Forms Data Controls :: Enable / Disable The Checkbox In Gridview?
Jul 9, 2010Based on some condition, I need to enable and disable the checkbox in gridview and that would be on page_load event.
View 1 RepliesBased on some condition, I need to enable and disable the checkbox in gridview and that would be on page_load event.
View 1 RepliesI want a solution for checkbox Check my gridview when i check on any row it hits check changed event and i have made a button visible if atleast one checkbox is checked.(But when i uncheck i want the button to get hidden if no row is selected).
View 1 RepliesHow to enable & disable data value from selected table ?
For Example, select ID from employeeTlb(for Dropdownlist function) then in asp:checkbox able to tick enable & disable that control the data in dropdownlist show/ hide ?
i have a gridview with templatefield in templatefield there is a checkbox and in there are textboxes.
i want when i check the checkbox then only that row can active and the textboxes are enabled true when deselect the checkbox then that row should enable false.
when i click on the checkbox in the gridview column1 the textbox column4 should be enabled author wise textbox should be disabled...........
View 1 RepliesI have one gridview with two template fields check box and dropdown and my doubt is dropdown validation should occur only for check box selected items..
In my form all the dropdown shows validation even though if check box is not selected
I had a checkbox in gridview to select rows for batch update, i want to disable and enable the checkbox base on some conditions.
For example, I had a column called "Status", if the status="Approved", the checkbox of this row will be disable, otherwise the checkbox is enabled to select.
<asp:CheckBox ID="cbSelectAll" runat="server" Text="" OnClick="selectAll(this)" />
<asp:CheckBox ID="cb_Select" runat="server" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="status" HeaderText="Status" ReadOnly="True" meta:resourcekey="GridView1_status">
<ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" Width="80px"/>
I'm trying to enable/disable buttons in my gridview according to a value in gridview's field.
But everytime when I try to run my page, it shows me below underlined error and point to my gvTimeSheet.DataBind() in page_load.
"Unable to cast object of type 'System.EventArgs' to type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs'."
I also tried to enable / disable button in HTML but it just against from what I need it to be.
Example, sheet_status = true, I do not need to enable the button.
I have a gridview that is built based on my objectdatasource.. so at the moment, i have 1 gridview linked to 3 different objectdatasource resultsets.. my question is.. only 1 of the 3 do i want to allow or should i say enable the "GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged" ability. Is that possible, that when i bind the datasource to the gridview for that one, i can enable that?
View 4 RepliesHow to enable or disable the ImageField and Boundfield of gridview in the code behind inside page load?
aspx codes:
I want to enable or disable text box in specific row depending on value of field in data source
View 5 RepliesBelow is the code behind for a simple aspx page. The web form contains one GridView (GridView1) and one label (Label1). I create a Data Table, then add a row to the table. I then DataBind my GridView to the DataTable. (so far so good) When I run the page I do see the GridView and the single row of data. However the checkbox shown is not enabled, meaning the user cannot uncheck or check it. (As if was not enabled)
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data
PartialClass test
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
ProtectedSub Page_Load(ByVal senderAsObject,ByVal eAs System.EventArgs)HandlesMe.Load
PrivateSub CreateDT()
Dim dtAsNew DataTable
Dim col1AsNew DataColumn
I am looking to enable/disable controls (TextBox, DropDownList, etc.) in a GridViews template column based on the users specific access level when the user clicks the edit button. I have tried the following two methods:
I have a gridview were one of the colunms has a checkbox for deleting that row. When the user open the page the delete button is set to enable = false. If the user checks one box the delete imagebutton is disable = false. That works, now I need to add Javascript to enable the Delete button if the user selects checkAll, how do I do that?
View 2 RepliesI want to make checkboxes which are already Checked to non editable or readonly to true.
View 1 Repliesi have repeater
and have code behind
when i click chk_packages checkbox myCheckedChanged fired and i want single checkbox to get enable
i have radio button list and one textbox in gridview if the value is yes text has to enable otherwise i need disable the text box in grid view how do this?
View 1 Repliesi have one dropdown list and one gridview in my page by default all the textboxes in gridview enabled if i change the dropdown value textboxes in the gridview has to disable how to implement this?
View 1 RepliesSuppose the Gridview on the page is for showing the detail records of the Header master record on the same page. How to disable the "Edit" within the Gridview? I would like to disable the "choose" in the Popup of the Gridview and also to disable any buttons of that.
View 1 RepliesI came across the below article, I would like to know how to properly respond to the drop or stop event so that I can show the Save button only once someone changed the order. In other words, I would like the Save button hidden initially, only to make it visible once a drag and drop has occurred.
I'm using a gridview rows, in that I'm adding the rows. I need to disable the textboxes based upon the selected value from the dropdownlist (Yes / No). This should be remain same for the previous rows when ever I'm adding new rows.
View 1 Repliessee the .aspx page VS 2008 enable and disable checkboxes on checkbox in repeater?
I have a checkbox placed inside a gridview:
<GridView><asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Driver"> <ItemTemplate> <asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBoxDriver" AutoPostBack="true" OnCheckedChanged="GridView_Persons_SelectedIndexChanged" ValidationGroup='<%# Eval("ID") + "-" +((GridViewRow)Container).RowIndex %>' CssClass="CXDriver" runat="server" Checked='false' /> </ItemTemplate> </GridView>
For example: A listViewItem 1 has 3 drivers are checked, A listViewItem 2 has 2 drivers are checked.
Therefore, if changing the selectedIndex of the list, the checkbox indexChanged event will be fired.
How could I disable the autopostback of the checkbox during the listview item changed.
i want to disable other checkbox if one is selected inside gridview . i want to make that on clientside using javascript or jquery.below is the code
<html xmlns="" ><head runat="server">
<title>Untitled Page</title>
<script src="selectedradio.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript"> $().ready(function(){
$('input[type=checkbox]').each(function () {
I am using Checkbox in Gridview item template once it checked it cant be unchecked..once i click the button the checked box should automatically unchecked.
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