Forms Data Controls :: GridView HyperLinkField Includes Default.aspx In URL?

Dec 9, 2010

In GridView i am using HyperLinkField column when click on the hyperLink, defalut.aspx and hyperLink are appended.


http://localhost:4416/Default.aspx //Home-Page

when clicked on hyerLink from HyperLinkField column, there is an append of localhost and HyperLink.

http://localhost:4416/ //on-click of link

Expected output:

How to navigate to HyperLink?

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView & Hyper Link - Add Page Name Before The Value Thats Is Default.aspx?ID=BillNo

Dec 30, 2010

I am stuck with a silly problem here

I have a ASP Hyper Link in GridView in one of the columns


So here the Value in BillNo gets assighed to the link, but i want to add page name before the value thats is Default.aspx?ID=BillNo

I tried using + "" it didnt work.

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Forms Data Controls :: Using The Selected Index Of A Gridview Where The Key Includes UserID?

Jul 17, 2010

I have Gridview1 that brings up the columns Resorts, Seasons, Seasons_ID, Resorts_ID, and User_ID

The three ID's are all foreign keys from related tables, and they are together a combined primary key of the table being accessed (they were defined that way to prevent duplicate entries for any User/Resort/Season combination).

Now the problem: I want to use the selected row from that gridview in the WHERE clause of a SQLDatasource by setting the WHERE clause up like:

WHERE (([Resort_ID] = @Resort_ID) AND ([Season_ID] = @Season_ID) AND ([User_ID] = @User_ID)) , with the parameters each coming from statements like


When I select a row in the Gridview, I get the following error:

Operand type clash: uniqueidentifier is incompatible with int

I am pretty sure this has to do with the User_ID being in the WHERE clause.

So I have tried something like this to access the selected index:


This does not work, as it seems to return only the first key (of three) in the DataKeyNames list.

So the question: How can I use the SelectedIndex of that gridview for such a purpose when the key contains a UserID?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Display Text From Default.aspx In Default2.aspx

Oct 18, 2010

How to display text in another Web form

In Default.aspx I have a GridView. How to Default2.aspx, show data from Default.aspx?

I have a textbox on Default2.aspx.

In Default.aspx I have a GridView.

Data from the GridView I want to show the textbox (Default2.aspx).

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Forms Data Controls :: Put An Image In HyperlinkField Of GridView?

Feb 3, 2011

How can I put an image in HyperlinkField of GridView? Clicking on that wud direct me to a new page

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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Get The Value Of HyperLinkField From A GridView?

Jan 20, 2010

I mean I have a GridView with a HyperLink field here is it:

<asp:Button id="OKButton" runat="server" text="OK"><br />
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" Width="100%" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="CatID">
<Columns> [code]...

I want the first column of the selected row be passed to a variable for further processing.

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Here's the code...[Code]....

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Forms Data Controls :: Getting The Url Parameter And Link In Gridview Asp:HyperLinkField?

Jun 1, 2010

here's my url: http://nathan/mail/incomingmail.aspx?dc=8250&bg=-617370170

gridview code:

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
BackColor="White" BorderColor="#DEDFDE" BorderStyle="None" BorderWidth="1px"
CellPadding="4" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" [code]...

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Pass DateTime In The Hyperlinkfield Of A GridView

Feb 14, 2010

I am just trying to pass a DateTiem from hyperlink of Gridview. But its giving me an error.

Here is my code.


But i am getting this error when i am executing it.

'~/Pages/Sites/Management_Sites/SitesSummaryView.aspx?RID=3&TVID=4&STID=5&PTID=4&Dt=28/02/2010 12:00:00 AM' is not a valid virtual path.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Open New Window From HyperLinkField In Gridview

Aug 31, 2010

How do I open a new window from a HyperLinkField in a Gridview?

<asp:HyperLinkField HeaderText="Test Icon"
DataTextFormatString= "<img src='Images/moreInfoIcon.gif' alt='More Info'/>"/>

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Forms Data Controls :: HyperlinkField In GridView Getting Value From Other Control In Datanavigateurlfields

Dec 7, 2010

HyperlinkField in GridView getting value from other control in datanavigateurlfields


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Forms Data Controls :: Use A HyperLinkField In A Gridview And Specify The RowHeaderColumn Property?

Apr 27, 2010

How can I use a HyperLinkField in a gridview and specify the RowHeaderColumn property?

It is very easy to use this for a BoundField, but is it possible to do it for HyperLinkField column?

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Forms Data Controls :: Hyperlinkfield In Gridview Works In All Cases Except One When Using Datanavigateurlformatstring

Feb 12, 2011

I have a gridview with a hyperlinkfield inside of it. There is a dropdownlist that re-databinds the gridview onselectedindexchanged. I'm using the datanavigateurlformatstring attribute of the hyperlinkfield to make the url, and in in most cases it works as it should. HOWEVER, when one particular item is selected from the dropdownlist the associated links that are supposed to be created in the hyperlinkfield do not work. They arent actually clickable. In the source they have no href (which is what the datanavigateurlformatstring is supposed to set along with datanavigateurlfields). I have debugged to see that before and after databinding the information going into the control is correct, but still it doesnt work. In every other case it works.

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Forms Data Controls :: Display Image Icon In HyperLinkField Of Gridview?

Aug 30, 2010

how to display an image in a HyperLinkField of a gridview? Instead of words, I just want to show a simple little icon that can be clicked on and pass a query string to the next page. The first hyperlink field I have set up works perfectly and passes the querystring to the next page. The second hyperlinkfield is my attempt at showing the image but it's giving me a squiggly and telling me "the element img cannot be nested within the element hyperlinkfield" I got this technique from this brief article - I would like to accomplish exactly what it says it is suppose to do.


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Forms Data Controls :: Passing Multiple Parameters In Hyperlinkfield In Gridview?

Dec 26, 2010

I have added a gridview in my aspx web page. I have added a hyperlink field, to navigate to another page from the gridview. I am getting the error as:

"There was an error rendering the control.

Index(zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list. "

This is the code i have used:



When i remove the hyperlink, the grid is getting displayed. I know, there is something wrong i have coded in the DataNavigateURLformatstring, but not sure what is wrong.

I want to pass the StudentID,CourseID,ChildImageID with the link as the querystring.

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding GridView To A List And Setting HyperlinkField?

Oct 15, 2010

I have a List<string> that I want to use as a datasource for the gridview, making the column a HyperlinkField type and passing the value clicked in the column in the url. My code:

private void DoBind(GridView grid, List<string> Accounts)
Hyperlinkfield field = new HyperlinkField();
field.DataNavigateUrlFields = Accounts.ToArray();
field.DataNavigateUrlFormatString = _urlToRedirectFromGrid;
field.DataSource = Accounts;
grid.AutoGenerateColumns = false;

I can't get this to work. The page throws an AJAX null exception when this method is called.

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Forms Data Controls :: Hyperlinkfield Or Buttonfield To Open New Window From Gridview

Aug 25, 2010

I have a gridview with a column for tracking numbers. I would like for the user to be able to click the tracking number in that column and it open another browser window to the site with the tracking information. I have tried Hyperllinkfield and I cannot get it to open the website.

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Forms Data Controls :: Pass Variable(s) To GridView HyperLinkField's NavigateUrl?

Aug 3, 2010

For example:

<asp:HyperLinkField Text="Edit" NavigateUrl="EditPage.aspx?var1=Variable1&var2=Variable2" />

I realize this can't be done through the page's mark up, at least I think this is so, but if someone could explain the easiest way the concept could work I'd be very appreciative. Basically, I just need a user to be redirected to a page with more than one variable in the url. If you are unclear with what I'm asking don't hesitate to ask me to explain a little better.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Hyperlinkfield Link To Point On Another Page?

Sep 13, 2010

I have several gridviews on an aspx and each has a hyperlinkfield. All of them redirect to another page with a single gridview. I am trying to figure out how to get each hyperlinkfield to redirect to the actual point on the receiving page with the corresponding value. In the sample data below, I need to be able to click on 'def' and open aspx page 2 to the point on the page where 'def' is located. All values still need to be visible. Can anchors be used in gridviews?

aspx page 1:


abc f2data1


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Links -- Trying To Use Hyperlinkfield But It Wont Take Values (data)

Sep 7, 2010

I am showing data on a gridview.I want to show one of the column as hyperlinks and when i click that column value and it need to releated value information in a sepereate page.

I am trying to use hyperlinkfield but it wont take values (data).How to acheive my task..

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Export -- The HyperLinkField Column Comes Into Excel As A Hyperlink ?

Nov 21, 2010

I have a GridView in my VB.Net 3.5 web app that contains a HyperLinkField. I have added a button to export all the GridView recs. It works fine, however, the HyperLinkField column comes into Excel as a hyperlink also. How do I prevent that?

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Data Controls :: How To Pass Session ID In HyperlinkField GridView

Jun 16, 2015

here i am passing session id, to another page there capturing id to display some content. But i am getting error as "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." while capturing id in redirected page.

<asp:HyperLink ID="myHyperlink" Text='<%# Eval("PersonName") %>' NavigateUrl='<%# Eval("ImageId", "~/Display.aspx?")%>' runat="server"></asp:HyperLink>

I have doubt near navigate url field. captured the same in display.aspx as,

string strImageid = (string)Session["ImageId"].ToString();
        if (strImageid != null)

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Use Asp Includes Within Aspx C# Pages?

Jul 29, 2010

I found that i can use Response.WriteFile to include them and most of the pages work, except that the login page is not working.

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Data Controls :: Encode QueryString Parameter In Navigate URL Of HyperlinkField Column In GridView

Jul 20, 2013

In my web. In a gridview there is a hyperlink filed . it works fine for all company except for company name like lerson & turbo . the code i used is as below

DataNavigateUrlFormatString="link.aspx?company={0}" >
<HeaderStyle HorizontalAlign="Left" />

In company names with & it is not working...

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Forms Data Controls :: Treeview Error: Bound To XML Source, Data Includes Angle Brackets?

Dec 6, 2010

I have some data which contains angle brackets in some of the fields.Even if properly escaped as <: or > (or even the hex codes), or contained in CDATA, in Visual Studio 2005 ASP.Net, the field data is being truncated at the first angle bracket. If I replace the data with curly braces, it displays fine.Is this a parser defect in the TreeView control? I can use Response.Write and see that the data provided by the XmlDataSource is fine. Example:

<row TopNode="REQ 123456 TT Description <Date sent to app dev> <Priority> <SubTask Status>"/><row TopNode="REQ 456789 TT Description <Date sent to app dev> <Priority> <SubTask Status>"/>
<row TopNode="REQ 123456 TT Description <Date sent to app dev> <Priority> <SubTask Status>"/><row TopNode="REQ 456789 TT Description <Date sent to app dev> <Priority> <SubTask Status>"/>

This truncates right after TT Description. If I change to curly braces or parentheses, it displays fine.

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