Forms Data Controls :: Binding Data In Column Of Data Grid To Other Column?

Jul 26, 2010

I have a boundcolumn that outputs string numbers. I have another column of checkboxes next to it. I need to have it so that when a user checks off a check box the value stored in the string column to the left is then plugged into a function on the server. How can I acheive this?Here is my code:



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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: How To Hide The Column In Grid View When Binding From Code Behing Page

Feb 26, 2010

I have a grid view which I am binding it through my .cs file code:

I need to hide a column, From the Below code I am able to hide the column but not the header and footer design.

So how can I hide my column when I dont have any columns in my gridview (I mean in .ASPX page)



.cs Code:

protected void Row_Grid(Object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
e.Row.Cells[9].Visible = false;

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Forms Data Controls :: Making A Data Grid Column A Hyperlink With The Text Of The Underlying Data

Nov 18, 2010

I would like to add a column in my datagridview that takes the value from the database and asigns it to the text of a linkbutton or make it a hyperlink. i know how to handle getting the value from the row but dont
know how to make a value a link, or set the text to a link button

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Forms Data Controls :: Substitute Data In A Grid View Column For An Image?

Jun 17, 2010

I have a GridView control in my aspx page with a column that represents logging levels. Instead of displaying the word, e.g"Info", "Debug", "Error", etc. I want to display an image from a file. It seems like I may be able to do this with a template but I have been unable to find any examples of exactly how I would do this.

If "Info" then display "images/info.gif
If "Error" then display "images/error.gif

Here is my code snippet


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Forms Data Controls :: Set A Column In Grid View And How To Add Data From Textbox

Nov 23, 2010

I just started to new

how set a column of gridview?

and how to add data from text box to gridview?

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Forms Data Controls :: Grouping The Data Rows Of The Grid View Under The Column Selected?

Sep 22, 2010

I have a grid view that needs to be shown group wise. The grouping of the data should be dynamic and that is based on the column that is selected.

In general it should list all the rows and based on the coloumn header selected, all the rows should group by that column and should be listed under it. That also needs the template column for the check box and while group by there should be a check all option available for each group.

Even having the collapse and expand option for each groups is required.

I currently use VS 2005 and later will use 2008 and 2010, but will use the aspx code and not xaml.

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Forms Data Controls :: Show Grid With All Orders And In Grid One Column With Last State Of Order?

Feb 2, 2011

I have an entity "Order", which contains a set of states. Every state has date and name.

I want show grid with all orders and in grid one column with last state of order. But I dont understand how to do it.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Column Change / Replace A Column Data Field Value to 'Not Applicable'?

Jan 6, 2011

I have a gridview which is binded to a Sqldatasource. I would like to replace a column data field value to 'Not Applicable' if that column has got a value of 2 in database.

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding Column And Row In Gridview

Jun 24, 2010

My message application uses a gridview to display user messages. One colunm determines the priority of the message (high, low or no priority assigned) if the message row is empty put nothing in the row else put a ! in the row (to show high priority). Question is don't I need to bind that colunm and row?

'<%#Bind("something")%>' Image="!" />

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Forms Data Controls :: Display GridView Column / Row Binding

Sep 14, 2010

I have a table with the following structure:

........ likewise.

I want to display these data in a gridview in the following manner

Sunday Monday Tuesday ............ (till Saturday) - should be gridview columns, I can retrieve this using dayno

Attribute 1
Attribute 2
Attribute 3
Attribute 4

like wise attributes should be taken in to rows.Is this possible in a gridview, if so how can I do that?

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Forms Data Controls :: Changing The Binding For A GridView Column?

Oct 13, 2010

I have a gridview bound to a SQL Select statement. I want the binding of one of the columns to depend on one of the values in the database record. For example, say I have a SQL table containing FirstName, LastName, ShowFirstName.

I want a the Name column in my Gridview to be bound to FirstName if ShowFirstName is 1, and bound to LastName if ShowFirst Name is 0.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview ItemTemplate - Name Binding Instead Of ID In A Column?

Apr 16, 2010

how to bind data in an ItemTemplate column in my Gridview.

I have created an ObjectDatasource on my page bound to my Gridview using a Dataset from my linked SQL tables (PKs, FKs,etc...).

I am showing all my USERS table data in my Gridview but there are some columns which are ID's being displayed such as MembershipID, UserTypeID. These ID's are my foreign keys to other SQL tables.

I have easily been able to go into my EditTemplate for these columns, attach a new ObjectDataSource as a Lookup table, add a new DropDownList in place of the TextBox and then set Two-way binding so that the MembershipName & UserTypeName's are displayed for editing.

However, I cannot seem to work out how to do this Binding to the other ObjectDataSources in the ItemTemplate Label. Again i can make it work witha DDL, but i don't want any selections when just displaying the data in the Grid. I simply want the name to be shown in a label, but cannot work out the binding lookup?

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Column Still 0 When Use Manual Binding?

Jun 23, 2010

I have a manual binding to a grid view. After that, I found out the Grid_View.Columns.Count still give me 0.

I tried to set this:


After I set this value, the gridview become empty. Wonder if the False causing the column count to be 0.


View 5 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Binding A GridView Column To Different Fields?

Dec 2, 2010

I have a web page with an object data source that is connect to an object access layer which retrirevs an Id, Name_En and Name_Local from some table, the object data source is connected to a GirdView, In the girdview i have a template control with a label inside it, i want to change the binding expression for the label depending on the current states of localization so for example if the page is arabic the label should bind to "Name_Local", if it's english then it should bind to "Name_En"

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Forms Data Controls :: Header Column Not Sync With The Column Data In EditItemTemplate?

Oct 21, 2010

i have a grid view and i use TemplateField.

when i am in ItemTemplate all the column (7 column) are label so it fit to the current screen

by when i use EditItemTemplate or InsertItemTemplate the coulmn don't fit the the current screen and

i have to use the ruler in order to see more information about the cell (which is ok - because in each cell i have a dropdownlist or long textbox)

but when i drag the ruler to the right size to see more information only the cells are moved but the header coulmn stay so i see the current coulmn with worng header coulmn

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Sort Grid On Two Column

May 12, 2010

In gridview I am able to sort on 1 column as mentioned below, I want to add one more column in sorting, what is the best way to do this,


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Forms Data Controls :: Add Images In Column In Grid?

Jan 27, 2011

how to Add images in column but the column have data and the images will added with data but each data in cell have image


i have phone and there is

Missed Call
Incoming Call
Outgoing Call

in same column

how to add image per data cell

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Forms Data Controls :: Automatically Add Column To Grid From Db?

Feb 6, 2011

How add programatily or dynamic column in grid view

i have an sql table of 3 colums


every time i insert a a row inmy database table

i want to add this column to gridview

in another way gridview will be expandable

this is the layout of the grid:

ID ProductName Week1

Second time i added week2 to database row grid layout like this:

ID ProductName Week1 Week2 (here i want to add week2 column because a new row is inserted to my sql table)

grid now have 5 columns (the fifth is week5)

ID ProductName Week1 Week2 week5

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Forms Data Controls :: Show The Another Grid In The Same Column?

Jan 23, 2011

I have a gridview and in this grid one link button "view" is in each row

when we click on view button we want to show the another grid in the same column

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Forms Data Controls :: Multiple Column Sorting In Binding List?

Aug 17, 2010

In my application binding list is used to to bind the Data to Grid view. Now the requirement is to sort on 3 columns when I bind the data to the Grid View . How can I do this?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Hide A Column In A Grid View

Aug 19, 2010

i have a grid view myGridView. I populate this gridview in the page load event as:

myClass newObj = new myClass();
myGridView.datasource = newObj.getItems();

Now I wanted to hide some of the columns of the grid view. How I can do that?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Add Dynamic Header Column To Grid

Feb 7, 2011

I need to add dynamic header column to grid Urgent from database table

how can i achieve this

my gridview should be expandable horizantally

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Forms Data Controls :: Add Another Column In Grid Which Display Check Box

Jun 22, 2010

I am displaying some data in a grid view. I want to add another column in the grid which displays a check box for each row in the grid.

1. How do I give a new name to each textbox? example could be corresponding Case No value could be the text box name.

2. I have a button to read what checkboxes have been checked and initialize a string accordingly. For each checkbox checked it should add the corresponding row's "case no" value to a string.


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Select Row In Telerik Grid And Get Value Of Column 1

Jun 29, 2010

I want to select the row of telerik radgrid and get the value of column 1For thi can't use select or deselect columns, Here i want to select row by clicking I also require code to get the value of column 1 of selected row

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Display The Sum Of The Grid Values (column)

Oct 27, 2010

how to display the sum of the grid values (column).

I have 2 datagrids and i want to show the total of the values in a particular grid column.

in a column, each row has vaules E.g. 4 , 6, 7 etc .

I want to show them in a label as the total of the above ie, 17

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