Difference Between Mvc And Silverlight?

Feb 6, 2011

which is future of web technology of microsoft silverlight or mvc asp.net i am really confused iam good in asp.net but completely unaware with silvelight and mvc

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Value In Learning Silverlight?

Jan 30, 2010

I am learning .net, c#, MSSQL, CSS, photoshop, and I didnt know if silverlight would be a good addition.

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MVC :: Silverlight Ria Library?

Oct 19, 2010

I was just curious has anyone set up two projects a asp.net mvc membership project and a silverlight wcf ria project in a silverlight library?? I really do not see alot of examples over the internet and I would appreciate any advice I also saw you set basic authentication to none. I know silverlight uses classic mode in iis

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How To Add Silverlight Project

May 19, 2010

I have a silverlight application project that I need to add to an ASP.NET Project. I know it can be done because you can choose to have both when you first create a silverlight project, i'm just not sure how you would do it after the fact.

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How To Use Silverlight And RIA Service

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I'm pretty new to Silverlight/RIA/Asp.Net thing, and I'm trying to figure if an Asp.Net website is required (for hosting the app) if I wish to use RIA services with Silverlight?

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SilverLight Replace ASP?

Aug 30, 2010

i am new to web development and i am learning Asp.net. i was the other day thinking and i came up with this question. i searched the web but all the answers i found were old so my question is , can silverlight4 replace Asp.net? I know this question sounds crazy . but let's think for moment we use ASP.net to talk to a server.to Create files there ,to talk to a database etc. SilverLight can do the same thing ,right? OK,you might say that if I built a web site using SilverLight then not all users out there can access it. but apparently SilverLight supports IE,FireFox Safari and googleChrome so i guess this isn't an issue anymore. so what do you think ,can silverlight replace asp.net?

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C# - How To Add Iframe In SilverLight

Mar 17, 2011

How do I add IFrame in a Silverlight 4.0 User control ?

And I want a button on the control that refreshes the IFrame.

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Silverlight 4.0 With Sl4 Content?

Aug 19, 2010

We have an app template we've created in asp.net 2.0 that we use for our web apps. It has a header that hosts a couple controls (like a drop down for customer selection) and a language dropdown. It has a footer that's pretty static. In the middle is the content portion of the masterpage. Talk has come up as to whether we can make the content piece in SL4? I'm not sure how the two pieces (apps) would communicate - like for the customer selection changed. Has anyone done anything like this?

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Add Subtitles In Silverlight?

Feb 4, 2011

i want to add subtitles to a video. eg:- a video will be playing and user will select a point on video, he will add a subtitle and save it. Now when the user again plays the video the subtitles at those points are displayed

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How To Use Silverlight Application On Iphone

Jun 2, 2010

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We want more information about how we can use this silverlight application on IPHONE.

Basic requirement is silverlight application should work on IPHONE.

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4 Menu Hides Behind A Div Containing Silverlight App?

Sep 13, 2010

I have an aspx page which has a ASP.NET 4 menu control (rendered as ul/li's instead of tables) and a div right below it which contains a Silverlight .xap. When the user selects a menu item in the menu control, the Silverlight app gets updated. In IE 7 & 8, when I hover over the menu, the menu items are "hidden" behind the Silverlight and I can partially see only the first child item. However, the menu appears just fine in Firefox. I thought something in my CSS caused it and I removed all CSS references but it still stays hidden behind the Silverlight app. How do I bring the menu control to the front?Here's my menu -

<asp:Menu ID="mnuReports" runat="server" Orientation="Horizontal" OnMenuItemClick="mnuReports_MenuItemClick"
BackColor="#DDDDDD" ForeColor="#000000" StaticSubMenuIndent="10px" MaximumDynamicDisplayLevels="1"
StaticEnableDefaultPopOutImage="False"> [code]...

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WCF / ASMX :: Why Can't Run Silverlight In Iis - VS2010

Aug 25, 2010

Both VS200 and IIS are in my local machine. Suppose they have the same permission. I create a silverlight4 w/ wcf ria service project. The project runs well in VS2010 built-in ASP.Net development server. It doesn't work well after i publish it to IIS. I only can see its static content but not the .svc. i try to browse the .svc, it always show HTTP 500 error. I doubt if i do not open the asp.net runtime setting sth in IIS?

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C# - How To Play Video In Silverlight

Aug 6, 2010

How do yo play a video with silverlight?

does Visual Studio come with a video player component build in? or do I need to make a video player?

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Starting To Learn Silverlight?

Feb 14, 2010

At the moment I am starting to learn Silverlight. I have expriences in ASP.NET and like the concepts of "Masterpages. Does Silverlight provides a similar concept ? I have read a little bit about the Silverlight Navigation Framework. Is this a good replacement for "Masterpages" ?

Makes it sense to combine ASP.NET and HTML (with Javascript) with Silverlight or is it more recommandable to design and write pure Silverlight applications ? Mybe in the ner future I will start to develop an intranet (business) application which will have many and complex user interaction (it should behave like a windows client applicion). I think Silverlight is the better choice than ASP.NET !? Makes it sense also to start to use/learn the WCF RIA Services immediatly ? Are there good (VS) templates to start with Silverlight or which are a good basis / starting point for a new Silverlight application ? Unfortunately I am missing "Starter kits" on [URL] like the starter kits on www.asp.net !

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Calling WCF Service From Silverlight?

Jan 7, 2010

I am new to Silverlight. In Silverlight, we can get data from server using ASP.Net (using WebClient and HTTPWebRequest classes in Silverlight) and using WCF Service.

Assuming that I do not need the cross domain capability, what is a good option in terms of Security and ease of development?

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WCF Fault Exceptions With Silverlight?

Apr 1, 2011

I have a set of WCF services which I have been using with an ASP.NET MVC application so far. These service operations return a FaultException when the server has identified problem with what the client has submitted. For example:


However with Silverlight this all fails. The server returns a 500 status code with the faultexception (as expected) but to Silverlight this just looks like a duff response.

The following MS article indicates a (ugly) work around for this: [URL] This workaround makes the service transmit 200 status codes, even if there is a FaultException, so that the Silverlight client can get them. But this will mess up 'normal' clients of my service (my ASP.NET application, other users in the wild).

However, the point of services is to have seperation from your clients. I still want my services to return 500 status codes so that my ASP.NET application can detect the FaultExceptions and handle them. But I also want Silverlight to be able to handle them too.

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Silverlight Application For Mobile Or PDA

Mar 19, 2010

I have to create application which should work in web, mobile and PDA. I am using Silverlight application. Any one has idea that which type of problem can I face in Mobile and PDA? It is working fine in web. I am also using some third party control like Telerik control.

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How To Debug A Silverlight Application

Mar 10, 2011

I am currently developing a silverlight application, however yesterday I started getting the following error message every time I run the project:

If I click "yes" to debug - nothing happens. Also, I have no Line 1805 in any of my source files!

This error message started appearing yesterday, and appears as soon as I run the project, shortly before the first page loads. If i click yes or no, the project then loads and runs perfectly, I cannot see any unwanted behaviour.

I have been using source control, so I rolled back the project to a point before the error started appearing, however I am still getting the error!

Could it be a setting in VS Web Developer Express 2010 that I have accidentally changed?

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Combine Silverlight) With SAP Webdynpro?

Mar 1, 2010

Does anybody knows possibilities or approaches to combine ASP.NET with SAP Webdynpro (or to embed/integrate Webdynpro in a ASP.NET (or Silverlight) application) ?

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MVC :: Host Mix Silverlight & .net Web Application?

Mar 4, 2010

I am new to asp.net mvc and don't feel too comfortable to diving 100% into silverlight web application. I done some research and found that asp.net mvc can host silverlight application. That is great new since I want to leverage new technologies.

However, silverlight currently does not support printing and SSRS reporting. My question, can asp.net mvc hosts multiple applications like both silverlight and regular asp.net applications. I can design the asp.net application to handle the reporting and printing.

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C# - Properly Set Up Silverlight App For Debugging

Jun 24, 2010

First of all, this is my first attempt at a silverlight app and it's a prototype. I have a pre-existing solution with multiple projects. One of those projects is a web portal that has a services directory and publish a .asmx. I added the silverlight app to my solution.When I run the silverlight prototype, it gives me the message: "The silverlight project you are about to debug uses web services. Calls to the web service will fail unless the silverlight project is hosted in and launched from the same web project that contains the web service." That's fine. How do I do that? When I run the silverlight app directly, it runs in the browser as


I tried taking that HTML file and adding it to my portal and then navigating to the HTML file. That just gives me a blank page. After the page loads, the browser shows a "Waiting for localhost..." as if it's making the service calls, but my breakpoints on the service calls aren't being called. Can someone give me some pointers?

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Reduce Spacing In Silverlight

Feb 26, 2010

I have two lines of labels each in a Horizontal StackPanel. When they display there is a wide space (about an inch) between them. I can't figure out how to reduce this spacing. The height characteristics does not seem to do it.

<UserControl x:Class="SilverlightApplication1.MainPage"
xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/blend/2008" xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006"
mc:Ignorable="d" d:DesignWidth="640" d:DesignHeight="480" Margin="10">
<StackPanel x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="LightGray" Margin="10">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Height="50" Width="500" Margin="10">
<TextBlock Height="15" Width="100" Margin="20"/>
<TextBlock Text="Heading" Height="15" Width="100" Margin="10"/>
<TextBlock Text="PDOF" Height="15" Width="100" Margin="15"/>
<TextBlock Text="PDOF" Height="15" Width="100" Margin="15"/>
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Height="50" Width="500" Margin="10">
<TextBlock Height="15" Width="100" Margin="20"/>
<TextBlock Text="(degrees)" Height="15" Width="60" Margin="10"/>
<TextBlock Text="locked" Height="15" Width="40" Margin="10"/>
<TextBlock Text="(degrees)" Height="15" Width="100" Margin="15"/>
<TextBlock Text="(O'Clock)" Height="15" Width="100" Margin="15"/>

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How To Use Candlestick Chart In Silverlight

Jan 11, 2011

i want to use financial charts in silverlight to be integrated in asp.net.

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Silverlight And Corporate Designs?

Feb 17, 2010

In the near future I want / will design an intranet application, which should be mainly based on Silverlight (version 4). There is the prerequisite, that this application should use he corporate design of my company.
This corporate design is quite complex. Templates (HTML / Javascript) for that already exist, but there is no enforcement to use them. It is no problem to realize the design otherwise (for example with ASP.NET masterpages)

For me now the main question is, how should I start !? Should I write a complete Silverlight application or is it better to mix it up with ASP.NET. At the moment I have no idea how to realize the corporate design only with Silverlight.On the other side I think with ASP.NET masterpages it is feasible. When I mix it up ASP.NET, which project type in Visual Studio should I select ? Or makes it sense to use 2 projects (ASP.NET and Silverlight) inside the solution ?I know, that there is the Silverlight Navigation Framework, but I have no experiences with it and I am not sure, if it is a good alternative to ASP.NET masterpages.And my last question:

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Silverlight - XNA Game In Web Site

Oct 1, 2010

I was wondering, though I have got quite a few articles in this regard and all of them are for previous versions of XNA or not what I need, is it possible to embed an xna game in a asp.net website???
Means like there are several websites (game portals) having several games of may b flash or java. But is it possible to embed your xna game in a web site, and play it on web. May be using Silverlight so that User playing online do not have to updates its DirectX drivers or stuff.I am a beginner in Game Development.

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