Forms Data Controls :: Getting DataKey Value From GridViewRow?

Mar 9, 2010

I need to loop through all the gridviewrows, and call a function for every row using the datakey. How do I get the datakey of each row?

My code looks something like:

foreach(GridViewRow gvr in GridView1.Rows)

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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: How To Get GridViewRow From Datakey

Jan 12, 2011

I have the DataKey value, I want to use that to get the GridViewRow and retrieve information from various columns - I see lots on information on how to get the datakey from a gridview row, but not the reverse.

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Data Controls :: How To Get GridViewRow Data OnClick Event Of Button Which Is Inside GridViewRow

May 7, 2015

I have a gridview i want to know how to get data of gridview row on button click

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
GridView grd = (GridView)((Button)sender).NamingContainer;
string name = grd.SelectedRow.Cells[0].Text;
[Code] .....

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Forms Data Controls :: Same Gridviewrow Has Two Different Unique Id's?

Mar 18, 2011

The below is from the watch window in vs2010.

((sender as EntityTextBox).NamingContainer as GridViewRow).UniqueID "ctl00$cphMainFrame$PurchaseControl1$PurchaseFormView$PurchaseRowGridView$ctl04"

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Forms Data Controls :: GridViewRow Control Manipulation?

Jan 14, 2010

My head aches from beating it against the wall for so long. I have a gridview that is populated from a code behind table. The gridview has 3 bound lables, a checkbox (unbound) and another label (unbound). All fields are in template fields. I have coded a vb sub with one command: beep. It fires perfectly every time a user checks the gridview ckeckbox. Here are the columns of the gridview:

1. Player - bound label

2. Description- bound label

3. Amount- bound label

4. ToPay - ckeckbox

5. AmountToPay - unbound label

When a gridviewrow's checkbox is checked (or unchecked) the code determines the check status. If it is checked then the AmountToPay label is to display the same value of the third label (Amount) or it will clear it's text value if the checkbox is unchecking the box. Here is my code:

The gridview:


Here is the vb code that does beep():


I have tried about a dozen ways of reading the checked property of the checkbox but nothing works (sender, e, gridview, rows, items, cells, findcontrol, adnauseum). I want to work the code like this somehow:

If row.Checkbox.checkproperty=true then
set lblToBePaid.Text = the lblAmount.Text
lblToBePaid.Text = ""

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Forms Data Controls :: What Is The Equivalent Of Gridviewrow To Datagrid

Jan 18, 2010

What is the equivalent of gridviewrow to datagrid??

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Forms Data Controls :: GridViewRow Generate Custom ID?

Nov 22, 2010

I would like that ID of subcontrol generated from the GridViewRow (NamingContainer) be named including database unique ID.

Exemple :

Suppose in the first colum of my GridView I have a Label displaying the name of an item fetch from a database table.

SQL Database table definition


- UniqueID
- Name

In this table I have the following records

- 1956 Hello
- 3013 World
- ... ...

Suppose I have a GridView having a label (id="lbName") in the first column template.

Now I'm binding GridView using this query : SELECT UniqueID, Name FROM SQLTable

After binding, the HTML result will be :


But I would like that NamingContainer names sub items like this :


So I have tried in the RowDataBound event of the GridView : e.Row.NamingContainer.ID = (DataRowView)e.Row.DataItem)["UniqueID"].ToString()At first look it output exactly what I need but after that I can't get working Edit mode, it seem to break DataKeys or something else.

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Forms Data Controls :: GridViewRow Change After Postback?

Aug 25, 2010

I add gridview row dynamically like that; After page postback some gridrow change and not visible.

protected void grv_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
GridViewRow gvr = e.Row;[code]....

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Forms Data Controls :: Add Background Color To Gridviewrow According To Condition In Gridview

Jan 10, 2010

i want to add b.colr to gridview row

html code


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Forms Data Controls :: Manually Adding GridViewRow Throwing Off Viewstate

Mar 1, 2010

Manually Adding GridViewRow Throwing Off Viewstate

View 6 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Erase Values In All Controls In A GridViewRow?

Mar 30, 2010

Is there an easier way to erase the data from all controls in a gridviewrow than my current approach (code below)?

The problem: When a new type of control is added to the grid, like a radiobutton, it would not get handled here without adding to the code. The tests for type of control can get long and monotonous.

The solution I am seeking: Test the control once for "is WebControl". If it is a web control, cast it and call a single command that would erase its data. Does such a concept exist in ASP.NET 2.0/C#? I know I can do other things on the WebControl level, like set backcolor, but would like to do the same for erasing data.

foreach(Control c in row.Controls)

if(c is TextBox)
TextBox tb = (TextBox)c;
tb.Text = string.Empty;
elseif(c is CheckBox)
CheckBox cbx = (CheckBox)c;
cbx.Checked = false;
elseif(c is DropDownList)
DropDownList dd = (DropDownList)c;

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Forms Data Controls :: 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRow.DataItem' Is A 'property' But Is Used Like A 'method'?

Mar 29, 2010

I tried translating this from vb but getting the error on e.Row.DataItem("CustomerID").ToString i tried varios things but no gooddbSrc.SelectCommand = "SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerID = '" + e.Row.DataItem("CustomerID").ToString + "' ORDER BY OrderDate";

View 3 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Get The Gridview Datakey Value?

Jan 5, 2011

I have a gridview with datakey value

in save button click i want to get the gridview datakey value

Dim _id As Integer For Each row As GridViewRow In Me.gridviewi.Rows Next

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Forms Data Controls :: Set FormView PageIndex By DataKey Of Row?

Mar 17, 2010

Does any one know how set the FormView PageIndex to a DataItem with a specified DataKey?


DataKey dataKeyVal = myGridView.SelectedDataKey.value
myFormView.PageIndex = FormView.DataItems.GetByDataKeyVal(DataKey dataKeyVal).Index

The FormView is bound to the same ObjectDataSource as the GridView and the FormView uses the autoPaging so I can't just use a separate DataSource for the FormView with just one parameter being the ID.

There must be a way to set the FormView PageIndex by a Datakey value.

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Forms Data Controls :: Retrieving Datakey Value In Gridview?

Mar 19, 2010

Tried this but it doesn't work.


Retrieving datakey value in gridview?

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Forms Data Controls :: Is It Possible To Have The BookId Value As A DataKey Of The GridView

Aug 14, 2010

Lets say for example that I have a book object that looks like this:


And a Page_Load method that bounds a GridView called "gvBooks" from a generic list of books:


Now as you can see, I want to have the BookId value that is part of the Dictionary as a DataKey of the gvBooks GridView.

That piece of code of curse returns an Exception:

"DataBinding: 'GridViewTest.Book' does not contain a property with the name 'BookId'."

My question is: Is it possible to have the BookId value as a DataKey of the GridView?

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Forms Data Controls :: DataList / DataKey / EditCommand

Mar 15, 2011

I am using Microsoft's method for allowing editing/updating/deleting of a datalist:



I am using the ChargeID as the datakey for editing, etc., but I need to use the UserID to limit what gets populated into the datalist to begin with. I do have a session variable with the UserID, but how do I populate the list with data according to the UserID?

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Forms Data Controls :: Get The Value Of Gridviewrow Data?

Jan 19, 2010

If in the coding before gridview databind, I have set the dataset ds to the gridview datasource.

And dataset ds which has more columns than columns in gridview shown and this gridview has checkbox in the first column.

If I want to get the value which is in the dataset ds which refer to the gridview with checkbox checked.

it should be what syntax?


I cannot use grview.cells, as these datas not shown in the gridview but refer to the gridview datasource dataset values.

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Forms Data Controls :: TemplateField In Gridview Not Passing DataKey Value?

Feb 4, 2010

I'm relatively new to the VS environment. I'm using VS2010 Beta 2 with VB. I have a Gridview setup to pull a list of employees. Next to their name I have edit and delete icons. When I leave the icons as ButtonFields, they pass the DataKey value to my code behind perfectly. When I convert the ButtonFields to TemplateFields, they no longer pass the DataKey.




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Forms Data Controls :: Highlighting A Row In A Gridview Control Using A DataKey In C#

Apr 11, 2010

My gridivew currently has 4 colums with the third being a subject column. I want this colum to have bold text if the datakey 'ReadStatus' is equal to false. I have had success if the column is bound to the gridview but 'ReadStatus' is only a datakey and not bound to the gridiview. My code is below:



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Forms Data Controls :: Selecting A Datakey From A Template Field

May 19, 2010

i have a gridview that has only one column but multiple rows that i converted into a template column.

I have a linkbutton in this column that when clicked should collect the rows primary data key (forumId) and then insert it into a querystring and redirect to the threads page.

How do i select a datakey in the code behind file for the selected row without using the Selectedindexchanged event handler?

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Title" SortExpression="Title">

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Forms Data Controls :: Programmatically Set GridView.SelectedIndex From Known DataKey

Aug 4, 2010

I want to select a row in my GridView based on a known data key value at runtime.

In other words, I have a data key value, 2 for ex., and the primary key value of one of the rows in my GridView is 2. How can select that row? (Without having to go through each row to find which one matches my key, then setting the SelectedIndex.

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Forms Data Controls :: Retrieving Datakey, (an ID Value) From GridView Via Check Box?

Apr 13, 2010

I have a GridView with a checkbox for the user to select different categories. I am trying to retrieve the CategoryID associated with each row when the user clicks next, however I keep getting an error that tells me the selected index cannot be negative or out of range.

Here is my function


How do I retrieve the CategoryID of the row as an Integer value?

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Forms Data Controls :: Determine DataKey For The Row To Be Deleted In GridView?

Jun 14, 2010

I have wired an event to handle delete command for my GridView. But I cannot determine which the record's unique key, in my case stored in DOCIDNO field. All I get is a row index, such as 0, 1, 2 which obviously cannot be used to accurately delete a record from database.



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Forms Data Controls :: Get The DataKey Value In RowDataBound Event For GridView?

Feb 22, 2010

How to get the DataKey value in RowDataBound event for GridView

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