Databases :: Importing - Updating Sql Tables From Excel Sheet Into Multiple Tables Daily

Jan 4, 2011

I have an C# ASP application I am writing that needs to have the capability to import a generated excel or a comma delineated sheet each day. A clerk will have this job each morning so it doesn't need to be automated. My problem in trying to understand the solution to this is that the 1 sheet contains loan information, including customer information all in the same sheet. I would like to send certain columns to update information in the loan table and send other information to update the customer table. I need it to create relationships when new loans appear in the spreadsheet.

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Databases :: Importing Excel Sheet Into Sql Server Table Using OleDbDataReader?

Feb 12, 2010

I am trying to Importing Excel sheet into Sql server table using OleDbDataReader

the problem is it is not fetching the cell values with contains "," (comma) ex: cell value ="03280, 03281"

i am using OleDbConnection oconn =

OleDbConnection(@"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source="
+ Server.MapPath("Files\LineItems.xlsx") +
";Extended Properties='Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES;IMEX=1';");

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My prob Is I have Excel files in my folder i need to Store the Records into Database Table. iam using VS.2005,, ,Mysql 5.0

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Web Forms :: Exporting Multiple HTML Tables To Multiple Excel Sheets Excel

Mar 30, 2010

is there any way that i could export multiple tables already formatted into multiple excel sheets. I know how to export data to multiple sheets through dataset while looping through tables, rows and columns and then add styles.

But I really want to export formatted html tables each into seperate sheet

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Databases :: Multiple Datatable To Different Excel Sheet?

Aug 7, 2010

i got the different datatable value using different query.Now i want to export to excel at the single sheet like datatable1 to sheet1 and datatable2 to sheet2 .

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SQL Server :: Inserting And Updating 2 Tables In 2008 From 2 Worksheets In Excel?

Oct 4, 2010

I have an excel sheet with 2 tabs and has data in those 2 sheets(sheet1, sheet2) which correspond to different tables in the same database. This excel sheet gets updated daily, I am wiriting a console app( which will later be a batch build). I have to insert the data from the excel sheet to corresponding tables (table1, table2,table3) in database when i run it and and also if the table has the same data already present it should ignore and if there are any modifications done the data it should update the table. I know we can do this using or LINQ, I am a little new to database based programming .

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SQL Server :: Updating Multiple Tables Simultaneously

Sep 8, 2010

Was wondering if someone can help me out with this multi update problem

I have a webform that populates a single table but due to certain dropdown data conditions it could also potentially populate 3 other tables

The tables information populates a gridview with amounts from accounts etc..


Table 1

Site DataType account update

34 SS 12.50 N

Table 2

Site account

34 12.50

Say the above entry has the updated column changed to Y via the webform the amount 12.50 should disappear from the gridview. I was

a bit shortsighted and added the additional tables afterward. The information on the gridview pulls from the additional tables and since

the first table and the additional tables are not linked the data still stays the same in the gridview

I do have an Id column on both tables but unfortunately I added the rest of the tables after the first one so the Id's do not really match.

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C# - Best Practice For Inserting/updating Data In Multiple Tables At Once?

Feb 11, 2011

So I have two tables in my database, Contacts and Addresses:

Contacts : ContactID | AddressID | FirstName | LastName

Addresses: AddressID | Address1 | Address2 | City | State | Zipcode

I have a page where you can add a contact. It contains all the information for a contact and an address for a contact. Here's my code for when you submit the form:


Now my main concern is that the address is added successfully, but then an error occurs when I try to save the contact, leaving the address in the database with no contact.

What's the best practice here for rolling back any changes if an error occurs?

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Databases :: Best Way To Insert Data Into Multiple Tables?

Jan 22, 2010

I am using mysql as my database.From one of my web pages I want to insert data to 4 tables.All the data should be inserted to these different tables on a single button click from the web page.How can I achieve this?Which is most reliable way to insert data to multiple tables on a single click event?

Will the sql operation with 4 'insert' statements separated by semicolon work for me?

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Exporting Multiple Tables In A DataSet To An Excel File With Multiple Sheets?

Jul 8, 2010

I was in need of exporting multiple tables in a DataSet to an Excel file with multiple sheets. I found a very good article in [URL].[URL] was able to successfully export each of my datatables in the dataset to excel worksheets. This solution worked for small number of rows. But when the data got larger I am consistently getting the system.outofmemoryexception. THis is because the code is using up the memory when creating excel.

Does anyone have another option to do the above?

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SQL Server :: How To Excel Data Into Multiple Tables

Sep 17, 2010

I have excel file with columns EmpName,Date1,Date2,...Date7 .I want to insert EmpName into Employee table after inserting i will get EmpNo(Identity column) with that i need to insert Date1,Date2...Date7 into TimeSheet table.

My Excel structure is like this
EmpName 8/1/2010 8/2/2010 8/3/2010 8/4/2010 8/5/2010 8/6/2010 8/7/2010
Naresh 17:00-2:00 17:00-2:00 14:00-12:00 7:00-12:00 7:00-12:00 .. Off
Similarly 500 employees data

I want to insert name i.e into Emp table after inserting i will get EMpNo i.e identity column with that i should insert Date1(8/1/2010) i.e excel header to date7 into Timesheet table Date column and corresponding time into TimeIn and TimeOut.I will split the time.I just want write Stored procedure for this task.

My database tables are like this

Date in Timesheet should be like this
TimeId EmpNo Date TimeIn TimeOut T otalHours

1 100 8/1/2010 17:00 2:00 9hrs

2 100 8/2/2010 17:00 2:00 9 hrs


I just want this logic on how to insert Date1 to date 7 as 7 rows into Timesheet table and EMpName into EMployee table.while accesing each row i need to insert Date 1 to date7 as 7 rows into Timesheet table.

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Web Forms :: Importing Data To Excel Sheet

Nov 26, 2010

I have an issue while importing the data froma customized gridview to an excel sheet .It prompts me to save the excel sheet and excel sheet is getting saved on my machine but while opening the excel sheet I am getting an error as follows and it opens as blank.Could some one tell me what the issue is.I have given the complete code to import excel sheet and error while I open it as well. In-addition to this suprisingly another issue too I have encountered when I am trying to export.

While I am trying import by clicking on Import only the datas in the CurrentPage is getting exported and remaining datas are not..I mean ..If my GridView shows 50 records at a time only these records are getting imported and remaning records are not

public static void ExportToExcel(DataTable dtFull)
string fileName = string.Empty;
OpenFileDialog fileDlg = new OpenFileDialog();
fileDlg.DefaultExt = "xls";
fileDlg.Filter = "Excel files (*.xls)|*.xls";
fileDlg.CheckFileExists = false;
// fileDlg.
fileDlg.Title = "Choose XLS";
if (fileDlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel)
fileName = fileDlg.FileName;
FileStream fs = System.IO.File.OpenRead(fileName);

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Databases :: Insert / Update Data To Multiple Tables On A Single Button Click

Sep 23, 2010

I need to insert/update data to 3 or more tables on a single button click.What is best method for achieving this?I am using mysql as my DB.

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Data Controls :: Importing Excel Sheet - Microsoft Jet Database Engine Cannot Open The File

Mar 26, 2016

I am trying to import excel sheet, got an error like "

The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file ''.  It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data"

I have given all necessary permissions but no luck..

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Databases :: Importing Data From Excel (.csv) To Database Table?

Mar 13, 2010

i am developing an appilication using 3.5 with and SqlServer 2005 as backend databse.

in my application i have to import the data from excel file to database. the fields in excel file and fields in databse table are same. i just want to import all data to that database table.

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Databases :: Could Not Find Installable ISAM Error When Importing From Excel

Mar 1, 2011

I receive the error message "Could not find installable ISAM." When I try to open an Excel file in my C# code behind of an aspx page. The code is:


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Databases :: Getting Data From A Excel Sheet

Sep 28, 2010

I want to fetch data from a excel sheet. Can anyone tell me how we can acheive this I also want to edit that data and then again place it on excel sheet.

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Databases :: Access Data From Excel Sheet Using C#

Jan 6, 2010

i want to find data from excel sheet using c# my excel sheet like this

Sr. No.
Store Code
Store Name
Iscon Mega Mall 2
New Gandhi Nagar

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Databases :: How To Disable Column In Excel Sheet

Aug 30, 2010

I am doing Import/Export. While export i want to disable some column in excel sheet, so during upload or import same primary key I can use, instead of user modify such column.

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Databases :: How To Read Data From Excel Sheet

Jul 7, 2010

I want to create a application which can be able to read data from excel sheet and process and print it.

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Databases :: Delete Record From Excel Sheet?

Aug 20, 2010

I have write the code for deleting the data in excel sheet. but we have got the error" Deleting data in a linked table is not supported by this ISAM."

below I paste some code snippest.

string strDelete = "Delete from [" + strSheetName + "$]";
cmdExcel.Connection = con;
cmdExcel.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
cmdExcel.CommandText = strDelete;

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Databases :: Delete Data In Excel Sheet?

Aug 19, 2010

I have write the code for deleting the data in excel sheet. but we have got the error" Deleting data in a linked table is not supported by this ISAM." below I paste some code snippest.

string strDelete = "Delete from [" + strSheetName + "$]";
cmdExcel.Connection = con;
cmdExcel.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
cmdExcel.CommandText = strDelete;

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.net - Web Form Is Not Updating Tables?

Apr 11, 2010

I have a web application and on page is an update page to update some profile information. Below is the code I am using to update the table. But I think it is wrong. Does anything stick out? The connection string works cause it is used to read the database to get the profile information, I just removed it due to it containing password/login info for the db.player is the class of properties that contains player information and ds is the dataset, but I would like to update the database itself online...

Dim connectionString As String = ""
Dim GigsterDBConnection As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString)

I think the issue is something the 3 last lines of the code. am I doing it right or is their a better way?

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C# - Add The Same Value In To The Different Tables That Are In Different Databases?

Aug 14, 2010

I am having 2 databases namely ach and cart and i am having tables namelt Register and Invoice i would like to add a field in to those 2 tables . Like if i enter a value like some ccyyxxyxyxa this should be saved in the 2 tables...

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Databases :: How To Read Excel Sheet From 3rd Row Using Oledb Provider

Oct 26, 2010

I have a excel sheet and I want to make the 2nd row my header column and read the data from the 3rd row, considering 2nd row is the Column name.

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