Forms Data Controls :: How To Limit The Characters Of A Field In Gridview

Jan 21, 2010

i list the project descriptions on a field in my gridview, but some of them are too long. i want to limit them like 20 characters of 50 chars can be seen by the user. then pressing a button entire description will be displayed.

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is that possible ?

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Jan 21, 2010

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InvoiceNo InvDate PendingSince InvAmt
Inv1 01/01/2010 (Current Date - InvDate) 12000
Inv2 15/01/2010 (Current Date - InvDate) 20000

Can anyone tell me how do we get the highlighted field in a GridView. The other 3 fields are bounded fields. also tell me whether the highlighted field is a bounded or template filed.

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Jan 17, 2011

I have a gridview that is dynamically created based off a csv file I'm importing.

Since I don't know what the column names are ahead of time, I can't pre format the gridview and use the "findcontrol" method to get the text value of the labels that are populated b/c I don't know the column names.

I know I can get the row index like this by iterating through the gridview...


but I'm not sure how to get the text value of the first column label? Not sure of the syntax?

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