Forms Data Controls :: Dropdownlist In Gridview UpdateParameters Empty Data On Edit

Dec 2, 2010

I have a problem with my dropdownlist on edit he doesn't want to add any of his parameters to the update. I tried controlparameter and normall parameter both didn't work The folowing I have: Dropdownlist with Datasource: I Have a gridview with templatefields: I have the following code:


I have the following Business Layer where it connects to:


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Forms Data Controls :: Empty Cells On GridView With 10 Rows To Edit?

Mar 25, 2011

I am using a GridView on my ASP.NET form.

Would it be possible to have a GridView with 10 empty rows, having 5 columns.

Can I define the number of GridView Rows I could Edit.

i would then have an Update Button, which would update all the rows to the database.

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Forms Data Controls :: DropDownList In GridView Seems To Empty

Apr 27, 2010

I'm trying to generate a dropdownlist in a GridView. However, my dropdownlist seem to be empty and I'm not sure how to fix it. Here's my code for the dropdownlist in my GridView & it's SqlDataSource.

DropDownList in GridView:
SqlDataSource for DropDownList:

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Data Controls :: GridView Edit - TextBoxes Are Always Empty

Feb 21, 2014

.I have a GridView, a PopupExtender and a Button (button is located next to the GridView). The GridView has textboxes and dropdownlists. Initially, the GridView has one empty row (i.e. the textboxes are empty, and the dropdownlist show "blank" option.)When you click on the button "AddFlowButton", a Popupextender shows up, with several textboxes and dropdownlists, and two Buttons ("AddCashFlowButton" and "CancelButton"). Once you fill out the PopupExtender, and click the "AddCashFlowButton" button in the extender, the GridView is populated using the values in the PopupExtender.The problem now is that when I click on the edit button next to a GridView row, the GridView becomes empty, i.e. the textboxes become empty and the dropdownlists show empty values.Here is the code:


<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel3" runat="server">
<asp:Panel ID="FlowPanel" runat="server" CssClass="modalPopup">
<tr valign="top">


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Edit Using Dropdownlist?

Aug 2, 2010

i want to edit gridview a gridview column when the user selects particular value in the dropdownlist of gridview?

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Forms Data Controls :: Need A Dropdownlist After Hit Edit On Gridview

Jul 20, 2010

I have a grid view on my page and and i have a datasource for it,

i also included properties like edit/delete and all

Whenever i hit edit i want a dropdownlist instead of a text box ,can we do this?

View 4 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Gridview With Dropdownlist Edit / Getting An Error

Jan 6, 2010

I have create a grid view with a dropdownlist for one of the columns. This works fine, but when I click edit and then update I get an error saying it cant update due to null value. I'm sure it because the parameter in the update of SqlDataSource1 is not referring to the value select in the edit item template, but I cant figure out how to do this.

My code is below.

ConnectionStrings:BlazeBillzConnectionString %>"
[Prod_Sold_ID], [Order_Date], [Billing_Period] FROM [ProductsSoldTable] where Prod_Sold_ID < 130"
FROM [ProductsSoldTable] WHERE [Prod_Sold_ID] = @Prod_Sold_ID"
INTO [ProductsSoldTable] ([Order_Date], [Billing_Period]) VALUES (@Order_Date, @Billing_Period)"
[ProductsSoldTable] SET [Order_Date] = @Order_Date, [Billing_Period] = @Billing_Period WHERE [Prod_Sold_ID] = @Prod_Sold_ID">
ConnectionStrings:BlazeBillzConnectionString %>"
[Bill_Per_Id], [Discription] FROM [Billing_Periods]">
Bind("Billing_Period") %>'
ConnectionStrings:BlazeBillzConnectionString %>"
[Bill_Per_Id], [Discription] FROM [Billing_Periods]">

View 1 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: GridView Edit Fails On DropDownList

Jun 30, 2010

I have created a Gridview (using ObjectDataSource) for Edit/Updates. I am getting an error on my DropDownList which is configured with the list items Yes and No only for both text and values.

Most of my data in my SQL table has values of either Yes or No, however there are some records that are BLANK or even NULL sometime.These rows fail in my GridView when attempting to Edit.

I tried going into the DDL Edit List items and adding a Blank with and empty value however each time i try to save the page VWD removes it.

How do i account for reverse lookups of all possible values Yes/No/Blank or Empty/NULL in my DDL?

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Forms Data Controls :: DropDownList In GridView Edit Mode - Set Default Value

Aug 6, 2010

I have gridview that has month as a column. When the user clicks a row's edit button, that row goes into edit mode. I have created a drop-down list for month in edit mode with the values 1-12. Right now, the drop-down list shows 1. I would like it to show the current value for that row. How do I do this? Here's the code for my gridview:


Here's some applicable code from the code behind:


View 4 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Disable DropDownList In A Gridview Row When In Edit Mode

May 12, 2010

I have the following code in a GridView...


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview's Dropdownlist Control Become A Textbox In Edit Mode

Jun 17, 2010

This is my first post on this forum. I have a Gridview with the following Columns

1. Edit Column
2. User_ID (Read Only)
3. Email (Read Only)
4. Role ( A Dropdownlist with 2 list Items namely "Admin" & "QA Lead")

I have used wizard to populate a "Gridview" and the embedded "Dropdownlist" control in it. This is my reference: [URL] My Problem: The Data populates perfectly in Grid and Dropdownlist. But, when I Press "Edit" button the Dropdownlist goes into edit mode in the form of a "Texbox". (i dont want this) I still want it to be an editable dropdownlist.

View 6 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Gridview DropdownList Losing Index In Edit Mode

May 15, 2010

I have a dropdown list inside a gridview:


View 12 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Limiting Items In Dropdownlist For Gridview Edit Mode

Jan 18, 2011

I have a Gridview showing the MemberLastName, MemberFirstName, MemberBirthYear, MemberGender, MemberRelationship.

During Edit mode, I have managed to display a DropDownList for the Relationships.What I am trying to achieve now, is that, based on the Gender of the member I would like to limit the items in the Relationships dropdownlist.

e.g if the Gender is Male, then only display Male Relationships

What is the best way to achieve this scenario?Here is my snippet of code for the event. The code is commented out as it throws an exception.


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Data Controls :: Dynamically Bind Data In DropDownList In GridView Edit Update Delete

Feb 22, 2013

I created  3 category table. categry1,categry2,categry3. product table.

And then use of gried view add ,edit ,update ,delete  product . in product table.

In gridview retrive data from product table . i select categry from dropdownlist in gridview categry1, categry2, categry3 and save update dropdown list category value dynamically  in product table.  not define value static  in source code. 

When select category 1 change  on selected index change categary 2 or 3.

In my code I used text box to ediit update delete. but here i will use dropdownlist. 

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Data Controls :: Populating DropDownList In Edit ItemTemplate Of GridView?

Aug 29, 2013

I read your article on ASPSnippets and everything worked great.  I am having one problem and this is preventing me from moving forward.  When I select the edit for a row (I only have two columns), the drop down comes back blank (no records).  I have looked at the code multiple times and can't see where I made a mistake. is it possible to control the width of the drop down list?  I can't tell if the column automatically adjusts because I am not returning any records.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;


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Data Controls :: Implement Cascading DropDownList In Edit Row Of GridView

Jun 16, 2015

I have question how can make cascading dropdownlist in gridview edit mode

the first dropdown is for departments and second is for classes

the primary table to be updated is employees table

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Data Controls :: Populate DropDownList In Edit Item Template Of GridView

Feb 25, 2016

I am trying to bind dropdownlist in Gridview under EditItemTemplate under RowBound event. But it gives me blank rows in the drop down list.Here is my Design 

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Description">
<asp:Label ID="lblDescription" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Description") %>' Width="400px"></asp:Label></ItemTemplate>


I see the dropdown but the dropdown is blank, but there are rows in the database for this column and in the footer row it is working fine.

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Forms Data Controls :: Getting Text As Empty String When Gridview Cell Is Empty?

Feb 19, 2010

I have a gridview with two bound fields. On clicking a button i want to display the values in first row of gridview in two textboxes. But if gridview cell is empty i am getting the text in textbox to which the value of cell is given as -' 'i know my problem will be solved if i use the template fields instead. But i want a solution while maintaining the bound fields ,if any.

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Forms Data Controls :: UpdateParameters / FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName?

Oct 27, 2010

I have the following code in my UpdateParameters in a ListView

<asp:Parameter Name="MenuThumbImage" Type="String" />

And I'd like to update it to the value of FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName I have this in a variable in the aspx.vb page as myFileName How would I use that value in the UpdateParameters section?

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Data Controls :: Fire GridView Edit Event On DropDownList SelectedIndex Changed

Dec 16, 2013

I am using a dropdownlist in my application and it has corresponding SelectedIndexChanged() event.I would like to invoke GridViewEdit Event when SelectedIndexChanged event fires from dropdown list.Is it possible to implement this...??

<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlStatus" Visible="true" AutoPostBack="true" OnSelectedIndexChanged="ddlStatus_SelectedIndexChanged" runat="server">
protected void ddlStatus_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Code to fire the GridViewEdit Event to put a row in edit mode

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Data Controls :: Update Database Field Using DropDownList In Edit ItemTemplate Of GridView

Mar 10, 2013


but i wanted know,how to update the country of any customer by just choosing it from the dropdownlist and updating it in the databse.

i  wanted to add a common update below that updated the country of customers.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Edit Instead Of Just Clicking Into And Empty Field And Start Typing

Jul 15, 2010

When I try to edit a field of a GridView or DetailsView on the WebServer I have to highlight the area I want to edit instead of just clicking into and empty field and start typing What setting did I forget to set to allow easy editing without having to highlight the are first?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Display Empty GridView To Insert New Record If No Data Retreived From Data Table

Jan 11, 2010

How to display empty GridView to insert new record if no data retreived for some record on the result from data table?Actually i am trying to give a user an option to add recrod from Gridview. On result of some query it is perfectly displaying data and a footer row with the insertion textbox but when there is no data in the gridview it is not displaying. It should display with footer having insert textbox.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Is Showing The Edit Mode After The Edit Is Done

Mar 30, 2010

I have a grid view with edit and save buttons when I click on edit it is letting me edit it and if I click on save it is lettingme save the data that I have edited.

The thing is after save is done it is showing the data in edit mode i.e <edit item template > mode I am still seeing the textboxes if I refresh the page then I am seeing it normally.

How can I stop the gridview to show edit mode after the save is done?

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Forms Data Controls :: Edit An Entire Column Instead Of Edit By Row Within A Gridview?

Apr 5, 2010

Can someone tell me if there is a technique to make an entire Column within an gridview (for example digits) editable (instaed of a single row) and update this column after changing values by press an Update-button?

A commercial solution is also o.k. with me, but, of course, a method to do it ourselve would be nice.

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