Forms Data Controls :: Filter Gridview Based On Value From Dropdownlist?

Aug 9, 2010

I have a gridview that I'd like to have changed based on a value selected in a dropdownlist. I'm able to get the aspx page to display the dropdown list (comming from SQL), and when I select a value, the page reloads, but no data show in the griview.


Here is the aspx page:


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Step 1. User will choose either want to display by Depatment or Year?

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I have a database of cars manufacturers and their car models. I want to have buttons above the GridView, each button listing a manufacture. When the button is clicked, the Gridview will filter the data to only show the models by the manufacturer clicked. I don't want to use a listbox or combo box, it has to be 3 rows of individual buttons or links.

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Forms Data Controls :: Filter Gridview From A Dropdownlist With Date?

Sep 13, 2010

having trouble fing any info on what i need to be doing

i have tried '{1}' , '#{1}#' , '{1:MM/dd/yyyy}' and a whole bunch of combinations thereof

Teh problem is when i get it to actual not have a complie error then the functionality is not correct as i am unable to "select" all from my dropdown list .

The only way i have gotten anything close to working is by removinf the % from both the filter and the default value.

here is relevant code


enote i removed the append databound items=true


I found this exact problem here


but no replies

entire code


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I'm using Web Forms and VB.

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Jan 24, 2016

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1. I have gridview which is bind with sql data source column name industry
2. I have checkbox list which has all industry name,
3. I want to pass checkboxlist selected value to sql data souce to filter data in gridview.

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Dec 30, 2013

i am having table in which date, company name and amount is stored

i have one dropdown in which i kept year 

now i want to show data in gridview according to year selected from dropdownlist but how i can seperate date from year in date field

protected void ddlYear_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


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Data Controls :: Filter GridView Data Based On CheckBoxList Checked Items

Aug 31, 2012

I want bind  and filter gridview data with  values selected in checbox list ..

i am bind checkboxlist on pageload ....but able to filter the result the of gridview with value of checkbox list ..

when i check box  nothing happen

This my code

<asp:CheckBoxList ID="CheckBoxList1" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True" DataValueField="cartid" DataTextField="sub"
onselectedindexchanged="CheckBoxList1_SelectedIndexChanged" >

[Code] ....

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<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="admno"
<asp:BoundField DataField="admno" HeaderText="admno" ReadOnly="True" SortExpression="admno" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="bcode" HeaderText="bcode" SortExpression="bcode" />

[Code] ......

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Display The Data Based On Dropdownlist Value In Gridview

Dec 30, 2010

I have a gridview.In Header of gridview i added dropdownlist.


Here the problem is, i am getting selected value in temp variable(if i change to 20,50,100) in dropdown selection event but it is not binding the pagesize for the gridview and also dropdownlist showing the value "10" only after the pageload.

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May 22, 2013

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamic Gridview With Dropdownlist / Dynamically Set The List Values Based On Parameters (of The Row They Are On)

May 28, 2010

I'm new to web dev and c# so please bare with me. I am trying to create a dynamic gridview in a web form for users to to answer questions with (code below).

The dificulty im having is that i am nesting a dropdwonlist in the gridview and want to be able to dynamically set the list values based on parameters (of the row they are on). These values are in the main dataset for the gridview as each row represents a questionid and question text and then a ddl for the criteria...

I just don't know how to set the values for the dropdown all the code so far is below... just need to be able to populate the dropdowns with the relevant values.

I have created a stored proc to return the different criteria based on the questionid and questionGroupid which is the dataset that populates the other fields in the gridview: dbo.usp_QuestionCriteria @QuestionGroupId, @QuestionId

I have added this as a tableadapter called criteriaTableAdapter in a xsd file as well using the wizard... not sure if this is the right option though or just use the same method as i have for the other stored procedure as in the code below:


]using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Sql"].ConnectionString);
SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("usp_QuestionGroupDS", con);
com.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlDataAdapter ada = new SqlDataAdapter(com);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables.Count; i++)
if (ds.Tables[i].Rows.Count > 0)
GridView gvDynamicQuestion = new GridView();
gvDynamicQuestion.Width = Unit.Pixel(700);
gvDynamicQuestion.BorderWidth = Unit.Pixel(0);
gvDynamicQuestion.Caption = "<div id="nifty" class="QuestionGroup"> <b class="rtop"><b class="r1"></b><b class="r2"></b><b class="r3"></b><b class="r4"></b></b>" + ds.Tables[i].Rows[0]["Category"].ToString() + " Questions<b class="rbottom"><b
class="r4"></b><b class="r3"></b><b class="r2"></b><b class="r1"></b></b></div>";
gvDynamicQuestion.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
gvDynamicQuestion.ShowFooter = true;
TemplateField tf = null;
tf = new TemplateField();
tf.HeaderTemplate = new DynamicGridViewTextTemplate("QuestionId", DataControlRowType.Header);
tf.ItemTemplate = new DynamicGridViewTextTemplate("QuestionId", DataControlRowType.DataRow);
tf.FooterTemplate = new DynamicGridViewTextTemplate(DataControlRowType.Footer, ds.Tables[i].Rows.Count);
tf = new TemplateField();
tf.HeaderTemplate = new DynamicGridViewTextTemplate("Question", DataControlRowType.Header);
tf.ItemTemplate = new DynamicGridViewTextTemplate("Question", DataControlRowType.DataRow);
tf = new TemplateField();
tf.HeaderText = "Criteria";
tf.HeaderTemplate = new DynamicGridViewTextTemplate("Criteria", DataControlRowType.Header);
tf.ItemTemplate = new DynamicGridViewDDLTemplate();
////tf = new TemplateField();
////tf.HeaderText = "Criteria";
////tf.ItemTemplate = new DynamicGridViewDDLTemplate();
gvDynamicQuestion.DataSource = ds.Tables[i];
protected void DynamicGrid_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Footer)
public class DynamicGridViewTextTemplate : ITemplate
string _ColName;
DataControlRowType _rowType;
int _Count;
public DynamicGridViewTextTemplate(string ColName, DataControlRowType RowType)
_ColName = ColName;
_rowType = RowType;
public DynamicGridViewTextTemplate(DataControlRowType RowType, int QuestionCount)
_rowType = RowType;
_Count = QuestionCount;
public void InstantiateIn(System.Web.UI.Control container)
switch (_rowType)
case DataControlRowType.Header:
Literal lc = new Literal();
lc.Text = "<b>" + _ColName + "</b>";
case DataControlRowType.DataRow:
Label lbl = new Label();
lbl.DataBinding += new EventHandler(this.lbl_DataBind);
case DataControlRowType.Footer:
Literal flc = new Literal();
flc.Text = "<b>Total No of Questions:" + _Count + "</b>";
private void lbl_DataBind(Object sender, EventArgs e)
Label lbl = (Label)sender;
GridViewRow row = (GridViewRow)lbl.NamingContainer;
lbl.Text =DataBinder.Eval(row.DataItem, _ColName).ToString();
public class DynamicGridViewDDLTemplate : ITemplate
// Implementation of ITemplate
public void InstantiateIn(System.Web.UI.Control container)
// Create a DDL
DropDownList ddl = new DropDownList();
//Attach method to delegate
ddl.DataBinding += new System.EventHandler(this.ddl_DataBind);
//Method that responds to the DataBinding event
private void ddl_DataBind(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
//DropDownList ddl = (DropDownList)sender;
//DataGridItem container = (DataGridItem)ddl.NamingContainer;
//ddl.Data.Checked = [Data binding expression];


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