Forms Data Controls :: Datalist Paging Using Pager Control
Apr 10, 2010
i am using asp:pager to do paging for datalist... i have successfully implemented it but the problem is that he is showing all the page nos at one time instead of that i want to show 10 pages at a time then user goes on the last page then next 10 pages should show...
Am trying to use sorting and paging using a DataList Control.....I found a Tutorial at website, but not able to understand that. I found other two links ,which exactly is of my need...but the only thing is that , it is in VB...[URL]
But Am working with C# I wanna Use Sorting & Paging For this
* Products table, it is consists of these columns :
ProductId int
ProductNO nvarchar
CatalogeId int
BrandId int
MainSpecification nvarchar
DetailsSpecification ntext
Image imageand I want to desgin form for products, and this form contain these ToolBox
* DropDownList for CatalogeId
* DropDownList for BrandId
* DataList Control for displaying the Result Search
* Button
When the user visit Product Page for Example (productpage.aspx), then he see the two DropDownList , then choose one of Cataloge Name (Laptop , Printer, ....) , and choose one of the Brand Name (Sony, Toshiba, ....) , then Click the Button, and get the Result Search in Paging DataList
Does anyone have a simple / working example of how to add paging to a Datalist control when the data for the Datalist control comes from an SQL database?
URL... I'm trying this approach and I like it, It is what i was finding. customize the function he wrote to populate the pager control:
private void PopulatePager(int recordCount, int currentPage) { double dblPageCount = (double)((decimal)recordCount / Convert.ToDecimal(PageSize)); int pageCount = (int)Math.Ceiling(dblPageCount); List<ListItem> pages = new List<ListItem>(); if (pageCount > 0)
I need the paginator is something like that:<FIRST><BACK>1,2,3....N<NEXT><LAST>where first return back to first page, back go to previous current page, next for next page and last jump to last page.How can I do that?
I used this linked to create my customized paging. [URL] .... when the total number of page is 1000 it displays all 1-1000 in the pagination. Now i want is <<1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 .... >> when click the dots << .. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ... >>
I am trying to use pager into my webpage and it is easy to use it with gridview and listview but i want to use it with repeater and datalist and how it will be.
if (!IsPostBack) { if (Request.QueryString["ID"] != null) { if (Request.QueryString["ListType"] == "Store") { this.GetCustomersPageWiseStore(1); DataList1.Visible=false;
[Code] ....
Now Problem:
Here when I click on menubar (that I used repeater for showing Item from database)
It bind datalist1 with pagination I mean it bind datalist1 and show pages.
but when I click on Imgstore Button (this button does DDLstore.Visible = true; DataList1.Visible = false; )
It bind ddlstore and show data but it doesn't show pagination for this datalist I mean it doesn't show rptpager2
I have made site with datalist and I want to use SQL data filtering and paging, my only problem is that i want to put filtering into paging procedure paging 1) Alter Procedure dbo.GetProductsPaged
But my problem is that i want to do a paging with some animated effect such as sliding a datalist content while paging or any other effect but there has to be some animation.
I have the following datalist setup on my page, now that its on a dev server with alot of records, anytime the datalist is displayed, its just one long page with all the records..any suggestions on how i can enable paging with this setup?