Forms Data Controls :: Checkbox Displaying, To Create A Row Check Type Of Event?

Oct 24, 2010


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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Checkbox Check Change Event Not Firing On Certain Browsers

Feb 10, 2010


It works on Internet Explorer but I have few users who started to use apple's snow leopard and event is not at all firing on those browsers.

I believe some browsers have different JavaScript implementation

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Data Controls :: Handle CheckBox Check Uncheck Event In Multiple Nested Child GridView

Jan 24, 2016

I have followed this article: [URL] ....

I have added textbox and checkbox in nested(child) gridview....

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Forms Data Controls :: Check The Check Box In The ItemDataBound Event Or Will It Get Checked Automatically?

Jul 1, 2010

I have a check box in the grid.IF IsChecked has a value checkbox should be checked else not.Should i check the check box in the ItemDataBound event or will it get checked automatically.

<asp:DataGrid Runat="server" ID="gridProduct" AllowPaging="True">
<asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="Employee Name">[code]....

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Forms Data Controls :: CheckBox Checked Changed Event Is Firing For Every Control Event?

May 8, 2010

I am facing one strange problem,I have a gridview in which the last two columns have checkboxes and on those checkboxes click event I am doing some database operations.I also have one checkbox that is outside the gridview which actually shows or hides some of the gidview columns.This was all working well but now I have shifted that grid to a user control because I have to use it in two pages.The problem now is,When the page first loads and I click the check box or any control in the page that is outside the grid then it works perfectly.But once I click any of the check box within grid view column then its behavior chages, now even if I click the checkbox that is outside the grid then also the checkbox_CheckedChanged event of the checkbox that is whithin gridview is fired.That checkbox event then behaves something like a page_load event that is called for every page load and for every event with in the page after it is called once.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Check CheckBox Is Already Checked

Feb 8, 2011

I am using following code on SelectedIndexChanged of Dropdownlist in GridView for filling txtCallCompletion.Text. When i am selecting first time it is coming correct and i am changing value of txtCallCompletion then i am selecting second checkbox then previous checked checkbox's txtCallCompletion value will be same as it is.

how to solve this issue in gridview checkbox i already checked.


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Data Controls :: Check Uncheck All CheckBox In Child (Nested) GridView When Parent GridView CheckBox Is Checked Unchecked?

May 7, 2015

when i checked the checkbox in parent gridview, all checkbox in child gridview will be checked.

how can i select the checkbox of child gridview checkbox in the when i select the checkbox from the parent gridview?

code behind
protected void OnCheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


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Forms Data Controls :: ListView - Check Values Before Displaying?

Jan 19, 2011

to check the value in a ListView? I want to do something like this:

<asp:ListView ID="ListView1" runat="server" DataKeyNames="Id" DataSourceID="EntityDataSource1" EnableModelValidation="True"> <ItemTemplate> if <%# Eval("Id") == X %> "do something" else "do something else" </ItemTemplate></asp:ListView>

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Check If At Least One Checkbox Is Checked In A DataGrid

Nov 18, 2010

I was trying to find out if there are any check boxes checked in the datagrid, if non of them is checked it should show me an alert to select atleast one.

My problem starts when there is paging in datagrid...

not able to check the entire datagrid at a time in itemDataBound event for the checked check boxes.

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Forms Data Controls :: Top Gridview Row Checkbox Doesnt Check?

May 12, 2010

Im using the following code to get the gridview rows that are checked and then add the values to the database.Its all works correctly unless apart from when i check the row at the top of the gridview where when i check the checkbox it doesnt even change to checked so i cannot add that row into the database.


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Forms Data Controls :: Input Type / Checkbox In A Repeater?

Oct 26, 2010

I have a pricing module that I want to create to all a user to query for specific products and then check the ones that need to be adjusted by a determined percentage amount. I can generate the query and I get my checkboxes but how do I assign an ID or value to the checkbox item?


I had found a post that suggested using a variable for the ID, i.e. - id=chk<%variable%>, but it did not have much supporting information. I am very new to C #

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Forms Data Controls :: Programmatically Check If A Checkbox In A DetailsView Is Checked?

Feb 8, 2011

Here's part of my markup

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Approval" Visible="false">
<asp:CheckBox ID="Approved" runat="server"/>This must be checked to allow the insert.

Here's my code


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Forms Data Controls :: Databound Checkbox Default Check Not Working?

Oct 6, 2010

I have a datagrid which is bound to a stored procedure in the code behind. This works fine. But the datagrid contains a checkbox which I need to be default checked. First I didn't bind the checkbox and just used:

<ItemTemplate> <asp:CheckBox ID="chkSelection" Runat="server" Checked= "true" /> </ItemTemplate>

but they show as unchecked. then bound it using:


View 4 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Check A Checkbox In Gridview Depending On Database Value?

Jan 6, 2011

I have a field "Active" which can contain either 1 or 0. In the aspx form, I am displaying it in a checkbox in gridview. If the database value is 1, I should have the checkbox as checked, otherwise it should be unchecked. How can this be done.

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Forms Data Controls :: Making Checkbox Check If Values Are Not Null?

Feb 28, 2011

I have a Sql Data Source that queries my class database. What I'm trying to do to save myself some landscape is to check a checkbox if any of the pre-requisite fields are not empty. I have this laying inside a gridview. My code doesn't error out but it doesnt' do anything either.


My query is like this:


So in a nutshell, if there is any value in PR1 - PR7, I want to check my checkbox in the gridview.

View 9 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Access A Servercontrol (checkbox ) From Jscript And Check If It Was Selected?

Jan 25, 2011

I have a gridview that contains check box in first column for each row. I also have a check box outside the grid view called >>>>

<asp:CheckBox ID="chkSelectAll" runat="server" Text="Select All" AutoPostBack="true"
OnCheckedChanged="chkSelectAll_CheckedChanged" />

I either can select more than one checkboxes from gridview then click on a button to get the number of checkboxes selected OR I click on SelectAll checkbox ( which is outside the gridview ) which check all the checkboxes in the gridview and give me the number of checkedboxes. When I select inidividual checkboxes inside the gridview, th e count of number of checkboxes is correct ( displayed in a lable ) However;

When I click "SelectAll" check box, it give me total of all checkboxes chekced in the
gridview + 1 ( extra ) I am trying to get rid of this extra one by checking if this "Allcheckbox" is selected to so I subtract one from the total count .. like this

// java code ... code not shown does capture the total count into c variable
varAllChecked = document.getElementById('chkSelectAll');
if (varAllChecked.checked== true)
litCount.innerText = c - 1;
litCount.innerText = c;

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RowCommand Event - GridView.FindControls - Check Checkbox Of Linkbutton Clicked Row

Mar 19, 2010

I have a gridview in my web page. I have boundcolumn,checkboxcolumn and a linkbutton column. The commandName of the linkbutton column is "Select" The name of the template checkbox is "chkSwapSelect". I want to check the checkbox of the linkbutton clicked row. When i click the linkbutton of the gridview RowCommand Event fires

if e.commandName="Select" then
Dim index as integer=Integer.Parse(e.CommandArgument)
Dim row as GridVIewRow=dgvAllocation.rows(index)
dim chk as checkbox
chk=new checkbox
chk=ctype(row.FindControl("chkSwapSelect"),checkbox) // chk returns nothing
chk.checked=true // object reference not set to an instance of the object
end if

The errors are shown as comments in the above code. finding the controls inside a gridview via RowCommand Event

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Forms Data Controls :: Check Box In Gridview - Checkbox Are Checkd If Database Values Are Match

May 15, 2010

i got my checkbox control in each row.actually my problem is i bound checkbox in a gridviw and i need those checkbox are checkd if database values are match.i do it like below


but problem is only one checkbox is page_Load i bind gridviw in ROwDatabound event i check Duecode in another i need only matching checkbox should be checked.

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MVC :: How To Get The Dropdownlists (for UserId And Employee Type) Displaying In My Create View

Jan 20, 2011

I am working on an application that has two tables (amongst others) that are related by a Guid Foreign key. The parent table for this guid key is the aspnet_users table and the child table happens to be my employees table which has amongst other columns EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, EmployeeType, NationalID etc. ant the referenced UserId column from the parent table. I have managed to get the dropdownlists (for UserId and Employee Type) displaying in my create view but have failed to have it create an employee since the guid value from the Dropdown list for UserId cannot bind when posting the form data. I am using Entity Framework 4 , VS 2010 and .Net 4

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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying Event From A Sql To A Calendar Day?

Mar 13, 2011

I have created a calendar and a sql database in .net C#, both are bind together so I can add events into the database and it will display the event on a grid view when a highlighted day on the calendar is clicked, but what I want to do is display the event inside the calendar itself, am having some problems with this code, can someone help me retrieved the data from the database to automatically display it onto the calendar day and not onto the grid view control.

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Data Controls :: Check Uncheck All Checkbox In GridView

Dec 26, 2013

If I check the header checkbox all the items are getting inserted If i deselt some of the items its not taking it.

If I deselect some items it must not insert inot the checkbox

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="StateName">
<asp:CheckBox ID="checkAll" runat="server" onclick = "checkAll(this);" />
<asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox2" runat="server"/>

[Code] .....

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Data Controls :: How To Check Checkbox In GridView Row Based On Another Row Value

Apr 27, 2016

Here I have two gridview controls and both controls have some data. And gridview1 has checkbox1.

My question is I want compare both gridview1 and gridview2

And if the gridview2 row data is present in gridview1 

I want to make if  compared row is same.In that row's  checkbox1.checked=true.

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Forms Data Controls :: Checkbox Onchange Event Not Getting Triggered?

Dec 10, 2010

I have a checkbox in gridview. I have a onclick event in which i am checking if there are more than one record selected in the gridview, i need to select only one and de-select other checkboxes.

This is my aspx code:


This is my checkedchanged code:


I am not sure why the check change is not getting trigerred. And, is this code correct for selecting only one checkbox

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Forms Data Controls :: Adding Onclick Event To A Checkbox?

Jul 1, 2010

I have a checkbox inside a repeater like below..I'm having trouble figuring out how I need to tie the onclick event to a javascript function..I know I need to use somthing like

butSubmit.Attributes.Add("onClick", "return confirmSubmit();") but Since my checkbox is inside a repeater and I'm using master pages. I'm not sure how I need to use the findcontrol to so I can call the Add method?

I need to add an onclick to the ChkAll checkbox


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Data Controls :: How To Check CheckBox In GridView Based On Database Value

May 7, 2015

My query is to access the true/false value of checkbox in gridview.

I bind data into gridview where i used a checkbox in itemtemplate and bind the value with database field with checkbox Checked Property.

here in below code active is field where i stored the checkbox value True/False.

<ItemTemplate> <asp:CheckBox ID="cb_active" runat="server" Checked='<%# Eval("active")%>' /> </ItemTemplate>

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