I would like to select a distinct query based on three fields and display the rest of the fields. For example,
I have firstname, lastname, address, city, state and zip, but I only want to use the distinct on these fields first and last name. However when i use the distinct function I get a distinct on all the selected rows. I just want to distinct firstname and lastname and display the other fields. for example,
Mary Smith New York Mary Smithy New York Mary Smith Maine
I would like the result to be:
Mary Smith New York Mary Smithy New York
I don't care about Mary Smith Maine, because i am only using the distinct for "Mary Smith" firstname and last name and showing the city.
This question is for wrapping up work on a database driven AJAX AutoComplete Control that I am using to provide keyword hints to user on search pages. Each record has 6 columns for keywords where each column is for an advertiser to add a keyword. These are used in meta keywords tags, but I also want to use them for AutoComplete. The problem is that I don't know how to write a SELECT statement in Visual Studio that treats all 6 keyword columns as if they were all one column. I am looking for something like
SELECT (keyword1 + keyword2 + keyword3) AS Keywords FROM (Merchandise) WHERE Keywords LIKE @term
The only other thing I can think of the gain this level of functionality would be to combine them into a new table.
How can i select all columns of table but to distinct by one column? i am tryin to figure it out without success, i know how to make distinct (select distinct column from table, but i need all the values from the table and to distinct by Delcompany.
There may be a lot of data in the Blogs table. What if all I wanted was say BlogID, BlogTitle and BlogAuthor and nothing else, is there a way to do this in an effort to make the sql more efficent?
Along the same lines in my DataContext (.dbml) file I added some associations between some of my tables. This makes coding nice when I do a linq statement that will join those tables automatically for me but my concern is does it do that everytime, thus making all my linq quieries inefficient?
and rename all columns with some prefix, rather than having to name columns individually? Or better yet, when doing a join and getting all columns from both tables, how do you identify them uniquely in the VB where some columns have the same name?
i have DateFrom and DateTo columns in tblLOgs.if they both are same then select only DateFrom else both selects.my procedure is ....do modification in them
is there a SQL statment i could write that would sum each column and allow me to then access each sum individually
Dim objCmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand("SELECT SUM(expression) FROM orderForm WHERE OrderDate=@OrderDate", objConn)
is there anything i can replace expression with such that all the columns in orderForm could be summed and returned as one record
or is there a way to replace expression with something that would allow me to just keep changing the paramater so i could continuously reexectute the same command w/o having to create a new command for each column
I have two tables - dt(Mods) and dt(Mods2) - I am trying to create a relationship between them. So dt(mods) has department, category and item columns dt(mods2) has parentDept, Parentcategory and parentItems Now I need add them to a dataset with a relationship key - Something like this but with three cloumns
Dim ParentCol As New DataColumn, ChildCol As New DataColumn
how I add multi-column constraint to a table in SQL2005 ?
I want to prevent a user from entering a row in the table where Column_A = 1, Column_B = 2 etc where there is already a row where Column_A = 1, Column_B = 2.
Is it possible in to set up an SQL table column to have multiple values? Or would I have to put my values into a new table and link it to the original one?
I want select only one checkbox among 5 checkboxes if user selects one checkbox another which are checked are need to uncheck. How can i do this in client side .....
I've requirement where user can enter multiple columns like first name, lastname, email, age, sex fields and insert them into database.on my frontend aspx page, i'll be showing a single row initially with 5 text boxes(first name, lastname, email, age, sex) and a button to add more columns. when user clicks on add more, another 5 textboxes will be shown and then i'll be taking 5 + 5 (textbox values) and comma seperate them and need to insert into a table with primary auto increment key ID and the remaining 5 columns(firstname, lastname, email, age, sex). I previously worked on the same requirmeent but with only single column. Now i need to insert for 5 columns, How can i do this? Below is my stored proc which i used for single column insertion.
the best way to achieve the following:A products table linked to an images table where 1 product can have many images.Simple scenario is to select a product and its images using
select * from products where id=5 select * from images where pid =5
So far so good, its easily mapped to an object once the query has executed with ado.net.
what if i want to select all products and their related images and map them to a Product object, the result is as follows
if I have three Dropdownlist A, B, C, how can I write a select statement to get data from sql server based on the dropdownlist selected.e.g. if user select dropdownlist A, select * from table where A = dropdownlist A but if user select dropdownlist A and C, then select statment is "select * from table where A = dropdownlist A and B = dropdownlist B or if selected A, B, C.......how can I settle so many choice.
I have a select statement that is supposed to be filling grid with information from an income table. It's only supposed to pull if the income is from the current fiscal year or is less than 1 year old. Currently, what it does is pull multiples of rows and also rows from past income years but only if there is a mixture. For instance, if a person has income from 2005 and 2010 what it will show is this
Income 2005 Income 2005 Income 2010 Income 2010 Income 2010
Does anyone know what I've done wrong? BTW, those results are exact, old income is shown twice, current is shown 3X
I am trying to write an app that has one gridview, but I change the select on my sql data source to show different information on the same grid. For example I start showing units, but when price is selected I reassign my select command from Select sales.[sales1] to Select (sales.[price] * sales.[sales1]) as sales1.
However, this is causing a problem that I cannot understand with the built-in edit functionality of gridview. Whenever I click on edit, all the data in my gridview reverts back to the original select and displays only units. Am I missing something? When I change my select command the only things I am changing are my gridview.datakeynames, sqlsource.selectcommand, and sqlsource.updatecommand. What do I need to add to make my gridview edit using the current selectcommand?