Extending The Life Of A Session Variable?

Apr 2, 2010

A user who is browsing the site in french experiences no problems UNTIL they walk away from the site for 20 minutes. The site then defaults to english.

I am assuming - based on what I have seen with IIS and Application Pools - that the sites session variable is expiring OR the application pool is recycling. I have changed their limits to 600 minutes (which is 10 hours) and on a test server this appears to work perfectly fine.

On the live server, however, it does not work.

I have edited the <sessionState> variable on the web.config file to also timeout after 600 minutes, and this still doesn't help.

Is there something I am missing? Is there a way to programatically force the session state to not expire for 600 minutes? If there is, could someone provide a sample code snippet as I am a newbie to ASP.Net prgramming. I am using VB for my pages.

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State Management :: Session Variable Life Cycle?

Jul 14, 2010

I am writing a web application that takes in session variables from the user and when the user comes back to the page the form elements are automatically filled with the users entery. So I tried using the page_load event to check to see if the session object was equal to null. But then when I rerun the application the form elements are filled in with the previous entery. Does this mean that if a user logs into the system and has a session withing the lifetime of a previous session that the form elements will be filled in with the previous data?

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Session - Application State In Page Life Cycle?

Jan 28, 2011

where is session state, application state in page life cycle?

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How To Store A Value Into A Session Variable And Load From That Value Back From The Session Variable

Nov 22, 2010

Currently in an .aspx file, I am storing a value (filename that was created in that session) in an hidden text box. When the user clicks on the "Print" labeled Hyperlink control, it opens the file that was stored in the hidden text box control. But when the user goes to different screen (in the same session), I loose the filename value that is stored in the hidden text box control. So I would like to store the filename variable in a session variable. So that if the user leaves this .aspx file and comes back to this .aspx file I can load the value into the hidden text box from the session variable.

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How To Fetch Data From Server Without Extending Session Timeout

Jan 13, 2011

Are there any ways in ASP.net to fetch data from the server without extending the session timeout? This needs to be done every few minutes without user interaction until the page is closed.

Additional context, as requested:

The pages in my webapp needs to poll the server every few minutes to check for a particular condition (emergency maintenance scheduled for 30 minutes time, in this instance). When the condition is true, the page will display a message to the user. When the condition is false, nothing needs to happen.

As I understand it, postbacks to the server reset the time until the session expires. We do not want the session to be extended/refreshed/reset/whatever the word is every time the page polls the server. I need a way to poll the server automatically without resetting the session timeout.

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Call An Asmx Webservice Without Extending User Session?

Jan 25, 2011

In my ASP.net 3.5 application I'm calling an asmx webservice that is part of the application. Calling the webservice entends the user's session timeout, which is undesirable in this case.How can I call a webservice on my server without extending the session timeout? Is there a way in IIS to designate it as being outside of the session scope? (apologies if I'm using incorrect terminology) Can I designate a directory in the ASP.net web.config file as being outside the session?

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State Management :: ReNew Life Time Of The Session Of Page.User.Identity.UserId?

Feb 23, 2011

i have Using aspnetmembership

i want to know how i can ReNew The Life Time Of Page.User.Identity.UserId Session, , how i can increase the Time Of this session ??

i want this scenario in case when the user LogOn for 15 minutes , then the page refreshed ,then renew the TimeOut Of Session by adding addtional 15 minutes and so on

note that im using Page.User.Identity.UserId Session

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JQuery :: Grab A Global Variable Or Session Or View State Variable In The Javascript?

Dec 9, 2010

can we grab a global variable or Session or View State variable in the javascript or using jquery?

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State Management :: Public Variable Vs Session Variable To Store Logged In UserID

May 17, 2010

I have a web application which uses a session variable to store the logged in userid. If no user is logged in, of course this variable will be empty and the contents displayed on my website are meant for guests. If there is a user logged in, the user specific controls/access/links will then be a displayed.

I am now having issues with my hosting where on shared application pool, the worker recycle is triggered every 90 minutes, this will clear sessions causing all my users to be logged out. I opted for a dedicated application pool, which got worse because I am only allocated 50MB memory limit and if this is reached, the worker recycle is triggered and I lose my sessions again. I have tried as much as possible optimization techniques, e.g. dispose where possible, close connections, disable viewstate for static controls etc but my memory per instance keeps building up from page to page without any signs of improvement. I don't use loops nor store huge objects like bitmaps etc but my sessions are now gone even faster than 90 minutes in shared application pool before.

I have considered using SQL Session State but there isn't a simple guide on using this with MySQL. I am getting desperate and considering using a public variable, a string as a replacement to store logged in user id instead of in a session variable. I am pretty sure this will solve my issue with sessions being recycled but are there any negative consequences of doing this? One problem I can think of is if the user closes the browser, the system will never know that the user is now logged out and this public variable should be nothing. In this scenario, will the GC eventually clear this abandoned public variable.

View 10 Replies

C# - Temporary Or Session Variable - Want To Add A Decimal Number To This Variable

Dec 2, 2010

What would be the proper syntax in ASP.NEt 3.5 C# to assign a TextBox value to a temporary or session variable to be manipulated (added, subtracted, multiplied, divided) at different points in the application? I want to add a decimal number to this variable in almost every instance as well.

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Which Is The Best Usage Session Variable Or Global Variable

May 25, 2010

I have the dataset. in this i am having total 20 tables with huge amount of data..I want use this data over all the page..so where i can keep this data..

before i used viewstate but the viewstate data is render to page every postback ..so this time the page size is increasing(interanlly viewstate is rendered to page)..so performence wise it was very slow..

Now i change my logic insted of viewstate to i used Globel Dataset on Page Level.. now the performence wise better than viewstate..

i used Like shared dsControls as Dataset at top of the page..so every time i use this dataset..

my quesation is session is better or Globel variable is better way use in my situavation..

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State Management :: Global.asax To Load Up Several Session Variable When A Session Starts?

Sep 14, 2010

I added the following code to global.asax to load up several session variable when a session starts. I'm assuming that when a page goes to use the variable that I should be

1) checking at the page level that the value is valid not 0 when its not expected to be 0, not a zero-length string when its expected to have a length

2) have code at the page level that sets the values if the values have not been set as when the Session timeout, ideally putting the code in a class derived from Page and then deriving all of my pages from the new class so that the code does not have to be repeated in every page


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State Management :: Session Variables And Tabs / Is There A Way To Reset The Session Variable

Nov 11, 2010

I have some code in my page load event where I just want to fire once when the user opens the Browser. The only issue is if you open a new tab with the same website the session variable does not reset. Is there a way to reset the session variable when you open a new tab or do you have to take the whole web browser down for it to clear the session variable.

In Global Page:


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State Management :: Session Variable Persisting Even After Abandoning A Session - Closing Browser Windows

Aug 5, 2010

I have been spending a better part of a week trying to track down why I am not able to clear all session variables in a web app (vs 2010, vb.net). What I have tracked it down to is that when I remove or abandon sessions that my html pages or codebehind access, it works, but for some reason in any of my class files where I use "Public Shared strConnection as String = HttpContext.Current.Session("strConnection").ToString" to access a session variable, it finds the old one and not the current one. I have to wait for it to time out, go in again, and it will find the new one.

I do not use Linq, and there is only one place in the whole web app that I place the connection string in a variable whcih is when a person logs in. It points them to the correct database. The sqlconnection is set for all of my listviews in Page_Init to make sure that they aren't using any session variable that they create on their own. Interestingly enough that if I use debug to go in each time, exit debug, enter debug again trying to access a different database, it works correct each time. I assume that debug is correctly killing the session variable for the classes for me.

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AJAX :: Cascading Dropdownlists / Tried A Session Variable But It Comes Up With Session Is Null?

Jul 29, 2010

I have some cascading dropdownlists using the ajax toolkit I have a set up datatables in an xsd file. Then use these in a webservice to populate all the fields ... this all works great but now i need to pass an additional paramter to the first dropdownlist ( a date) but don't know how to do this? The method is below...


The other code is:


The first change would be to the tableadapter to add a param to the code i.e

AuditWebDS.TeamsDataTable teams = teamsAdapter.GetTeams(calldate);

but how do i get the calldate param to the webservice method... i tried a session variable but it comes up with session is null ? Is there another better way?

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State Management :: What Is Session And What Is Session Variable

Apr 21, 2010

I am new to asp.net Can you please guide me what is session and session variables ? Please I don't need a comparision of asp session and asp.net session because I don't know anything about asp. I have saw many articles on types of session as well. But still I cant understand exectly what is session and what are session variables in asp.net ?

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Custom Server Controls :: Page Life Cycle And Custom Composite Server Control Life Cycle?

Oct 17, 2010

We are creating a composite server control. It will have few other controls. I am confused where exactly to write the code ie in which event. Is page life cycle and control life cycle follow the same event order?

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Web Forms :: Session Variable In VS2010 - Error "Session Is Not Declared"

Jun 15, 2010

I'm working on converting the TailspinSpyworks shopping cart Joe Stagner wrote in C# to VB using an evaluation version of VS 2010. I have the following public function:

Public Function GetShoppingCartId() As [String]
If Session(CartId) Is Nothing Then
Session(CartId) = If(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.IsAuthenticated, User.Identity.Name, Guid.NewGuid().ToString())
End If
Return Session(CartId).ToString()
End Function

For Session in Session(CartId) I'm etting the following error: 'Session' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level. For User in User.Identity.Name I'm getting the same error: 'User' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level

View 7 Replies

Two Different Users Seeing The Same Session Variable?

Dec 6, 2010

It has been reported to me that a user logs into our web application and after supplying the correct credentials for themselves, are taken to the next page where they see a different customer's name at the top of the screen.

All the data at the top of our web pages is stored in session variables. The login page executes a Session.Clear statement in the Page_Load event. The user enters a username and password which is validated against our supplied database via an SQL statement. Once the user is proven to be valid, session variables are set to hold the Customer's name, as well as a few other details about them.

This is a fairly simple application, consisting of only of about 10 different pages. I am only tracking about 5 session variables per user. The session variables are initialized to either 0 or "" in the global.asax file in the Session_start routine. Upon clicking a "log out" link on any page, the login page is displayed again (executing the Session.Clear statement).

We have roughly 400 users logging into this site about once or twice a week each. The site is hosted on a server running Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard and IIS 7.

Of all 400 users, this strange session behavior has only been reported to me on a couple of occasions.

I have tried to duplicate this behavior and have not been able to. Has anyone ever heard of this? Where should I be checking for solutions? I have already checked my SQL statement and database for user authentication to make sure it is working correctly.

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Subtracting From A Session Variable?

Dec 3, 2010

I have a session variable with year stored in it and in my if condition I want to check if the current year is one less than the year in the session variable like this:


This isn't allowed though. It says operator '-' cannot be applied to operands of type object and int. How would I do this subtraction?

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Session Variable Not Being Updated?

Apr 15, 2010

I have a three step wizard. On the first step I use a repeater to create a series of buttons that an individual can select from. When the user selects one of the buttons the value of the button is saved to session state. They are taken to the next step and shown a similar list of buttons that are based on what they previously selected. Thus, if you choose "Hamburger" you might receive the options of "onion", "lettuce", "tomato" while if you choose "Hot Dog" you might receive "sauerkraut" and "ketchup".Lets say an individual chooses Hamburger. This is saved into session state like so:

Public Sub Button_ItemCommand(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal e As RepeaterCommandEventArgs)
' ******** Lets pass on the results of our query in LinqDataSource1_Selecting.
Session("food_select") = RTrim(e.CommandName)
Wizard1.ActiveStepIndex = 1
End Sub

Now, this works fine and dandy. But lets say I select hamburger and then realize I'm really hankering for a hot dog. I go back to the first wizard step and click on the hot dog button but when the wizard progresses to the next step I still see the options for hamburgers! The session variable has not been updated.

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Session Variable Getting Lost?

Sep 22, 2010

Given this Global.asax.cs:

using System;
using System.Web;

namespace Foo.Web {

User hits webapp and is shown Introduction.aspx

User continues using webapp for a few minutes (ASP.NET_SessionId: ublbhu45ji31e055ywqu0555)

User falls idle (doesn't perform any postbacks) for a few minutes

User performs postback

User is shown Introduction.aspx
Second inspection of user's ASP.NET_SessionId cookie still shows ublbhu45ji31e055ywqu0555

Why is the user shown Introduction.apsx the second time inside the same ASP.NET Session? I'm familiar w/ the risk in setting session variables just before a redirect in the same postback, but that doesn't apply here, right?

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Unable To Get Session Variable The Way I Want To?

Jan 14, 2011

Partial Class Preferences_MyPreferences
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

Dim userID As String = Session("UserID")

This is just a page in asp.net. I want to be able to grab the Session("UserID") but every time I try, I get this error:

Session state can only be used when enableSessionState is set to true, either in a configuration file or in the Page directive. Please also make sure that System.Web.SessionStateModule or a custom session state module is included in the \ section in the application configuration.If I put that Dim userID inside say the Page_Load Event, then it works fine. Why does it have to be inside an event? I want to dim it once, and use it throughout the page.

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Application Variable Instead Of Session?

Dec 28, 2010

i am redirecting from a 3rd party site to my application where i am getting the responses of credit card no,cvv no and exp date into my application.but the session data that had come from the previous page is being lost.i have tried using application instead of session and its working fine will there be any disadvantage of using application over session

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C# - Initializing A Value Through A Session Variable?

May 5, 2010

I need to Initialize a value in a Javascript by using a c# literal that makes reference to a Session Variable. I am using the following code

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" >
var myIndex = <%= !((Session["myIndex"]).Equals(null)||(Session["myIndex"]).Equals("")) ? Session["backgroundIndex"] : "1" %>;

However the code above is giving me a classic Object reference not set to an instance of an object. error. Why? Shouldn't (Session["myIndex"]).Equals(null) capture this particular error?

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