Forms Data Controls :: Iterating Child Grid Rows On Button Click?
Jun 29, 2010
i am having Nested Gridview and from the child Grid i have to select the checkbox to retrieve the id's by iterating the child grid and that to on the Button Clik which is outside the Gridview.
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Oct 20, 2010
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Feb 9, 2011
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Mar 12, 2010
I have Parent/Child Grid (also called Nested Grids).
Parent Grid (PG) :: PG has two template fields. 1st template field has "Category ID" and 2nd template has Child Grid
Child Grid (CG) :: CG is populated in PG's RowDataBund event based on "Category ID". In CG's DataBound event, I am doing something which I need to display in CG's footer row.
Problem :: In the footer row of each CG, I have to show the "Category ID" which is in PG' row. How can I get hold of the PG's row which hascurrent nested grid (there will 'n' child grids, one for each 'Category ID' in the PG ) so I can read the "Category ID"
I was thinking if I could do something (DataBound event of CG) like this..
string catId = ChildGrid.Parent[get the index of the current row in PG].Cells[0].Text;
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Feb 12, 2010
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Feb 18, 2011
Tihs Is MyCode
<div id="container">
لیست شماره های تماس
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Jul 8, 2010
What I am looking to do is have a page with 2 seperate datagrids on, I want to be able to add the selected rows from DataGrid1 into DataGrid 2 either with a button click or using drag and drop functionality (Im guessing this would require javascript and I have no experience with this language, is it difficult to learn or could I just alter code from elsewhere?). Once the row is added into DataGrid2 I would like to be able to add some information, such as Quantity and DateDue (could this be added in a pop up box when the part is added?) Also I would like fields in DataGrid1 to be based upon a search with several different options that the user specifies, i.e the ability to search based on project number, however it would return eitheer parts or assemblies depending on a check box selected. I have very limited programming knowledge but Im guessing I would be able produce a query based on the inputs, but in order for this to work wouldnt the page to postback everytime an option was changed.
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Dec 16, 2010
I have string taskID[texbox],string projectID[texbox],,string description[texbox],,int totalHrs[texbox],,int billableYN[CheckBox],int activeYN[CheckBox]
outside the grid view .
I have gridview with edit button with bound columns taskID,projectID,description,totalHrs,billableYN,activeYN.
I want when i click on edit button this taskID,projectID,description,totalHrs,billableYN,activeYN should populate outside the grid view on string taskID[texbox],string projectID[texbox],,string description[texbox],,int totalHrs[texbox],,int billableYN[CheckBox],int activeYN[CheckBox]
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bannerid bannername bannerimage bannerlink
1 1 mail sdhgf jasdhfjsd
2 2 clock hsddshd sdjhsdffssdf
3 3 dhsgdsf dffsdfd dvffdffff
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1 1000 100 null
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May 7, 2015
I tried to keep all the data in the gridview when paging, but when I try to save it, which appears in my database only when it is active pages .. ex: in the first and second page I have data in gridview .. when I save, the stored in the database only the first or second page of course .. so I like to keep all my data in gridview when paging..
i have tried using : foreach (GridViewRow row in GridCustomColumn.Rows) but it's not working..
string sql1;
foreach (GridViewRow row in GridCustomColumn.Rows)
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