Forms Data Controls :: Difficulty In Setting Default Selectedindex For The Radiobuttonlist?

Feb 20, 2010

i am having a radiobuttonlist in datalist and i am binding values to radiobuttonlist.. when i select particular radiobuttonlist, corresponding image should be displayed..i am having difficulty in setting default selectedindex for the radiobuttonlist

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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: Setting Selection In RadioButtonList According To Data From Database

Dec 23, 2010

I try to set the selection in the radiobuttonlist accordingly to data retrieved from the database.

This is not working (the mydata.gender contains "Mail")

mygender = myfatality.gender

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.net - Timer In UPdatePanel Changes SelectedIndex Of RadioButtonList?

Nov 16, 2010

I have a situation where I have a page in ASP.NET. In this page I have a RadioButtonList, which contains 5 solutions to a question. The RadioButtonList is feeded by an object, which has these solutions.I have a timer, which runs every second, to update loads of graphical controls. Everything works, BESIDES the RadioButtonList selection.This is what happends:

When I select an item in the RadioButtonList and the timer tick, the selectedIndex of the RadioButtonLIst value is 0. This means it selects the FIRST item in the list. However, IF I click an item, which has a "Yes" value in it (the value field can either have "No" or "Yes", it will stay at this item.First of all, I have NO idea why the timer re-select my RadioButtonList selection, as any other Page_Load event does nothing. And even if that makes sense, I have no idea why it just re-selects SOME of the answers..I have the following HTML code:

<asp:Timer ID="AssignmentTimer" runat="server" Interval="1000">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="FightUpdatePnl" runat="server" UpdateMode="Always" ChildrenAsTriggers="True">[code]....

When the timer ticks, the RadioButtonList re-select item 0. This is however not consistent, and sometimes it doesn't re-select.
I'd rather it didn't re-select at all! :)

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Forms Data Controls :: Setting Default Values For A Column In A Girdview?

Jan 31, 2011

I have a gridview which I use to add items through the footer and the EmptyDataTemplate. There is a date field. I want to set the default of it to the current system date.

gridview template code is as follows...


Empty data template code is as follows...


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Forms Data Controls :: Setting The Default Button For Grid View ?

Jul 18, 2010

need that when the edit is clicked the update/cancel appear. user types the update and when press the ENTER key the update is made.How to set the update link button as default.

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Web Forms :: Setting The Selectedindex Of Drop-down List Box

Feb 17, 2011

I want to set the selectedindex of ddlExceptionNumbers to a Session variable value. I set my debugger just passed the last line of this code segment, and it doesn't change the selectedindex, it's 0. Session["CurrentExceptionID"] has a non-zero positive value.


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Forms Data Controls :: Databind - Change The Default Value Setting In InitialCall From (getdate())

Oct 18, 2010

Using Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2010, I have created a SQL database, with the goal being to create a Lead Management system for my company. I have created two columns: 1 is named InitialCall, and the other is named FollowUp. The InitialCall column has a datatype of "datetime", and currently, the default value setting is (getdate()). The FollowUp column is set to varchar(max), because I want to allow a sales rep to add whatever information they want to.

What I would like to do is change the default value setting in InitialCall from (getdate()), so that it will update that field whenever a sales rep upates the FollowUp field. In essence, this would create a time stamp so that I would know the date and time that the sales rep followed up with a particular lead. What would I enter the default value as?

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Forms Data Controls :: Radiobuttonlist Inside Datalist Itemtemplate/bind The Radiobuttonlist Dynamically From Database

Feb 2, 2011

I have a radiobuttonlist inside a datalist itemtemplate and i need to bind the radiobuttonlist dynamically from database I have tried to bind it inside itemdatabound event of datalist but it the result is always duplicated according to the fields in teh database.

for more information:

the database has two columns one for questions and the other is for choices , for the first question with id lets say 1 there are 4 choices, when the radiobutton is binded the result appears to be 4 times duplicated ?

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Data Controls :: Setting DropdownList Default Value After Data Binding

Apr 26, 2013

i have given 28 states as a datasource to the dropdownlist..whenever the user enters with id the dropdownlist must populate with his statename not from the first state (A to Z) as it is stored in database.?is thr any option to give query as default value to the dropdown? 

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Setting To Selectedindex Or Selectedvalue Of A Dropdownlist In A Repeater Not Working

Aug 16, 2010

I have a repeater with a DropDownList in it. I set the datasource of this list in the itembound event en set the selectedindex. When I debug the selectedindex is set, but when the page is done loading for all the item the default item is selected.

protected void Repeater1_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
var ddl = (DropDownList)e.Item.FindControl("DataFeedItems");
ddl.DataSource = FilterDropDownData();
ddl.DataTextField = "ColumnName";
ddl.DataValueField = "ColumnName";

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Web Forms :: Having Difficulty In The Following?

Sep 15, 2010

iam facing the difficulty in the following I have stored the image path in to Databse Column named ImagePath Now if there is no Image Path in column then i have to display the'No Image Found' message else the Image path accordingly.I tried the below but confused



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Web Forms :: Setting A Hyperlink To DataTextFormatString Of RadioButtonList Control

Jun 10, 2010

I have a radiobuttonlist control on my control, where the datasource is a collection, and I am using the DataTextFormatString to set the text field to a hyperlink. All this bit works, but where I am struggling to work is to add to the url path the value from the datavaluefield. Nothing I try works! Does anyone know how to set the datavaluefield into the url? Further, and one last question, my radiobuttonlist control is in a wizard step, and when the user clicks on a hyperlink, I want it to go on to the next step, all that is happening is that the link is going back to the first step.

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Forms Data Controls :: Can't Use The SelectedIndex To Identify The Access Row

Aug 18, 2010

I display a GridView where ther user can choose a Datarow with the select action. I catch the selection with the "SelectedIndexChanged" event of the GridView.


My problem is I can't use the SelectedIndex to identify the Access Row because when the user uses paging/sorting the SelectedIndex is not the AccessRow. Somehow I have to identify the selected row the user chooses with the PrimaryKey in Access ("Number").

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Forms Data Controls :: Using Gridview SelectedIndex In ControlParameter?

Mar 1, 2011

I am having a problem with using A Gridview SectedIndex or value in a sql ControlParameter. When I select the row it does what I need it to except it shows that there is no data.

but if I add Default Value of 1 the data shows up, but it needs to read from the Gridview.


I even added sqlDataSource.DataBind() in the SelectedIndexChanged Event to see if that would fix it but - No! I used it with a DropDown and it worked only when I use AutoPostBack = true of course.

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Forms Data Controls :: Recreating Selectedindex After Selectedindexchanged?

Feb 10, 2011

I'm trying to create a dynamic table (inside a gridview) with some objects. The initial creation is fine, and I store all the selectedindexes in viewstate to recreate it upon postback. This, seemingly, works fine as well, but...After the postback, when I get into the selectindexchanged even handler, I can see the new selectedindex, but the original control sending it is reset to it's initial value (because I reset them upon postback).Anyone know a fance way of doing this?Here's my code:


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Forms Data Controls :: Dropdownlist Selectedindex Changed Will Not Fire ?

Jun 14, 2010

I wanted to create a dropdownlist that would trigger an asynchronous postback and update the Gridview inside the Updatepanel. However, no matter what I do, when the dropdownlist changes, nothing in the UpdatePanel will change, even the TestLabel....I've been banging my head against the walls for days on this -- why won't this work? When I remove the UpdatePanel code and triggers, all the code works, eg, you change the dropdownlist andthen gridview updates -- but it refreshes the page and this is why I wanted to put the Gridview inside an Updatepanel to make it look cleaner.[Code]....

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding A Textbox To A Dropdownlist Selectedindex?

Feb 11, 2010

I'm having trouble binding my textbox to my dropdownlist. I got it to work but I don't think it is the correct way of doing it. I have my DDL bound to a datasource and populating everything correctly. However, I couldn't find a better way of binding my textbox to it besides using the FormView control and its counterpart, Templates (edit,insert,etc) It looks messy and i was hoping there was a better way of doing it. I've researched it online for awhile now but I couldn't understand how to implement for my situation.

My DDL has company names in it and the datasource has all the information from the table including what I'm trying to have my textbox pull (Address).

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Forms Data Controls :: SelectedIndex In DropDownList Inside DataList?

Feb 25, 2010

I have dropDownList in EditItemTemplate in DataList which is used to choose value from possible ones.

To display cuurent value I used SelectedIndex='<%# (int)(QuestionType)Eval("Type") %>' inside he dropDownList.

But then I started to dataBind dropDownList dynamically and it stopped working...

Why? When does the code in SelectedIndex='<%# this code %>' works?

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Forms Data Controls :: Linq / DropDownList Gives Error On Selectedindex

Nov 21, 2010

LinQ / DropDownList gives error on selectedindex


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Forms Data Controls :: Getting DataKeyField Value In DataList After DropDownList SelectedIndex Changes?

Dec 29, 2010

I have a datalist where each item consists of a textbox and a dropdownlist. I want to get the datakey value when a selected dropdownlist item changes. I can get the selected value of the dropdownlist, but I can't figure out how to get the key field value of the datalist row item that the dropdown resides in.



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Forms Data Controls :: Selected Value In Gridview Not Accessible Via SelectedIndex

Sep 2, 2010

I'm trying to keep these questions seperate for people searching after me, .

I have the following code on SelectedIndexChange of GridView1


I have a drop down list that you can choose values from, and depending on which item you pick GridView1 changes, this all works correctly, and if I select one of he rows the SelectedIndex changes. My problem occurs when you choose a different value from the drop down list, GridView1 Changes accordingly, and by default a record is selected. But selectedindexchange is never fired again until I manually select another record from the gridview which is a problem.

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Forms Data Controls :: Programmatically Set GridView.SelectedIndex From Known DataKey

Aug 4, 2010

I want to select a row in my GridView based on a known data key value at runtime.

In other words, I have a data key value, 2 for ex., and the primary key value of one of the rows in my GridView is 2. How can select that row? (Without having to go through each row to find which one matches my key, then setting the SelectedIndex.

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Forms Data Controls :: Datagridview Selectedindex Event Is Not Firing?

May 25, 2010

I have loaded data into gridview from datatable which is in database.

I need to select any row from gridview to fetch the selectedrow values and need to display in corresponding textboxes.

but selectedindexchanged event is not firing, do I need to do any extra settings?

I want to fecth select index from the data loaded from database table.( not from manullay adding data to datarow and assigning datarow to datable and fanally to gridview- this is not the case)


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Forms Data Controls :: SelectedIndex Of DropDownList Using TableAdaptor Data Source?

May 26, 2010

I am populating a dropdownlist in a detailsView on Page_Load using a table adaptor as follows



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Forms Data Controls :: Session And Dropdownlist - Gridwiew Show Data By Remmeber Old Selectedindex?

Jun 24, 2010

when i change page from page1 to page 2 I remember Dropdownlist in session


now when i go back to page1 I set the Dropdowlist the way what it was before i left page1


Everything its remember but when i load the page with my Dropdownlist again. The selectedindex shows default value in the control Dropdownlist.But it does remmeber old selectedindex.I got it wired with Gridwiew and gridwiew show Data by remmeber old selectedindex. Well generally I like to remember selectedindex when i go to a differente page and when i go back have it set in the control dropdownlist the way when i left the page

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