Forms Data Controls :: Checking Row Status In Gridview?
Jan 3, 2010
I am using seperate buttons to control whether edit and delete row linkbuttons are enabled or not on the GV. When I click a buton to enable the edit linkbuttons on the GV and then click a linkbutton for a row that puts it in edit mode. Then if the Delete button is clicked I have code that disables the edit linkbutton and enables the Delete linkbuttons. But, if there is a row in edit mode and the delete button is clicked, the edit linkbuttons disappear and the delete buttons appear (as expected) but the row that was in edit mode does not have a delete linkbutton in it and the row is still in edit mode with no update/cancel buttons. When the delete button is clicked, if there is a row in edit mode, I need to cancel any edit modes in any row.
I'm using C# and SQL Server. I have one gridview which contain 3 columns "ID, COMPLETED (either yes or no), BY (adminID that completed)" and adminID can be null.
If user selected "yes" in COMPLETED column then how can I make sure that adminID in BY column is NOT empty or adminID entered is EXIST in database.
I have a gridview and a button-Start in aspx page.
In gridview 3 columns checkbox , Name and Status.
Select multiple columns and click on Start then Status column for selected rows should be changed to "Starting...", later it should be changed to "Started".
But it is showing directly "Started". In the mean time i should see "Starting..." also.
I have a gridview which is populated from SQL. SQL table fields are ProjectName,Description and TaskDate.Gridview should have 3 columns ; ProjectName,Description and Status
I want to compare the TaskDate to the current system date and if TaskDate < System Date I need to have "Delayed " in the Status column and if TaskDate > System Date I need to have "On Schedule" in the status column.Also how should I defined the blank status column in the gridview?(gridview code without Status is as follows)
and in the rows under column there are figures like:
30, 50, 28 65, 0, 214 etc.
My program is working fine, when I am clicking 30, a new page opens and displays 30 rows, when I click 28 another page opens and displays 28 rows and so on.
In datatable there is a column named Stauts, actually Pending, Waiters,Opened are the status.
In dataset in table adapter I used thress queries one for "Pending", second for "Waiters" and third for "Opened".
To display data I created three pages with gridviews.
I used query like:
Select * from ..... Where status ='Pending' Select * from ..... Where status ='Waiters' Select * from ..... Where status ='Opened'
What is Required:
I want to make one query with status =@status and want to use header name in query or in coding and want to make only one page to display record.
To put my question as an idea/example I used three status but in real scenarion I have lot of status. If I have lot of status so I have to make lot of queries and have to create lot of aspx pages to display data in gridview that is not the correct logic.
I need to check for duplicate records before inserting them into the SQL database.Thus I have the following codes:
For count = 0 To GridView1.Rows.Count If (GridView1.Rows(count).DataItem("Student Name").Equals(dtDataTable.Rows(count).Item("Student ID"))) Then lblMsg.Text = "Records Existed" End If
but there are error message. "Object variable or With block variable not set."
i have code to update multiple rows in a gridview. What I want is that if the row value is = 1 in the database then the row is checked otherwise it's not. I've put some pseudo code in below to illustrate what I want to achieve.
I having problem on the checking duplication entry on grid view. The situation is like this:
When i click Submit Button, The function will make a checking into mysql. If the data already exist then the submition of data will not being process. The error that i got here is, Both already exist and not exist data not being process. this is my checking coding
In Gridview, Item Template i want to display Dropdown containing Order Status. On Dropdown selection I want to update Status corresponding to that Order. I just want to know how can I get OrderID value(which I had stored in Label in Item Template), in dropdown onselectedindex event. Grid view can't have Edit button.
how to check if a particular data in the database already, for example, i want to check if a username already exist in database, then the user cant choose that username.
I'm populating a DataList using the IDataReader object and it works fine it the reader contains data. If the data is not present it displays nothing. I want to capture that situation and insert a verbiage such as "No data" or something like that. I've tried to test the datareader for various conditions such as Null, String.Empty, or plain " " but nothing worked. Is there a way to make this happen? Below is my code sample for your review.EJM.Note: It has to be done programatically as I'm building this for a web part.
I've been pickling my brain trying to do this for a couple of days but to no avail. I have the following in "FormView1" which I'm just using in insert mode:
I'd like the contents (i.e. whatever the user wants to insert) to be passed to a method where it will be checked against any existing values in the database.
I have some controls on the page that can be required on certain senario and can be not required on others.
So we enable/disable them dinamaically depending on the current transactions.
Now I am thinking of a way where I can check the required field by Javascript on the click event of save button. Remember control not be required at all time.
I am using a DetailsView control to allow for updating a user record. Is there a way to check if the values are actually updated/changed when the update link is clicked. I know there are users, who would click the update button rather than the "Canel" even if there are no changes to the record. So, how do I check if any value has been updated when the update link is clicked. The DetailsView uses a SqlDataSource to populate the DetailsView.
trying to restrict the "Administrator" from deleting the product when the product is still "Available" or "unsold".When a user buys the product the status will become "Sold", and when the product is not sold, the status will be "unsold". i want to do a validation where there will be a prompt when the administrator tries to delete the product that is "Available" or "unsold".
I've tried many ways by using OnItemDeleting to create the prompt, but it didn't seem to work together with OnItemDeleted. The record will remain in the database even when deleted or there the prompt is not working. Please tell me how do i go about doing the OnItemDeleting when the status changes. Or is my method wrong.
This is my code for the DetailsView
This is my code for the OnitemDeleted [Code]....
I have tried to validate using OnitemDeleting together with OnItemDeleted(using the previous code above) to restrict the quantity before. But it didn't work.
I have a formview that I open to the edit template, some textboxes are not available and some are populated by dropdown lists, and the update function works fine.
As soon as I add some logic to the code behind page for the update control, the UPDATE link on the formview stops updating my DB.
In this code, I have a multi View below the Loginview. The page works fine when it loads, but when I click on a button that changies which view to display, The page looses the fact that it is logged in and renders the Anonymous Template. The system knows the person is still logged in so when I go to another page like Signin, it displays the loggedin Template.
I have two textboxes on my webform txtOQty,txtShipQty and Status dropdown list having 3 options.Active,hold,Completed.When txtoqty=txtShipQty then status should changed to Completed.Can any one help me on this,thanks.
have situation here. On checking checked checkbox inside template field on grid view. This my codethis code suppose to be update into mysql when checkbox of each row being checked. Mean only update database which row has being checked, other wise the data inside database not being updated.What happen now once button being click, code above will be executed, but all the data being update not considering the checked checkbox only.