Forms Data Controls :: Change Format For Datalist Item?

Jan 17, 2010

I am using the following code with a datalist, but how can I change the date format of the PublicationAddDate Field, it is not displaying as expected, even though it is in the correct format in my DB.


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Forms Data Controls :: Datalist Item Template Format?

Feb 15, 2011

I have the following line to display a piece of data and I want to know how I can format the output.

Text='<%# Eval("DOH") %>'

The data list displays the correct data, but I want to format it. The output I want is just a small date format instead of date and time. I have tried every combination of a format function I can think of, but can't seem to make it work. Am I stuck with the raw format provided by the database? I wouldn't think so, but maybe that is the case.

expected output should be 02/15/2011 instead of 02/15/2011 09:45:

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Forms Data Controls :: Change Date Format Of Label In Datalist?

Jan 25, 2011

In the following Datalist, The date in the "DateLabel" is showing like "1/24/2011 12:00:00am" but I want it to show only the date. How can I do this?


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Forms Data Controls :: Store Format Or Format Output Of Text Field Into Datalist

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<asp:Label id="WebDescriptionLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("WebDescription") %>' ForeColor="Brown" />

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Specify Particular Item In A Datalist

Nov 4, 2010

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When I click on the LinkButton, I want to insert the current item in the DataList into the database via LINQ to SQL in C# code behind. In the codeb behind, how do I retrieve that particular item so I can insert it into the database?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Format A DataList Control

Feb 18, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Trying To Get A Datalist Item To String?

Dec 31, 2010

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Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


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Forms Data Controls :: Datalist Item Count?

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Forms Data Controls :: Controlling An Item In A DataList?

Mar 25, 2010

I'm trying to figure out how can I control my linkbutton which nests inside my DataItem in the ItemTemplate.What I wish to do is to check something in the server side and according to that, decide whether I wish to alter its visibility to "true" or to keep it hidden. I think that the method which is going to solve it is the ItemCreated, although, I don't happen to know how to control that specific item of mine.

Here is my DataList control:


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Forms Data Controls :: Deleting Item From Datalist Using C#?

Mar 29, 2010

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I have searched on the web for code for this, but all i can find is code to delete the primary key from from a table. My issues is that i have a double primary key.The way that it works is, i insert a load of data, but which uses number1 as the first primary key, and number 2 is like an item of number1 as such.Sorry about the explanation, if you dont understand i'd happily try and explain it better.

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Forms Data Controls :: Tooltip For Item In Datalist?

Jun 2, 2010

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if the button is enable=false also it is possible ?

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Forms Data Controls :: Datalist Space Between Item?

Jul 16, 2010

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<div style="height: 550px;">

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Forms Data Controls :: Update Item In Datalist Won't Work?

Sep 17, 2010

I have a datalist which is filled by a LinqToSQL query.

I have put a edititemtemplate in it, whith a update button,

Everything works fine, but when i ask the value of the textbox in update mode it still has the old value and not the new value typed from the textbox, anyone got a clue?


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Forms Data Controls :: Bind Each Item Of Datalist Separately?

May 4, 2010

i am making a site like linkedini have a datalist which show the search of peoples from database. my problem is that, i have mixed data to show in datalist.suppose datalist going to show only 2 label values, first is "who" second is "type". who can be of 4 types just like linkedin search, "A student","employ",Bussiness owner", "working independent"when student is pick in one label from database then college will be display in second labelwhen employ is pick in one label then company will be display in second column.It means i cannot bind the second label at designtime. and even at run time i have to bind each item of second label with approprite to first label. bec search can be mixed, means if 10 peoples are searched, then may be someone is employ, someone is student, and second label should show value appropriate their first label.

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Forms Data Controls :: Exporting Formview And / Or Datalist To Excel And Pdf Format?

Nov 10, 2010

I found a few examples online and followed them, but wasnt getting any results, just errors..Here is what i have in my button event that i want to use to create the files..


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Forms Data Controls :: Sort Date (in A Datalist) Which Is In String Format?

Feb 18, 2011

I have created a class file which gets me the state codes,license numbers and the expiration dates for the same.

I fetch the expiration dates in string format.

Each customer can have many licenses.

I have changed the format of the date (initially appearing as YYYY/MM/DD 00:00:00 when retrieved from database) to MM/DD/YYYY.

After retrieving all the licenses pertaining to a single customer, I bind them to a datalist.

Now the requirement is that for each customer, I need to sort the licenses according to the latest expiration date and then display the same.

How can this be achieved ?

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Forms Data Controls :: Empty Item Template Substitute In Datalist?

Jan 6, 2010

I want to show a message when there's no data in my datalist. I found the following, but, I get an error on the bool. If you have another way to do this, great, but, I'd also like to try to do it this way as a learning experience.

<asp:DataList id="DataList3" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1">
<asp:HyperLink ID="ID" runat="server" target="_parent" NavigateUrl='<%# "Employment_detail.aspx?"%>'
Text='<%# Bind("WJTTL") %>'/>
<asp:Label ID="lblEmpty"
Text="Nothing here." runat="server" Visible="true">
%>Visible='<%#bool.Parse((SqlDataSource1.Items.Count==0).ToString())%>'> </asp:Label>

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Display Rank For Each Repeater Item - Per DataList

Mar 3, 2011

I have a DataList control setup with a Repeater inside it. It's displaying Ranks just fine, but the problem is I don't know how to make it start over with each DataList.

Right now, if there are two rows in the PointsCat table, it creates two DataLists (new DataList for each ID) and populates the Repeater with the person's rank, name and points from the Points table. The CatID in the Points table is a number equal to an ID in the PointsCat table (to tell which DataList's Repeater to display the data in). This code currently just orders ALL the entries from my database table, so the first Repeater in the first DataList may end with a ranking of 4 (4th), the first item in the next DataList's Repeater starts with a rank of 5...instead of starting over with 1.

So my current page may show something like this (notice the rank didn't start over in the second category):

Points Category 1 Points Category 2
1 John Doe 400 4 Janet Doe 275
2 John Smith 390 5 Johnny Smith 270
3 Jane Smith 380

My SqlDataAdapter line is below. I need it to start over the ranking for each CatID. Is it possible to do that within this line?


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Forms Data Controls :: Show DataList Item Index When Using SqlDataSource?

Aug 10, 2010


show DataList Item Index when using SqlDataSource?

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Forms Data Controls :: Link Button Inside DataList Item Template

Mar 14, 2011

I have the below label. I need it to be a link that will cause the following:

Existing label INSIDE a DataList Item Template;
<asp:Label ID="Label10" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("CG_ID") %>' Font-Size="X-Small"></asp:Label>

I need to change this label to a link that will cause C# code behind to:

tbxCG_ID.Text = Eval("CG_ID")
and then call this:
protected void ListBox1_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

I keep creating a DataList1_SelectedIndex_Changed event created when I double click the label or a link button. What is the code needed? I can see the Eval("CG_ID") value with the label but I don't know how to get it into tbxCG_ID.Text and fire the ListBox1 event.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Add A Server-side Click Event To A DataList Item

Apr 28, 2010

I've constructed a simple horizontal DataList that will contain 'N' number of items. I'm now trying to wire it up so that when the user clicks on any item a server-side event is fired. To accomplish this I'm following this article: [URL]

Here's the critical code I have so far:


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Forms Data Controls :: Focus Within Datalist - Keep The Page Centered On The Item In Question Through The Databind?

May 25, 2010

I have a rather large datalist on which I have implemented an editing capability. When I click on my edit link, everything works as expected except that when I bind my data focus returns to to the top of the screen, so my user will have to scroll all the way back down to the item he wants to edit. Is there a way to keep the page centered on the item in question through the databind?

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Change Text Of Linkbutton Inside Datalist Item Template Field On Click Event ?

Feb 17, 2011

I have a linkbutton inside datalist1 item template field, i want when user click on linkbutton then its text would be "enable" and if the linkbutton text is "enable" and panel1 will be visible then again on linkbutton click event linkbutton text would be "disable"and panel1 will be hidden.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Change Imageurl In Datalist

Jan 18, 2010

I am trying to pass the scr of a thumbnail image to a larger image on the same page. The "gallery" will display the full size image of the thumbnail. The thumbnail is in a DL and is filled via a dataset. image source is blank on the main image tag. I keep getting a null ex ref from the JS when I try to debug the site.





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