Exception:Failed To Convert Parameter Value From A Guid To A String?
Jan 22, 2010
I have a problem while creating a web application using LinqTemplate here is the explanation step wise....
1.I have created a database with a table name UserTest with one column name UserId with uniqidentifier datatype2. I have created a classLiberary Project where i have used LinqTemplate of subsonic for code Generation of DAL and created a partial class for UserTest
public partial class TestUser:Classes
public int Insert(TestUser user)
Now when I Build the project it build successfully and when i run the project it shows
the UserTest.aspx page with a button but when i click on button it must insert the new guid value into the table butit throws an exception
[InvalidCastException: Object must implement IConvertible.]
System.Convert.ChangeType(Object value, Type conversionType, IFormatProvider provider) +2560525
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter.CoerceValue(Object value, MetaType destinationType) +414
[InvalidCastException: Failed to convert parameter value from a Guid to a String.]
TestPages.UserEdit.btnCreateNewAccount_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) in D:TestPagesUserEdit.aspx.cs:61
System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) +105
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Aug 22, 2010
I am trying to get the UserRole from the logged in user and send it to the database table my code is:
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Jun 3, 2010
I am trying to get the 'userid' of the logged in user using the code below:
"MembershipUser myObject = Membership.GetUser();
String userId = myObject.ProviderUserKey.ToString();"
and later using it as a parameter to the stored procedure.
The logic here is, the user should login first in order to retrieve his/her album. when the user is logged in, im retrieving the 'userid' and using it as parameter to load the corresponding album from the database.
when i login and open the albumpage, im end up with this exception:
"Failed to convert parameter value from a String to a Guid".
What could be the reason and how can i avoid this exception.
by the way im using the aspnet_Users table's userid field.
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Jan 12, 2010
I'm using a GridView control to edit data in a MySQL database.
I've created the C# code behind but I'm having trouble pulling back the parameter from a radiobutton control to populate an Int32 field in the database. I'm getting "Input string not in correct format"This is the particular bit (amongst a host of others of the same type) that is causing the problem:
cmd.Parameters.Add("?yes", OdbcType.Int).Value = (Convert.ToInt32(((RadioButton)GridView2.Rows[i].FindControl("edYes")).Text));
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Dec 17, 2010
I have written a code to insert emp details into database and i am also inserting local date(i,e system date) into to the table to know/have an idea at what date the employee inserted details. I have set date format add/MM/yyyy and its working well in my local system, but after uploading the site into server (the server is shared server) iam getting error and the error message is Failed to convert parameter value from a String to a DateTime.
Surprisingly, it is working well in server when i chaged the date format to MM/dd/yyyy, but now its not working in my local system and getting the same error.
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Mar 20, 2011
here is my code......where its throwing the error in storeimage.executenonquery() line that Failed to convert parameter type to st
if (newBmp != null)
Bitmap convBmp = AddTextToImage(newBmp, text);
Byte[] myimage=ImageToByteArray(convBmp);
//string type = myimage.GetType();
// String query = ;
View 4 Replies
Aug 30, 2010
I am not sure where my app is failing but most probably this is where it is failing.. I think lblExpID.Text is the culprit. Here's the relvant part of my code:
Dim lblExpID As Label
For Each item In LSGrid.Rows
lblExpID = item.FindControl("lblID")
If txtExpGenFund.Text <> "" Then
sqlArray(i) = ExpDetailsID & "," & (lblExpID.Text) & "," & MunID & "," & _
Val(txtExpGenFund.Text) & "," & Val(txtExpDetSpecialRevenue.Text) & "," & _
Val(txtExpDetCapitalProjects.Text) & "," & expTotal & "," & reportingYear & "," & "Test Comments" & "," & UserID
End If
Can u help me identify why i am getting this error looking at the sp below:
@ExpDetailsID int=0 output,
@ExpDet_ExpID int,
@ExpDet_Municipality_ID nvarchar(50),
@ExpDetGeneralFund money,
@ExpDetSpecialRevenue money,
@ExpDetCapitalProjects money,
@ExpDetTotal money,
@Exp_Reporting_Year varchar(10),
@ExpComments varchar(max),
@Contact_ID int
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
delete from [dbo].[TBL_EXPENDITURE_DETAILS] where ExpDet_ExpID=@ExpDet_ExpID and ExpDet_Municipality_ID=@ExpDet_Municipality_ID and Exp_Reporting_Year=@Exp_Reporting_Year
If @ExpDetailsID >= 0
return @ExpDetailsID
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Jun 28, 2010
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cmdAddUser.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Active", SqlDbType.Bit));
cmdAddUser.Parameters["@Active"].Value =
The datatype for @Active in the database is "bit".
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Mar 9, 2010
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Failed to convert parameter value string to decimal. We believe that the problem might be with the sequence which generates the user_id. The user_id should be the output after successful insert of record. The stored procedure works well from within the DB and Visual Studio. Our DB version: 11gR1 on Windows.The web form has a button event with this c#-code:
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Apr 12, 2010
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"Failed to convert parameter value from a SqlParameter to a String"
Here is my code
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Jan 10, 2011
I swear I'm overthinking this as I've tried different combinations to do an insert from Code Behind to my Sql DB.
This is what my table looks like:
My code behind:
I suspect that the problem may be my date. The format that goes from the UI is mm/dd/yyyy.
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Nov 25, 2010
im new to .net, reponse grt intput for me to get in to it.
View 2 Replies
Nov 18, 2010
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Mar 6, 2011
I know there are about a million posts on this topic, and I have attempeted to use many of them. However, I keep getting an error when I attempt a simple SQL update. Here is my code:
Here is my error:
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Oct 16, 2010
I'm trying to pass values in a SessionState from one page to another and then post them to a SQL database. When I click on the submit button on my submit page, I get this error:
Failed to convert parameter value from a String to a DateTime.
Here is my submit page:
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Oct 16, 2010
I'm trying to pass values in a SessionState from one page to another and then post them to a SQL database. When I click on the submit button on my submit page, I get this error:
Failed to convert parameter value from a String to a DateTime.
Here is my submit page:
I've verified that all of the input matches what I'm looking for on the SQL side.
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Aug 11, 2010
I want to log all errors happened in my App to sql db. I'm passing all exception properties like (ex.Message, ex.Source, ex.StackTrace, ex.TargetSite and ex.InnerException) to stored procedure.
The problem is that when I try to pass the ex.InnerException as string to stored procedure I got this error:
Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Exception' to 'string'
I tried ex.InnerException.ToString() and Convert.ToString (ex.InnerException) but no success.
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Oct 15, 2010
I seem to be having issues with posting forms with DropDownLists. I've looked all over the net and tried various solutions, but none seem to work for me.
I'm getting the following error: The parameter conversion from type 'System.String' to type 'Models.Organization' failed because no type converter can convert between these types.
Here's my ViewModel:
Here's my controller:
The objects are generated by ADO.NET Entity Framework. Organizations is its own object, but also a property of Profile (each user belongs to one organization). Now I understand what the error message is saying, just not sure how else I'm supposed to do this.
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Jul 19, 2010
I´m trying to use session to store a value (id). The problem is that I have to store it as a string. When trying to use the instance of the id I get the error:
Exception Details: System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.
Source Error:
Line 156:
Line 157: Nemanet_Navigation newFile = new Nemanet_Navigation();
Line 158: newFile.Nav_pID = (Guid)Session["id"];
Line 159:
Line 160:
This is where I get the id and that seems to work fine. Session["id"] gets the value.
View 3 Replies
Sep 18, 2010
Column UserId = uniqueidentifier
Compilation Error
An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service
this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your
source code appropriately. Compiler Error Message: CS0019:
Operator '==' cannot be applied to operands of type 'string' and
'System.Guid'Source Error:
Line 93:
Line 94: var creditcard = from c in db.tbl_Payments
Line 95: where UserID == c.UserId
Line 96: select c;
Line 97:
View 4 Replies
Jul 6, 2010
my error
Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that <machineKey> configuration specifies the same validationKey and validation algorithm. AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster.
An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
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Jul 12, 2010
I developed a asp.net application in vs2008. It is working fine Locally. When I deployed it to the IIS am getting the System.data.sql exception Login Failed for user 'DomainMechine Name'rror.hen I add <identity impersonate ="true" /> then It is working on the server (locally) but not workingWhen I try to acces the page thru link.I already added NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE permission to the database. understand why am I getting this issue and How can I resolve this Issue? Note: I have authorization enabled in my web.config. I am allowing only certain people to access this site. I have full rights.
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Jun 21, 2010
I am following this link:
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa701256(office.11).aspx to research on Excel project.
Everything works fine during development. When I publish to local computer IIS, I cannot open the excel file. The error is:
Could not load file or assembly 'DiagramOrder, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. Failed to grant permission to execute. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131418)
I think it is related to Security Configuration and found this link: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/zdc263t0(VS.80).aspx. I use step
To grant full trust to an assembly or folder on your local computer and also
To grant full trust to an assembly or folder on a network computer or mapped drive.
I also refer to
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/9w6bd8f1(VS.80).aspx to add Msosec.dll
to have Full Trust.
After all the settings, I do restart computer. All the steps taken just cannot resolve the problem.
I am not try using caspol utility because I think it should same as what I did using UI. Correct me if I'm wrong.
- Using ASP .NET Framework v2.0.50727 (.NET Framework 3.5 actually)
- IIS v5.1
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Feb 19, 2010
I am attempting to use SqlBulkCopy to import data from an XML document. I receive the following error when executing WriteToServer: Invalid cast from 'System.String' to 'System.Guid'
View 1 Replies
Feb 13, 2010
on VWD 2005 this code works fine, but on 2008 it says I haven't created an instance of the object. I want to convert the object connString (a connection string) into a string.
'This acceses the virtual directory web.config file for connection strings
'We have to convert the object to a connection string
Dim rootWebConfig As System.Configuration.Configuration
rootWebConfig = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("/VirtualDirec")
Dim connString
As System.Configuration.ConnectionStringSettings
connString = rootWebConfig.ConnectionStrings.ConnectionStrings("ConnectString1")
Dim strConnString
String = connString.ToString().......
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