Golpp Temo Books
4 Golpp Temo Books.

How can I select records without dot "."at the end only. For example

1 Musol School Books
3 Golpp Temo Books

I have used sql but I am not getting it. My sql is as follows

select * from studentDD where Details2 !=".%"

It is not working.

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@NB_NEWS int,
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12-Apr-10 12:45:12 AM
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But when i query for that date i still get no results.

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Collumn1, Collumn2
FROM Changes
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So then where I become unstuck is I want:

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Way # 2

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data access layer:


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ID FirstName LastName
1 Zach H Hoffman
2 Zach Hoffman
3 Troy Hoffman
4 Shawn Livermore
5 Prem S
6 Jony Hoffman H
7 Zach Modan

I need the query to filter.........

ID FirstName LastName

1 Zach H Hoffman
2 Zach Hoffman
3 Troy Hoffman
6 Jony Hoffman H
7 Zach Modan

I hope this example will give you clear idea..... I need SQL Query to perform this

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