Forms Data Controls :: Aspx Page Is Taking Long Time To Load Controls (repeater)

Feb 12, 2011


I am retrieving records from database nearly 380 records and binding them to a repeater control.My page is taking long time to load. how to improve the performance and here is the code of my repeater.

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Forms Data Controls :: Ajax In Asp 1.1 / Taking Too Much Refresh And Taking Long Time?

Jan 13, 2010

I am making some application in 1.1 in that I am displaying data in datagrid from database. In data grid first column is of check box and radio button and in the last column we have text box now thing is that when i click on check box crosponding textbox we fill some figure and at the end we press calculate button to get total. After getting total we have to press continue button to go next step

But suppose if some body remove that check the we should press calculate button or chnage some figure in the text box then we should press calculate button again to recalculate. for that i kept autopost back on check box oncheckedchanged event and text box ontextchanged event and hide continue button so user will click calcutae button abd then continue button will re-apper

Problem it that it taking too much refresh and taking long time. So was lloking for some ajax method to use in my application.

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MVC - Images Taking A Long Time To Load?

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I have tested my pages in Firefox & IE and looking at Firebug in Firefox for some reason some images are taking a long time to load. They are not very big in comparison to the ones which are loading quicker.

Attached is a screenshot of Firebug.

I especially notice it in IE with the progress bar at the bottom of the page, it just sits there saying loading image...

Could it be the path or something which is http://localhost:49211/Content/_layout/images/bg-footer.png for example

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Feb 20, 2010

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Data Controls :: Every Post Back In Form Is Taking Long Time When Several Update Panels Used

Nov 22, 2015

I have a big form in which i have almost 10 update panels. some are having updatemode = conditional and others are always. Now by default when that page is opened i only show one dropdownlist.When that project dropdownlist (from which i populate the rest of the elements in my page) value is changed by user it takes long time to load the other elements. Also the other gridview which is also surrounded by update panel and mode in conditional takes long time to show edititemtemplate controls in edit mode. 

I am unable to trace the reason behing delay. Few days ago it was working fine and fast but now it is slow.

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Page Taking Too Long To Load?

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Am working currently on a project with Dundas chart and to populate 3 similar charts on the dashboard page, there are more than three thousand rows returned from the database for each chart. These rows now retrieved are just test data and while launching the application there would be enormous amount of data being retrieved. It takes ample of time for the page to load on every postback. Is there any way to load the page more quicker inspite of huge data being populated.

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Forms Data Controls :: Page Taking Time To Populate Gridview With Row Data Bound At Select Index Change Event

Mar 26, 2011

I am using grid view with row "data bound event" at row row data bound i am using some function with loops to fill drop down of grid view in template columns. grid view gets populated with selected index change event of drop down. my problem is the page is getting slower i mean when grid populates its taking some time and some time page get hanged what to do to get rid of it?

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Data Controls :: Gridview Paging Is Taking Some Time (15-20 Seconds) To Go To Next Page

May 7, 2015

I had implemented the Ajax timer control to update Gridview data(along with Progress bar inside Gridview) after some interval of time.Below is the full code:


<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="head" Runat="Server">
<%--style & Script for progress bar in Gridview --%>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<link href="css/jquery-ui.css" rel="stylesheet" />

[Code] ....


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if (!this.IsPostBack) {
} }
protected void BindGrid() {
string query = "SELECT * FROM Table";

[Code] ....

It is working fine except that the Gridview paging is taking some time(15-20 seconds) to go to next page.

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My machine specs are

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU
Q8200 @ 2.33 GHz
2.33 GHz, 1.96 GB of RAM

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To Show Pdf Files In Web Page - Taking Much Time To Load Page?

Mar 6, 2010

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JQuery :: Script In MVC Application Taking Too Long For IIS / IE To Load

Nov 2, 2010

I have a .Net 4.0 MVC 2.0 web application I built using VS 2010 Ultimate. I have about 413 lines of jQuery with no infiniate loops or anything, just ajax calls, .hide(), .show(), .slideToggle(), etc....the usual stuff. However, when I run the page both in debugging (Vista Enterprise 32bit) or in production (Server 2008 Enterprise 64bit w/ IIS 7) I get the following Windows Internet Explorer message dialog box that pops up:

Stop running this script? A script on this page is causeing Internet Explorer to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer may become unresponsive.

I commented out all 413 lines of my jQuery and this didn't fix a thing. So, then I started to comment out the external js files my page points to, and when I removed this line, the problem stopped, but my page also doesn't function are look right.


I have Googles the hell out of this error, and have found all sorts of reasons as to why this can be caused, and have seen many solutions, even Microsoft has a solution for it which involves a registry mod, but I can't do that since it would have to be done on every client machine. Does anyone know why this js file would be causing this problem? If there just too much js on the page with this file added?

I figured the MVC discussion board would be the place for this since us MVC developers use the hell out of jQuery most.

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Is there anything I can do to overcome this? Perhaps "refreshing" the cache in some way? ipconfig /flushdns doesn't work.

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Configuration :: Visual Studio Publish Taking A Long Time

Mar 24, 2010

When I Publish my website it takes around an hour and a half. This is publishing to a directory on my local machine, it is not FTP'ing to a remote server. The build seems to take about an hour (when I build without publishing it is noticeably slow, but 5 minutes slow, not an hour), then the publish seems to take a further half an hour.

what could be causing this and how I can improve this? This obviously causes issues when I make a change (I'm constantly updating the site) as I need to wait for an hour an a half. I'm considering not precompiling the site now and simply uploading the .aspx and .cs files direct to the server as this is unmanageable for me.

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Visual Studio 2010 - Upgrade Seems To Be Taking A Very Long Time To Start?

Oct 13, 2010

At work I'm tryhing to upgrade an ASP.NET 2.0 app (which we wrote using VB.NET 2005) to ASP.NET 4.0. I had a few problems during the upgrade, but eventually worked them all out. At the end of the day I decided to give it a quick compile and see if I'd get the start page, so I hit F5 in VS 2010. I left it that way, and man was it acting weird. VS 2010 wasn't responding to anything. If I hovered the mouse over VS 2010's minimize or close buttons, in the upper right corner, then those buttons were flashing very rapidly. I'm not sure what was going on. After waiting 15 minutes to see if it would come up, I decided to try clicking on the close button. Nothing happened. Eventually, I had to leave (I take public transit, and I have to leave when the bus comes)But what I want to know is this, is this pretty standard behavior? Does it normally take this long to do this? This website is of modest size (<100 pages).

(Later) When I came into work today, 8 hours later, VS 2010 was still doing whatever the heck it was doing, but basically it wasn't responding to anything.

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Apr 30, 2010

I am working on a ASP.NET 2.0 application. It is hosted on IIS 6 on Windows 2003 server.

Few pages have jpeg images (around 50 images and 50 KB each). It takes long time to load the page for the first time. But when i open the same page for the second or third time it is faster.

why does a web page take long time to load for the first time?

Is it cached somewhere when it loads for the first time? Do we have any control over it?

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Web Forms :: Button Taking Too Much Time To Load?

Nov 19, 2012

I have a web page and i have one user control and one buttone on page...

I am displaying some data on that page.

But problem is that buttong is loading after almost 30 to 40 seconds event after whole data displayed and progress bar of ie is also does not complete

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Partial Rendering - Pages Are Taking Time To Load First Time?

Aug 25, 2010


As my pages are taking time to load first time.

So user has to wait till full page gets loaded and thats irritating . Was this the reason MVC was evolved?

Solution :Should i use partial rendering on all pages including home page, and all forms getting called from home page.

So even if half page is loaded thats less frustrating

For Partial rendering what i plan is : i will put Scriptmanager with Enable partial renderingand update panel for half part of page.

So that user dont have to wait for full page to load.

Is my plan correct? Problem is i cannot regenerate page load issue every time.

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Forms Data Controls :: 11 Gridviews On Same Page - Optimize Page Load Time?

Oct 4, 2010

I have a web page which has about 11 gridviews.Hence the page takes bout 15 seconds to load.The grids are 1 below the other.They are populated at the page load.

I need a solution to reduce page load time. Is there a way,where the gridview loads only if user scrolls to it. I donot want the user to make selection for everytime he wishes to see a gridview. The page should show gridview if its data is bound to it, not waiting for entire page gridviews to get populated.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Is Taking Too Much Time While Data Loading From Excel

Mar 24, 2010

I have Gridview control with all rows are edit mode using Itemtemplate and footer template. Some of columns are having ajax calendor control.

Page is very slow. If I am loading 500 rows into GridView

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Asp - Gridview Taking Much Time To Load

Oct 29, 2010

I am having a Gridview which takes much time to load its data, I tried to make the loading faster by implementing paging in gridview and reducing the rows to render in the grid and it got worked to an extent but still it lags in processing to bind data. The database i am using is SQL Server 2005 and the code is as follows

DataTable dtProducts = objProducts.GetProductDetails(iCat.ToString(), userId);
dgrdProductList.DataSource = dtProducts;
public DataTable GetProductDetails(String CatID, String UserID)
DataAccess DAB = new DataAccess();
DataTable dtbProducts = new DataTable();
string SQL = "select *,CAST(ShortDescription AS varchar(200)) AS ShortDescriptionList from vw_products where IsActive=1 AND CategoryID = " + CatID +
" AND LanguageID in( SELECT PW_UserLangRel.LanguageID FROM PW_Language INNER JOIN " +
" PW_UserLangRel ON PW_Language.ID = PW_UserLangRel.LanguageID WHERE PW_Language.IsActive=1 AND PW_UserLangRel.CompanyID=" + UserID +
" ) Order By ID Desc,LanguageID";
dtbProducts = DAB.Fill(SQL, CommandType.Text).Tables[0];
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception(ex.Message + "WebShopPaolo.CProducts.AddProductImages");
return dtbProducts;

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Forms Data Controls :: Web Application Project Performance Takes Long To Load Data

Dec 13, 2010

I there I have recently created an ASP website wich uses .net 4 and SQL db but soem some reason even displaying 20 records in a gridview is slow... So after some reading I converted the website to a Web Application Project so its compile prior to publish.. But yet again this is a bit slow. pages loading time is not of a bit issue...

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C# - Long Time To Load First Sql Connection In .NET?

Apr 9, 2010

For some reason it takes 7 seconds to open a connection to a sql server database for the firt time, subsequent connections takes a second.

I'm using C# and

Its after compilation, i essence every time i restart the site, which means every time it needs to actualy create the "first" connection. i understand that setting up connection pooling has overhead, but i have never seen that i should take 7 second to set it up.

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Ajax CalendarExtendar Take Long Time To Load?

Apr 15, 2010

I have a web page which has a textbox and a button. The textbox has a calendar extender attatched to it.On my machine it is popup quickly but when i published it on the server it's taking a very long time to show and sometimes it doesn't. It's like loading or downloading something. Any Clues .....

asp:TextBox ID="txtDateFrom" runat="server" CssClass="TxtBoxDate" meta:resourcekey="txtDateFromResource1"></asp:TextBox>
<ajax:CalendarExtender ID="extCalendarStartDate" runat="server" CssClass="calTheme" Format="yyyy/MM/dd" FirstDayOfWeek="Sunday" PopupPosition="BottomRight" TargetControlID="txtDateFrom" OnClientDateSelectionChanged="checkDate" Enabled="True"> </ajax:CalendarExtender>

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Configuration :: Site Take A Very Long Time To Load?

Mar 26, 2010

i developed a website already and it was hosted in live too. My Problem is , site take a very long time to load , it take nearly 30-60 seconds to open , once it opened then it is some what better, MY Url Ishttp:\shoesrus.msinternational.bizplease verify and give me a solution , is their is any setting changes has to be taken in iis or server side etc..

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