Forms Data Controls :: How To Specify The Layout And Item Templates For The ListView

May 1, 2010

I need to display the data using listView. I want the data to be displayed like this:

Student Name: John

Exam Grade
MidTerm1 A
MidTerm2 B

I want each item to looke like that. For this, I created a 'Student' class which has the Name and Exams(A list of Exam class objects) Properties. And the Exam class has ExamName and Grade properties. how I should specify the ItemTemplate and LayoutTemplate for the ListView??

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Forms Data Controls :: Validating Page With Listview Edit Item And Insert Item Templates Are Both Present

Aug 9, 2010

I have a listview set up in "flow" mode where the existing records are all on an extended page so you can scroll down to any record.

The InsertItem Template is in the first position, making it easy to insert a new record.

And one can scroll down the page to any record, click the edit button and update that record -- nice having everything on one scrollable page.

I am running into a problem with validations. I have validation controls restricting inputs for all the textboxes on the Insert Item template. They work fine. And on Item Inserted I am running a page validation:

If Not Page.IsValid Then
e.Cancel = True
End If

which works fine also.

The problem occurs when I scroll down to an existing record, and go to edit it. I have all the same validation constraints on the textboxes for the EditItemTemplate as I have on the InsertItemTemplate. But I cannot successfully do a page validation on updating the record. The code I am using on update is:

Protected Sub LVRentals_ItemUpdating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListViewUpdateEventArgs) Handles LVRentals.ItemUpdating
If Not Page.IsValid Then
e.Cancel = True
End If
End Sub

This results in a Cancel even if there are no validation errors on the InsertItemTemplate because the Page.Validate() seems to be causing the InsertItemTemplate to think its fields should be filled out also.

Here is the code for a typical entry of the InsertItem Template:


All the controls in the Edit Item template are part of ValidationGroup "edit1" and those of the InsertItem Template are part of ValidationGroup "edit2"

How can I get around receiving validation errors on the InsertItem Template when I am trying to validate just the EditItemTemplate when both are present on the page?

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Forms Data Controls :: Layout Of Edit And Insert Templates?

Dec 23, 2010

I would like to change the layout of the edit and insert templates to show multiple columns (instead of the default 1), and make the required fields show in the first column. Please point me in the direction I need to go.

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Forms Data Controls :: Checkbox In Listview Layout Template Check Select All Checkboxes In Listview Itemtemplate?

Sep 10, 2010

how to do this when the checkbox in listview layout template check select all checkboxes in listview itemtemplate.I dont give 'Eval 'field to checkbox present in itemtemplate.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Navigate From EmptyDataTemplate To Other Templates In ListView

Oct 1, 2010

All the writeups on ListView's EmptyDataTemplate say that it's for displaying the fact that no data records exist, which is logical; but the bad thing is that I've found nothing as a follow-up. In other words, I haven't been able to find any "now what?" once you (as the site user) find that there aren't any data records. I am led to then ask what the real purpose of the EmptyDataTemplate is if you can't do anything with it.

I added a button called "Add Your Photo" on the EmptyDataTemplate, which activates a ModalPopupExtender with an AsyncFileUpload. All this works fine in terms of uploading the file but nothing happens after that. I wonder if I should be starting instead in the InsertItemTemplate.

So, I need to know how to accomplish a couple of options: I need to start out in either the InsertItemTemplate or the EmptyDataTemplate. If I do the latter, I will need to know how to get from there to the ItemTemplate so the rendering can be displayed.

What code should I use to display the data--that is, how do I move from the EmptyDataTemplate to the ItemTemplate?

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Forms Data Controls :: ListView Templates And Showing Association Fields Rather Than An Id

Feb 17, 2011

I have a Listview that is connected to an EntityDataSource. What I'm having trouble doing is showing fields of an association in the Item Template rather than just the id.

For example, what it currently shows:

Name: John Doe
Race: 3

What I wish it would show

Name: John Doe
Race: Caucasian

Some example code:


Obviously, I'm getting the number because Race_ID is an integer. What I'm less sure about is how to bind it or Eval it in some manner that will let me match that id to a name in the other table (which is associated). I've tried <%# Eval("Race.Name") %>' and a few other things to try to get a name rather than an ID but I always get either the id or nothing at all.

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Forms Data Controls :: Editing The Default Templates In ListView And Formview?

Feb 18, 2010

This is probably a dumb question, but I have to ask because I spend so much time editing my formviews and listviews. Is there a way to edit the default template setup for these controls, in the code or somewhere? When you drag them over you get the default text with textbox column names; then I spend over 30 mins editing each to look the way I want it to.

I know I can create standard templates for WebForms and save them as Exported Templates.

And is it possible to edit the default control when you drag them on to the page, to list certain attributes automatically. example (validation controls you always have to add ControltoValidate I would like to drag mine onto the page and it say controltovalidate="" and then all I do is fill in the blank. Intellisense is fine, but sometimes you get brain freeze after hours of web design and forget the needed attribute and you have all to go through all of the errors and mistakes.

The ultimate would be, to drag a FormView Control and when you Refresh the Schema, you get textboxes, label controls instead of text for column name, and divs for forms, and Image Buttons , I am sure there is an XML file that runs the code that you can edit or something.


ASP Developers, When you develop the next ServicePack allow us to edit or create default templates to customize the default templates, in VS and VWD.

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Forms Data Controls :: Listview - Create Different Layout For First Record?

Aug 11, 2010

Ina listview control how can I create a different layout for the first record returned, all other records will use my ItemTemplate below?


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Forms Data Controls :: Can't Access A Control In A Listview Layout Template With Codebehind

Sep 5, 2010

While running ItemDetabound upon load of a listivew, I am trying to access the text in a label of the LayoutTemplate of a different Listview. It works fine if I try access the same labels under the same names if they are in the same listview, but not if they are in a different one. It was working for a while, can't figure out what I changed, but now says that object doesn't exist.


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Forms Data Controls :: List View Item Placeholder / Error An Item Placeholder Must Be Specified On ListView 'ListView1'

Mar 22, 2011

I am using list view to display the the data but i am getting an error like An item placeholder must be specified on ListView 'ListView1'. Specify an item placeholder by setting a control's ID property to "itemPlaceholder". The item placeholder control must also specify runat="server.Even i have specified the itemplaceholder id but no use still same error.


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Add Dynamic Templates And Edit Templates In Gridview

Feb 1, 2011

i am using two tables for salary components like bonus,hra,ta, is salary lookup table for viewing which components are chosen and according to this salary table is created dynamically.i want to view data fields of salary table in gridview and update thier value.

now problem is that how to create template field and edit template field for updating fields of salary table because field of the salary table changing every time as it is creating dynamically.

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Forms Data Controls :: Listview Show Item?

Jan 3, 2010

i want to mak emy listview to show data like this

h1 h2 h3 h4 h5
h6 h7 h8 h9 h10
h11 h12 h13 14 h15

Here is my code:


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Forms Data Controls :: ListView Does Not Insert Item?

Mar 13, 2010

What I'm trying to do is: I have a listview control on my page and in my code behind, I created an SQLDataSource object which I defined its Select, Delete, Update and Insert Command strings. I then binded that datasource to my listview. When I load the page, it's obvious the select command works. however, when I perform the insert, the ItemInserted event triggers, but the itemInserted doesn't trigger and there is nothing inserted in my database.I'm not sure what to do here. I also hard coded the insert values in my insert command. So it's not depending on the form values.

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Forms Data Controls :: Cannot Remove Listview Item

Aug 11, 2010

I Use listView and flow configure and connect to database whit wizard.

in Item Template View, i cannot remove items, when reomve it, after 2 seconds, An item that was deleted is shown again!

View 6 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: How To Selecting An Listview Item

Sep 21, 2010

May be I'm trying to run before I can walk, but here goes, I find coding for ASP so frustrating it's just not logical JIM!Anyways after my rant, as I'm a huge fan of the listview control in WinForms I'm trying to get the hang of it in ASP, wth not much luck so far.

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Forms Data Controls :: Separate One Item From Others In Listview?

Apr 23, 2010

I am using listview to create a forum (like this website) like page. I want that the first post of a thread should look different than others ( i.e. an item to look different than all others items of itemtemplate).

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Forms Data Controls :: Find Item In Listview Control?

Jan 17, 2010

I have a objeckt :

class myfam


I show object data in a viewlist like this:

Name ,age
Hans 32
John 40

Know how can i find out Hans is in my listview ? ...?? Listview.Items.contain("hans").....THIS is not working

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Forms Data Controls :: Find Item From ListView And Remove It?

Jan 30, 2010

I have a list view with couple rows, which has a delete button for each row.

Now once the delete is performed and it's a success, I want to remove that item from the ListView


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Forms Data Controls :: Listview Item Doesn't Get Removed

Sep 12, 2010

I'm trying to delete a item from the listview. I can delete the item from the database ok, but the listview item does not get removed, I could do a Response.Redirect to redisply the page but this is overkill? Below is my code:


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Forms Data Controls :: Listview Selected Item With Linkbutton

Nov 17, 2010

<asp:ListView ID="pricedRoomListView" runat="server" DataKeyNames="room_id" DataSourceID="pricedRoomsObjDataSource"

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Forms Data Controls :: Shopping Cart Add Item From Listview?

Jan 6, 2011

I have a listview displaying my products and an "Add to Cart" button in the item template. the button fires 2 functions that should add that specific products information and the order details to two SQL database tables(Orders and Quantity(intersection entity between Orders and Products tables)) then you get redirected to the shopping cart page and it should display the item(s) according the specific key in the Quantity table(key is foreign key in Orders)My problem is that i cannot pull any information from the specific item template when i click that button. Need a way to find that specific controls information in my listview. Can anyone help with this?Below is my item template...

<td id="Td2" runat="server">
<table ID="Prodtable" runat="server" width="130px" height="95px">


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Forms Data Controls :: Scrolling One Item At A Time With The ListView?

Apr 30, 2010

Suppose I have a horizontally oriented ListView that always shows 4 items and also has a left & a right button: < A B C D >

Now, let's say I have a DataTable containing 20 entries, with indices ranging from 0 to 19.

When the page first loads, this is what'll be displayed: < 0 1 2 3 >

Assuming those buttons are regularly configured DataPage buttons then if I press the right one we'll get this: < 4 5 6 7 >

And if I press the right one again we'll get this: < 8 9 10 11 >

But suppose I'd like the left & right buttons to only scroll one at a time, so that pressing the right one at the start results in this: < 1 2 3 4 >

In such a case, is there a way to configure the DataPager to do this or should I instead introduce regular buttons and perhaps have them call a hidden DataPager?

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Forms Data Controls :: Inserting Item Manually In A ListView?

Feb 21, 2011

I am trying to insert manually new items in a Listview control using objects. The item seems to be inserted, but when the page is sent back to the browser, there is nothing there. Here is the code that I am using:


I can assign a list of object to the datasource, but when I try to input a new object to the list of items from the ListView, it doesn't work.

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Forms Data Controls :: Nested Listview As Selected Item?

Mar 16, 2011

have a nested listviews:


<if Listview1.selected index = 0>
Item1NestedListView - item1
Item1NestedListView - item2

When a user selects an item in the parent listview, the nested listiview displays as part of the selected item template - when a user selects an item in a nested listview it correctly populates a third, separate listview. To make sure I'm being clear, I have a parent listview with many rows and each of those rows has a nested listview, that is only populated and displayed when the row is selected. The parameters for the nested listview are set in the ItemDatabound event of the parent.

I had this working fine when both objectdatasources were on the aspx page. However, requirements have changed and we would like to pass a class to the BLL. I cannot figure out how to do this using a datasource on the aspx page. I can pass a class doing a databind in the code behind. However, if I do the databind in the code behind, the SelectedItem template does not get displayed as I would like. I need to find the the selectedIndex for the parent listview in SelectedIndexChanging. however, when I click or 'select' an item in the parent listview, the page refreshes, the ItemDatabound of the parent of the parent fires NOT knowing the selectedindex, then the SelectedIndexChanging event fires changing the SelectedIndex. By this time the Listview is already on the screen without the selectedItemTemplate containing the nested listview. If I click on another item, the when the page refreshes it knows the selectedItemIndex chosen before and displays that SelectedItemTemplate containing the selected index.

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Forms Data Controls :: Listview Item Visible False?

Jan 14, 2011

I have a listview that renders like this:

yearsexp: 4
desc: a description text on the row databound, if there is no value for yearsexp or desc, I would like to make it not visible. The other one needs to still be visible. So far I have


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