DataSource Controls :: Use Scope Identity To Get Newly Inserted Table
Feb 14, 2010
I have an SQL Server table named "Fields" with an autoincrement identity column "FieldID" as the primary key, an nchar column "Phrase" that textbox entries are to be stored in from a web page, and another column that is defaulted to null. The following is the recommended example on how to use Scope_Identity() to get a newly inserted table row identity value:
string query = "Insert Into Categories (CategoryName) Values (@CategoryName);" +
"Select Scope_Identity()";
int ID;
string connect = @"Server=.SQLExpress;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|Northwind.mdf;" +
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connect))
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn))
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CategoryName", Category.Text);
ID = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar();
Obviously, this example uses a Categories Table in a Northwind database, which I do not have. So I am confused by how to adapt this example for my application. The following is my data context:
DataClassesDataContext db = new DataClassesDataContext();
Could you explain how I can adapt the example for my "Fields" table in my "EFMDB" database?
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public partial class DataClassesDataContext : System.Data.Linq.DataContext
I am asking for the C# code that is needed in a button click event handler that will insert a row of data in a table named "Fields". It only consists of an auto-incrementing primary key column (FieldID), a string column (Phrase) and a null defaulted variable column.
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Dim IntLength As Integer
Dim ArrContent As Byte()
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Dim myReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
While (myReader.Read())
intID = myReader.GetInt32(0)
End While
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Aug 18, 2010
I thought this would be easy before I started, but I should've known better.
I just need to get the value of primarykey from the newly inserted record so I can pass it in the query string to the next page the user will be directed to.
Here's my code:
VB Code-Behind:
I had found what looked like a good soultion yesterday by the moderator "ecbruck" at this post:
[URL], but after spending many hours trying to figure out why I couldn't get it translated and working in my own project, I found that MS Access does not allow use of an Output Paramter. And unfortunately I don't have time to teach myself a new database platfrom and am stuck with MS Access for the moment...teaching myself has my head spining enough as it is.
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Apr 3, 2012
I've sp :
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.FileUpload (
@Filename nvarchar(250),
@FilePath nvarchar(250),
@IDPersonne BigInt,
@FileId int OUTPUT
[Code] ....
Everything works fine like this but i would like use the parameter output to do this when i want named the upload file like this :
 cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FileName", Request.QueryString["IDP"] + p + "_" + filename);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FilePath", "Files/" + Request.QueryString["IDP"]
+ p + "_" + filename);
How to do this ?
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Dec 6, 2010
This would seem to be quite a trivial task, however I am having trouble retrieving the identity of the record inserted using the detailsview.insert() in the code behind. It would seem that detailsview.DataKey.Value would contain this value, but it is null after the insert is performed.
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Mar 14, 2011
i cannot retrieve the new identity value from an inserted record(via DataAdapter.Update) in my DataRow.
I'm using a strong typed Dataset as DAL. The table i want to update is joinded with other tables in the SelectCommand, hence the designer cannot automatically generate the insert-/update-/delete-commands and also it cannot "Refresh the DataTable" automatically. [URL]
I've tried to set AutoIncrement=true/false on the primary-key's DataColumn but the result is the same: last MAX-ID+1 instead of the actual ID the database generated(SQL-Server 2005 EP; pk datatype:int, Is identity:yes, Identity Increment:1).
This will be the wrong value f.e if another instance of the application inserted a record that the first instance yet not knows and therefore generates an ID that already exists.
To retrieve the new identity from db i've appended following to my insert-command's CommandText:
Also i've tried to add an Output-Parameter to it's parameter-collection:
This is part of my code that updates the database and sets the new ID(that doesn't work):
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Mar 25, 2011
I am using below code to get new inserted ID in auto identity column from database.
It's working fine when I connect my application with MS Sql, but if I connect with Mysql, it always returns 0 (zero).
Is there any other way to get last inserted ID using Entity Framework?
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Aug 11, 2010
I am working on a web app for an online photo album. It is the last project in Scott Mitchell's book: "ASP.Net 2.0 in 24 hours".
I am creating a page where users can enter new photo images. The functionality for uploading an image will come later. I am working on just inserting a new row into the Pictures table with an optional category, a required title and a required description.
I am getting an error when I try to insert a new row.
Here is a screenshot of the page with a shot of the dropdown list.
The Categories are user-specific. I am getting the correct values retrieved.
There are two pretty simple database tables involved here.
NOTE: The CategoryID and PIctureID are both autoincrement integer columns.
The page uses a DetailsView that uses a SqlDataSource that uses the Pictures table. (The DetailsView's Default Mode property is set to "Insert". The "Enable Inserting" checkbox is also checked.)
The dropdown list uses a dropdown control that uses a SqlDataSource that uses the Categories table.
When the "Insert" button is clicked the CategoryID value associated with selected (Category) Name on the dropdown list will be used along with the Title and Description values to insert a row in to the Pictures table. (If no Category value is selected, then a null value will be used for the CategoryID. This is OK because the CategoryID column in the Pictures table allows nulls.)
My problem is that I am getting this error:
Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'Pictures' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.
(FYI: I have the full version of both Visual Studio and SQL Server.)
Here is my source code for the page:
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Apr 6, 2010
I want to use Context.Items to store some info of a User Control like:
Context.Items["Data"] = 5;
I want to know, Is Context.Items is for each request or it is global for the application?
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Feb 3, 2011
Here's a simple code snippet where I create a new Entity object and call SaveChanges() to create a new record in the mapped database table.
What I'm trying to figure out is whether there is a way to derive this new key for my entity, e, from the ObjectContext, m? The reason for this is that the way my actual code is structured, my entity object is already out of scope at the point where I call the SaveChanges() method.
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May 16, 2010
I have a FileSystem based 2.0 app that uses Sql Server 2005 Express database.
I have only one dataset for this app with only 4 tables. After i have completed it to a part, a co-worker have added some Classes to it, which are not in same namespace of myBLL classes.
Then i tried added a new table to the dataset. It like all other tables in that dataset uses SQL Statements to access and manage data.
The problem started after i added that new table. I cannot access it from code. I can access all previous TableAdapters but not this new one.
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