Forms Data Controls :: GridView PopUpEdit Form - Show Fields Not Shown In GridView's Columns

May 4, 2010

Currently I have something like this, but when I click "update" the record doesn't get updated (but no error is returned).


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Forms Data Controls :: Viewstate After Postback On Gridview With Dynamic Columns Emplate Fields?

Jan 13, 2010

My datasource is an ado data table that I have convert to a new data table so that each row in the original table is now a column with 1 row in my new table. I then bind the new datatable and create dynamic template fields with a text box where I bind the values. My problem is, when I try and retrieve the values changed by the user in the rowcommand event, the template columns no longer exists.

Does anyone know how i can retrieve these values? I've read over and over that you have to rebind the grid on each postback when you use dynamic templates, but I'm not sure how to do that and retrieve the values entered in the text boxes on the client side.


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Forms Data Controls :: Make A Gridview Show Only Specific Fields?

Jun 15, 2010

i was wondering if it is possible to make a gridview show only specific fields according to other fields in the grid view....

such as showing a button for one row but not the other due to different field values

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Forms Data Controls :: Passing Gridview Values To Form Fields To Resubmit?

Nov 30, 2010

I have a gridview that pops up when you click a link. It displays 5 columns.. if you click on the "select" link next to the record, i pass that rows values back to my form and submit the form again.. this works fine if i select a record that has all my form field values..

but if i pick a record that has some values that are empty it doesnt work.. after debugging im finding that for the fields that are blank on the screen, this is the value being passed " " which of course is not empty or null.. so my code doesnt know how to handle that.. i even tried to add .Trim() to the end of the gridview value and still getting that space being passed. How can i pass empty string instead of the for fields that dont have anything to pass?

This is my code i have for the SelectedIndexChanging event of the gridview


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Forms Data Controls :: Show The Sum Of Columns In Footer Of A Gridview

Nov 11, 2010

i have a grid view and i want to show the sum of columns in footer.

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Forms Data Controls :: Show The Default Columns In A Gridview?

Jun 22, 2010

I want to show default Column names in my grid, if the data is not coming from the database.


ID Name Date

but with blank values..... you can just a blank grid.

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Forms Data Controls :: Show In GridView Everything Except Of Those Data Entries Mark As "not To Be Shown"?

Jan 9, 2010

I trying to solve this: I have a gridview where are real estates (houses, flats ...) and I need to "freeze" (not to show it) some of them just for a while ... I have an administration website, where is another gridview with edit/ delete ...It doesn't have to be checkboxes ... but I have an idea to put new column to the main page and makes it invisible ... every ordinary row will have empty entry in this column, but the one a need to freeze will have phrase "freeze" in it after the checkbox will be checked ... that I can do ... but I need help with SELECTCOMMAND of the main page gridview ... HOW TO PUT INTO a SELECTCOMMAND THAT I WANT TO SHOW WHAT I NEED TO SHOW EXCEPT OF THOSE WITH PHRASE FREEZE IN THE HIDDEN COLUMN ?this is my select command:


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Forms Data Controls :: Hide / Show Gridview Columns Using Javascript?

Jul 15, 2010

I have a webpage that lists information about trucks and their map sections and whether the combination is active and will be used.

On the page I put a check box that says Show Only Active and marked the checked property as true by default. When the RowDataBound event fires I check to see if that checkbox is marked as true and if it is I check if the individual map sections are marked as active. If they are not active then I set the row visibility equal to false like below.


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Show / Hide Columns Conditionally In Gridview

May 24, 2010

dv = new DataView(table);
Table.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(string));
table.Columns.Add("Type", typeof(string));
table.Columns.Add("EmpName", typeof(string));
table.Columns.Add("Manager", typeof(string));
row = table.Rows.Add();
row["ID"] = result["ID"].ToString();
row["Type"] = result["Type"].ToString();
row["EmpName"] = result["EmpName"].ToString();
row["Manager"] = result["Manager"].ToString();

Then I am adding boundfield to gridview for all 4 columns. Now I want to check if "Type" column contain "Sales" thne do not show "Manager" columns. Let me know can I do this?

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView And ObjectDataSource - Column Is Not Shown In The GridView's List ?

Feb 9, 2011

I'm facing a wierd problem with GridView and ObjectDataSource. I bind GridView to my business objects via ObjectDataSource. Everything was working fine until I decided to add a new field in my buisness object and wanted to add a column to GridView to show it. Somehow that column is NOT shown in the GridView's list of available columns. I have tried refreshing schema, rebinding, etc. I'm using GridView inside a user control which is used as a web part. Does that make a difference ?

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Forms Data Controls :: Show Columns In Gridview Based On Access Rights?

Feb 3, 2011

I want to show columns in gridview based on access rights/roles.That is i want to show parents column if there is parents login or else i want to show students column if there is students login.

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Data Controls :: Insert Data From Form Fields To GridView On Button Click

Aug 27, 2012

<table style="width:100%;" runat ="server" id="myform">
<tr> <td class="style1">
<asp:RadioButton ID="RadioButton1" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true"
Text="Campaign ID Range" oncheckedchanged="RadioButton1_CheckedChanged" />
</td> <td class="style2">
<asp:TextBox ID="Txtadd5" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:Label ID="Label5" runat="server" Text="to"></asp:Label>

[Code] ....

I have a form and its code as above there are many columns and I want to do one thing that when user enter all the values in the form and upon pressing submit button all the data were show on the form..

E.g. here is the structure. I have the following fields in my form

Start Date................

End Date.................

Promo Type................


       Submit Button

When I press submit button all of the data which i enter above was shown below.

Any method for this I don't want to use grid over here...

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Forms Data Controls :: Show Profiles In Form Of Hyperlink Field In Gridview?

May 21, 2010

I have stored users external profiles e.g twitter,facebook,youtube... in DB

And what i want to do is to show those profiles in form of hyperlink field in gridview..

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Data Controls :: Show Only Specific Columns And Hide Others When Sending GridView In Email Body

Jun 17, 2012

i have done sending gridview data  as excel  to mail, it is working fine

then  i had 5 columns in gridview but i want to send 4 column instead of 5 column.

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
fn_AttachGrid(); // here calling function to send mail gridview data as excel format


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Forms Data Controls :: Databound Fields Vs Templete Fields In A GridView?

Aug 18, 2010

I am using TempleteFields for all columns in my GridView. In that columns I am using only some fields for customization but not all.

Is there any performance issue with Databound Fields vs Templete Fields in a GridView...?

Do I need to replace the remaining columns with Databound Columns instead of TempletField columns...?

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView And Focus / Have A GridView With Template Fields?

Apr 27, 2010

I have seen a number of posts on this, but none that quite serve my needs. I have a GridView with template fields. I use postback because when a value is entered in one field a calculation is done to supply the value in another field. I simply loop through all the rows after each postback (there are not many so it is fast). I do not use a select command or button to select a row. After postback I do not know how to return the focus to the row that was being used. I can return the focus to the first row just by using gridview1.focus.

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Forms Data Controls :: Show Child Gridview In Parent Gridview Using Nested Gridview

Dec 1, 2010

In nested gridview, i am finding some problem, i want to show child Grid headers in Parent Gridview. Can anyone tell me that how it is possible? Its very urgent. Waiting for quick response.

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView - Putting TemplateField Fields In Data Bound Fields?

Sep 26, 2010

I have a GridView, and I want Column1 to be equal to datatable data (filled by a SqlDataAdapter). Then I have two other fields by the SqlDataAdapter (first name, last name), and I want to have those two fields combined to form Column2. I have a TemplateField for my GridView that combines the first name and last name with Eval()'s, but the GridView places this combined field TemplateField and puts it as the first column.

How can I do this so that TemplateField can go in between fields that are databound?

View 6 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Sorting When Header Of Grid Is Not Shown?

Feb 3, 2010

guide how I can sort grid data when header is not shown. Actually In my page I have set visibility of header to false and have placed headings in table above the grid (it was done because requirment was to fix header and make grid with scrollable).how I can give sorting functionality with headings in table above the grid

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Forms Data Controls :: Updating GridView With GridView Columns That Are Readonly

Feb 20, 2011

I have a GridView with 5 fields. Only two of the fields are edittable (the others are READONLY).

I have an UpdateCommand as follows

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:NHLPOOL %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT [PlayerID], [Firstname], [lastname], [Goals], [Assists], [Goals]+[Assists] as Points, [AsOfDate] FROM [PlayerStats], [Player] where [PlayerStats].[PlayerID] =[Player].[ID] ORDER BY Points DESC"
UpdateCommand="UPDATE PlayerStats SET Goals =@GOALS, Assists =@ASSISTS, AsofDate=GETDATE() WHERE PLAYERID = @PLAYERID">

The issue is I want the PLAYERID GV column to be READONLY but I get a runtime error when updating if the PLAYERID is READONLY.

I get the error "

Must declare the scalar variable "@PLAYERID"."

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Forms Data Controls :: In Page User Able To Select Gridview Columns And It Will Hide Remaining Columns

Mar 18, 2010

in page user able to select gridview Columns, and it will hide remaining columns and that selection done by check box with column list bellow is Image link , what exactly I am looking for [URL] it look bellow after selection of column done [URL]

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Show Several Columns In Datasource As Autogenerate Columns In Gridview?

Jan 27, 2011

I have a datasource, which includes many columns, idealy, I need use a gridview to show:

1) first 3 columns: template fields, these fields depends on values in some columns of datasource. I use template fields, hard coded. works fine.

2) the other columns. This is I do not know how to do it. In the data source, there are about 10-20 columns data, each time, the # of columns of the data varies. idealy, I need show each of them as a seperated column in gridview. The entire data source may have 30 columns, but some of them are used in 1), and I only want show these 10-20 columns in gridview. Some columns in data source, I may not use them at all. is there a way to do this? or have to seperate them as a detail view style UI?

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How To Make The Gridview Columns NOT To Expand And If The Data Needs To Show In Full

Feb 25, 2011

So i'm currently designing a site ( ) and i've made my skeleton master page.What i've noticed is that the gridview must be cut down a little to fit my 1024x768 design.

Now i have taken a note in the past to look at this but i couldn't find the time so i guess the time is now.
What i have problem with is shrinking the columns.If i have a name, say "jack R" and i make a gridview column,say width 15 then the name is included and all is ok.However if i have another name,say "jack the 3rd" then the column will expand to fill the name.So all the grid will expand to the right.I have tried in the past some stuff but it seems that if a value is longer than the column then i expands whatever i do.Also i was surprised to see that only the dates will not expand and go "down" instead of right.At least in the gridview i have.

So the 2 questions.How do i make the gridview columns NOT to expand and if the data needs to show in full then how do i make the data go DOWN and not expand right.I have no problem of the grid expanding downwards but i have a problem of the grid expanding to the right.

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Data Controls :: Result In Pivot Table Shown To Gridview

Aug 21, 2012

I have a doubt and i am sending you the details  below, what i want to display in Gridview.

below i am describing the sql Table Structure.

Original Table Structure.

ID                Date             TimeLogged(Hrs)        UserName

1             10/8/2012               5.50                          Bubai
2             11/8/2012               2.30                          Bubai
3             10/8/2012               3.30                          Bhanu
4             11/8/2012               7.30                          Bhanu

I want result like below. User Name should be dynamic. May be lot of users. User name will come from Database table.

i want to show details in Gridview(Front End).

Date                    Bubai               Bhanu                    Total

10/8/2012              5.30                   3                         8. 30
11/8/2012              2.30                  7.30                       10

  Total                   8                    10.30                  18.30
I have a doubt and i am sending you the details below, what i want to display in Gridview. below i am describing the sql Table Structure.Original Table Structure.

ID Date TimeLogged(Hrs) UserName
1 10/8/2012 5.50 Bubai
2 11/8/2012 2.30 Bubai
3 10/8/2012 3.30 Bhanu
4 11/8/2012 7.30 Bhanu

I want result like below. User Name should be dynamic. May be lot of users. User name will come from Database table. i want to show details in Gridview(Front End).

Date Bubai Bhanu Total
10/8/2012 5.30 3 8. 30
11/8/2012 2.30 7.30 10

Total 8 10.30 18.30

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Data Controls :: GridView BoundField Column Readonly - Disable Specific Columns In Edit Mode Of GridView

May 7, 2015

How to disable editing the data in the cells of datagridview in c#?

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