I have table for past four years. It had a records for around 10 Lacks it was taking lot of time to execute so i removed recordes from the table. Table size was reduced to 29 thousand. Still when i execute a query from my application it takes more than 2 minutes to return.
I am working on a website hosted with GoDaddy, SQL Server 2005. I have a table in my SQL Server database with a full-text index. On my website, a user can type in search terms and the terms are then passed to a stored procedure in the database which performs the search. The first search takes about 45 seconds to get results. Subsequent searches return results immediately. I found a description of this problem in a Microsoft knowledgebase article:http://support.microsoft.com/kb/915850/en-usGoDaddy tech support says I need to purchase a dedicated server to make the changes suggested in this article.Surely there is some other solution. Does anyone know how to avoid this delay without changing the server configuration?
Currently, I have long script which does major processing and then puts data into temp table.
Finally I read data from this temp table to show on the chart, based on user's selection of parameter. So I can divide my query into two parts and while I am researching this,
Is it possible to do processing in one Datasource and read table from second datasource?Is it even possible?
If not, what is recommended method for this (breaking large processing into small one)?
Is there any possibility to execute the job in sql server. I want to create the Job. then through the quer i want to execute this Job by passing parameters. can we able to do this.Actucally i want to execute the SP from front end. but suddenly it should respond to the page. but that SP will run for nearly 5 minutes.
I am having a meltdown over something that seems so simple and yet isn't working. Here's my scenario.
I have an object structure of tEvents, which contains properties of an event like a run of concerts. tEvents in turn contains an entity set of tEventOptions, which include properties like EventDate, Cancelled etc. I would like to query a list of tEvents using properties of the tEventOptions, for example filtering by date.
My pageis using a calendar object to show event dates. So I am trying to find if any tEvents in the List coming back from the database match the date of the day element being rendered in my Calendar control like so (in this snip 'data' is List and results from a db query):
Except r, my query result var, is always true no matter what data it receives. I have tried the sub query using other properties of tEventOption and get the same 'true' result each time. I know that the data does not reflect this result so I clearly have a problem with the structure of my query, but for the life of me I cannot find a way to resolve it.
i made one window base application in VS2008 (VB.net). i made one simple code where i can insert data.and after inserting i can see that data on grid.when i am inserting data insert query runs perfect.after that for debugging purpose i fire select query and get result in dataset and its show data too.but when go into database my inserted data not showing there.
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim con_str As String = "Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|Database1.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True" Dim con As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(con_str) Dim cmd, cmd2 As SqlCommand Dim adp As New SqlDataAdapter.....
basically i have two dropdown boxes to filter data and textbox with stored procedure bound to gridview.i want to be able to query data depending on the selected value passed,either using one or more parameter values.
i would like seperate sqlcommands to chose from depending on which controls i select to pass parameters.
i have included a parameter Select(control id) as this is declared by the wizard for stored procedure.
but i am not sure how it is defined on the page and passed to procedure.
I want to use from two db connection in one linq query
My sample is:
int a=1; if(a==1) DataClasses1DataContext1 db = new DataClasses1DataContext1(); else DataClasses1DataContext2 db = new DataClasses1DataContext2(); var q = from c in db.F_Groups select c;
In this code a=1 so db connection is DataClasses1DataContext1
I want if a=2 then db connection = DataClasses1DataContext2
but this code is error.
db connections is completely same but in two deferent class a db connection is sql and another is oracle
Im doing thing profile, zip code thing on my site. One table has a list of zipcodes and in the other is a profile and there they keep what zip code they entered. I already have the radius code but idk how to get a list of all the profiles in a radius.I'm going to store the zip codes that come back from the zip code table in a arraylist and put it in a session state so i don't have to keep getting the same thing over and over again. The problem is i don't know how to write the linq to sql query to take the arraylist of zip codes and look up all the users that have that as there set zip code in there profile.
So I'm trying to add a single item to a query I wrote. The query is then pass to the e.Result of a LinqDataSource_Selecting event. This datasource is being used by a dropdown list and label in a listview.
I am trying to add a "New" field to the end of the list.
Currently I have this working, but it seems like a really messy solution. First I make a class with the fields I need:
I need to know how to extract the result of the attempted LINQ query below and set it equal to the strFile variable.Everything Intellisensed OK here but ine 5 shows a syntax error at the parenthesis.
I'm having a problem with a Linq query where is executing the second half of an OrElse even though the first half evaluates to true.
When Manufacturer is null, I get a NullReferenceException. The "Manufacturer.Trim()" should never be executed, because the first half of the OrElse evaluates to true. Just to test it out, I also tried this:
This actually works fine... Manufacturer.Trim() is never executed, and I get no error. Why is the Trim() statement being executed in the first case? If Manufacturer is null, then it shouldn't be.
I have a stored proc that takes a bit long to run. I tried to do this command.CommandTimeout = 200;still gets time out within 200 secs.How is this done?
Need to figure out the correct way to do a simple SUM function in Linq, but also manipulate one of the feilds coming back by doing a Substring on it, here is the original SQL query:
As the title sugests, I am missing a (basic?) concept as I teach myself asp.net, linq, and C#. It has been awhile since I've done anything object oriented, so I don't know how much that is impacting this gap in my understanding. Anyhow, here is what I am trying to do. I have three SQL Server tables: PERSON, POSITION, AREA. There is a 1 to many relationship between PERSON and POSITION, and a 1 to 1 relationship between POSITION and AREA. Given the following code I verify who the person is who has logged into the browser:
I want to be able to return all of the AREAs the person is able to access, based on the position they currently hold. I am able to easily do this in a SQL Server query, and I am sure I can do this with a SQL stored procedure once I pass the EMPLOYEE_ID to the procedure. However, I would rather do this in the page_load event, and load the returned results into gridview1 for the viewer. The issue I am running into is in building the LINQ query. When I try to build it, I can only get access to two of the three tables, depending on which table I select with db. Is it possible to access all three tables in the same query?