Forms Data Controls :: Add An asp:label And An Image - Both Works As One Clickable Item ?
Oct 28, 2010
I have a Datalist.In the ItemTemplate I add an asp:label and an image (img). I want both controls to be clickable as one Item so I put both inside a LinkButton.The result was strange I got only the Label clickable and fire the Datalist ItemCommand event ? how to make both works as one clickable Item ?
i need to send a clickable link to many people via mail using .
Dim smtp As New SmtpClient email = " Dim mm As New MailMessage("test", email) mm.Subject = "test" mm.Body = "" & "<br><br>" & "greetings" mm.IsBodyHtml = True smtp.Send(mm)
This code works perfectly when the mail is read with Outlook. People get a clickable link which brings them to the right page. But the same mail read in Hotmail (or any webmail site) provides a non-clickable link.
I have a datalist with each row has two item ' code' and 'column', onmouseover datalist row i want show cursor as ' Pointer', and click of that row i want  redirect the user with value of code  to the other page .... as i am using that code value as query string .. how can  i make datalist row clickable on mouseover
In web config file I have add key values specified.
In the formview I have labels on edit , item and insert mode that I want to display all the time by getting those values from web config. I'm able to do that with no problem but when I change the modes between edit to insert or item view, I lose those label values until I hit the "select" twice from the Gridview, those values re-appear. Below is the snippet of the code. What do I need to do to retain the category values all the time?
<%@ Page Title="" Language="VB" MasterPageFile="secureds_deals.master" %> <%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="cc1" %> <script runat="server"> Protected DealId As Integer = 0 Protected DealName As String Protected StartDate As Date Protected ContractDate As Date Protected ClosingDate As Date Protected SubmitRole As String Protected Status As String.......
I am using gridview. I Added checkboc under itemtemplate.My page works fine. i have set my page according 508 standards. It looks for associated control id for every textbox, check box..etc.
When i check my page by 508 standards its giving form lable is missing for gridview item tamplate checkbox. i tried adding lable inside item tamplate and i set the check box id as Associated control id for the label. eventhough its not going off that error. After setting some text my errors are resolved.
but if add any text item template checkbox alignment is missing. i cann't hidden the lable. If i hidden the label it again show up Form label is missing. how can i add lable without effecting to GV item template checkbox alignment.
I am developing a movie database, in that i have autpcomplete with image feature for the users to search film titles. In that when the text box suggests the film titles with image if the user clicks the film title the title text is copied into the text box and if we click the search button then only it is redirecting to another page, my requirement is when the suggestion comes and if the user clicks a particular suggestion the page has to be redirected to another page and there i have written code to fetch details of the film from the database. I have used web service and the code is
<%@ WebHandler Language="C#" Class="Search_CS" %>
using System; using System.Web; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Configuration; using System.Text; public class Search_CS : IHttpHandler {
I want to make Image Gallery on label control where each row will contain 3 images. I also want to use javascript ligtbox on image click event for show the image in larger size.The Path Of the Image is stored in database.
I'm building a list view that contains a list of message such as FaceBook...I need to keep a textbox to have the text to insert, a label and a imageI tryed:
I have the below code in a user control used at many places in my website.I want the whole control to behave as a hyperlink and redirect to the 'Testimonial page'.How can I accomplish it?
My doubt is how to make a list of titles of the news contained in a database. And this list each of the titles when clicked is redirected to a page where you will be able to view the news in full (Title, Body, Author).
What I got:
- A database containing a table with the news, every news is associated with an identification code (ex: "ID").
- A page where you will make the listing. (Ex: site / listofnews.aspx)
- I have a page that uses the method "querystring" to know what is the primarykey the news. (Ex: site/shownews.aspx?ID=12345, where "12345" is the primarykey of the news. Once it knows what is the primarykey of the news in the database, it loads each of the fields of the page (news.aspx) with the news, this part is working ok.
- The data is retrieve using the Linq, so I receive a List of "News", the class "News" as ID, Title, Body, Author.. My doubt is how to make the listing clickable.
In php I used this method (make a list of html links, in each link the href field is changed so that the tag "id" coincides with the news):
I have a GridView which is linked to the database via SqlDataSource.
What I would like to do is to make each row of a designated column clickable. Once the user has clicked on a row, the application should postback to another page to allow the user to read all the details of that row.
The effect should be as we can see in this post: if you go to "mypost", you have a list of posts and then when you click on one of them you are able to see the details of that.
I read lots of posts that are using, however, other methods such as datalist + dataset controls etc.
I have a gridview that includes a checkbox colum (Item Tempate).I need to be able to select row but when mouse is over checkbox column it should not be clickable. Is this possible?Think of it as an Inbox type gridview where checkbox is used for deleteing messages but when you click on subject or name it will show the message. I need the same functionality.
I generate dynamic grids based on a count value returned from some DB tables. the code for it goes like this : I give and Id to each grid that is generated.
if (myDataList1.Count >= 1) { for (int i = 0; i < myDataList1.Count; i++) { //retrieving the exact i count from pageload ViewState.Add("newCount", i); //creating the dynamic grid with its corresponding gridview properties. grvDynamic = new GridView(); grvDynamic.ID = "GridView" + (i+3); grvDynamic.AutoGenerateColumns = false; grvDynamic.RowCreated += GridViewRowCreated; grvDynamic.RowDataBound += grvDynamic_RowDataBound; //adding bound field columns to retrieve data from stored proc BoundField metric = new BoundField(); metric.HeaderText = "Goal "; metric.DataField = "metric"; grvDynamic.Columns.Add(metric); BoundField mtd = new BoundField(); mtd.HeaderText = "MTD"; mtd.DataField = "value_MTD"; grvDynamic.Columns.Add(mtd); BoundField goal = new BoundField(); goal.HeaderText = "Tier Level Achieved"; goal.DataField = "value_goal"; goal.HeaderStyle.Width = Unit.Percentage(10); grvDynamic.Columns.Add(goal); BoundField you1 = new BoundField(); you1.HeaderText = "Month End"; you1.DataField = "firstLevel_you"; grvDynamic.Columns.Add(you1); BoundField you2 = new BoundField(); you2.HeaderText = "Month End"; you2.DataField = "secondLevel_you"; grvDynamic.Columns.Add(you2); ButtonField singleClick = new ButtonField(); singleClick.CommandName = "clickHyperlink"; singleClick.Visible = false; grvDynamic.Columns.Add(singleClick); BoundField metricId = new BoundField(); metricId.HeaderText = "Metric Id"; metricId.DataField = "metricID"; metricId.Visible = true; grvDynamic.Columns.Add(metricId); //binding the gridview to data. grvDynamic.DataSource = data; grvDynamic.DataBind(); grvDynamic.Columns[5].Visible = false; } }
protected void grvDynamic_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { //this basically gets the metric Id's of rows with the ishyperlink flag set to 'Y'. I need to make these particular cells clickable var isClickable = (from md in myDataList3 where md.IsHyperLinkFlag == 'Y' &&
md.value_MTD != null select md.metricID).ToList(); if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { // Get reference to button field in the gridview. LinkButton _singleClickButton = (LinkButton)e.Row.Cells[5].Controls[0];
This code works perfectly fine , depending on the ishyperlink flag in the database...specific cells in the grid are made clickable and then redirected to page2.aspx My Issue: I need to capture which specific cell in which specific grid the user has clicked. store some information in sessions based on the cell clicked and use that information in page2.aspx.
I'm using a slightly modified version of Valum's upload [github link], I've modified it to upload to a database but haven't modified the javascript that it is using to get the file into the Request as an InputStream. The following line of code is failing in IE 8 but is confirmed to work in Chrome. using (Image imgInput = Image.FromStream(Request.InputStream)) The error received is "Parameter not valid". It appears to be having an issue with the Input Stream being used but it exists/has data (not sure how to validate if the data is good or not).
Page <asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server"> <h2>Upload-Pictures</h2> <div id="file-uploader"> <noscript> <p>Please enable JavaScript to use file uploader.</p> </noscript> </div> <script src="/Scripts/fileuploader.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function createUploader() { var uploader = new qq.FileUploader({ element: document.getElementById('file-uploader'), action: '/Admin/FileUpload/' + <%= Model.PropertyId %>, debug: true }); } window.onload = createUploader; </script> </asp:Content> Controller [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)] public JsonResult FileUpload(int id) { try { byte[] newImageByteArray = GetByteArrayForResizedImage(350, Request.InputStream); byte[] thumbnailByteArray = GetByteArrayForResizedImage(150, Request.InputStream); //Add to DB } catch (Exception ex) { // This is where the exception is caught return Json(new { success = false, message = ex.Message }, "application/json"); } return Json(new { success = true }, "application/json"); } private static byte[] GetByteArrayForResizedImage(int imageSize, Stream inputStream) { byte[] imageByteArray; // For some reason in IE the inputStream here is causing it to crash using (Image imgInput = Image.FromStream(inputStream)) { //Image processing } return imageByteArray; } fileuploader.js - qq.FileUploader /** * Class that creates upload widget with drag-and-drop and file list * @inherits qq.FileUploaderBasic */ qq.FileUploader = function(o){ // call parent constructor qq.FileUploaderBasic.apply(this, arguments); // additional options qq.extend(this._options, { element: null, // if set, will be used instead of qq-upload-list in template listElement: null, template: '<div class="qq-uploader">' + '<div class="qq-upload-drop-area"><span>Drop files here to upload</span></div>' + '<div class="qq-upload-button">Upload a file</div>' + '<ul class="qq-upload-list"></ul>' + '</div>', // template for one item in file list fileTemplate: '<li>' + '<span class="qq-upload-file"></span>' + '<span class="qq-upload-spinner"></span>' + '<span class="qq-upload-size"></span>' + '<a class="qq-upload-cancel" href="#">Cancel</a>' + '<span class="qq-upload-failed-text">Failed</span>' + '</li>', classes: { // used to get elements from templates button: 'qq-upload-button', drop: 'qq-upload-drop-area', dropActive: 'qq-upload-drop-area-active', list: 'qq-upload-list', file: 'qq-upload-file', spinner: 'qq-upload-spinner', size: 'qq-upload-size', cancel: 'qq-upload-cancel', // added to list item when upload completes // used in css to hide progress spinner success: 'qq-upload-success', fail: 'qq-upload-fail' } }); // overwrite options with user supplied qq.extend(this._options, o); this._element = this._options.element; this._element.innerHTML = this._options.template; this._listElement = this._options.listElement || this._find(this._element, 'list'); this._classes = this._options.classes; this._button = this._createUploadButton(this._find(this._element, 'button')); this._bindCancelEvent(); this._setupDragDrop(); }; fileuploader.js - qq.FileUploaderBasic /** * Creates upload button, validates upload, but doesn't create file list or dd. */ qq.FileUploaderBasic = function(o){ this._options = { // set to true to see the server response debug: false, action: '/server/upload', params: {}, button: null, multiple: true, maxConnections: 3, // validation allowedExtensions: [], sizeLimit: 0, minSizeLimit: 0, // events // return false to cancel submit onSubmit: function(id, fileName){}, onProgress: function(id, fileName, loaded, total){}, onComplete: function(id, fileName, responseJSON){}, onCancel: function(id, fileName){}, // messages messages: { typeError: "{file} has invalid extension. Only {extensions} are allowed.", sizeError: "{file} is too large, maximum file size is {sizeLimit}.", minSizeError: "{file} is too small, minimum file size is {minSizeLimit}.", emptyError: "{file} is empty, please select files again without it.", onLeave: "The files are being uploaded, if you leave now the upload will be cancelled." }, showMessage: function(message){ alert(message); } }; qq.extend(this._options, o); // number of files being uploaded this._filesInProgress = 0; this._handler = this._createUploadHandler(); if (this._options.button){ this._button = this._createUploadButton(this._options.button); } this._preventLeaveInProgress(); };