Forms Data Controls :: Display Categories And Subcategories In Gridviews?

Dec 8, 2010

i have one requirement like i want to show all the categories with the subcategories ..

i mean if i have the Sale category it will be heading of the gridview and all sub categories of the Sale category foreign key related subcategories display in that gridview like urls .same way it will show all the categories ..

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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: Setup Page To Display Gridviews Based On Subcategories?

Apr 18, 2010

I have a page for a client that currently is setup to display a gridview for each subcategory. They recently added a new subcategory and they were wondering why it wasnt showing up on the page. Well the way i have it setup, i have to create the gridview adn datasource for the new subcategory.

Is there a way to setup the page to display a gridview view for each subcategory so if they decide to add another, i dont have to update the page with a new gridview adn configure it? I would like to be able to update what i have and provide a more flexible setup for them.

keeping i mind that each gridview would contain different result sets, is this possible? if so, what controls would i use?

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Make Categories / Subcategories With Mvc?

Feb 6, 2011

I have a class

public class CountryListViewModel
public IEnumerable
Countries { get; set; }
public class CountryViewModel
public string CountryName { get; set; }
public string State { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<CityViewModel> Cities {
get; set; }
public class CityViewModel
public string CityName { get; set; }
public string CityLink { get; set; }

using linq to entity grouping by country and it works as designed. but I also have to group by state.

var query = from c in _db.MyTable
where c.IsActive && c.Country == country
group c by c.Country
into loc
select new CountryViewModel()
CountryName = loc.Key,
Cities = loc.Select(s => new CityViewModel() { CityName = s.City, CityLink = s.City }).Distinct()

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Forms Data Controls :: Display Gridviews Stacked One After Another With Spaces In Between?

May 14, 2010

how I can display gridviews stacked one after another with spaces in between??? <br /> doesn't work.

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Web Forms :: Data List Control To Display The Categories And Forum?

Mar 30, 2012

sample code for datalist to display the categories and forum like used in a  aspsnippet forum

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DataSource Controls :: Add Unlimited Categories And Sub Categories?

Jan 9, 2010

I want to add unlimited categories and sub categories facility, But I couldn't solve it for last two days.

1. DB



CategID CategName Parent ID
1 Electronics 0 (where 0 means it is main category)
2 TV 1 (Self Join whith the categ id Electronics)
3 Panasonic 2
4 LG 2
5 Toys 0
6 Girls Toys 5
7 Boys Toys 5
8 Criket Related 7
9 Dolls 6

Here I want to display this data in Combo Box like

>>Boys Toys
>>Criket Realted

View 6 Replies

Data Controls :: Display Data From Multiple Tables Using Multiple Dynamic GridViews

May 7, 2015

I have storedprocedure which returns four or more dataset!

example here

How load  and display all data in Default.aspx....

dataset 1


dataset 2


dataset 3


dataset 4


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Custom Paging By Categories?

Jul 28, 2010

Is there any way to have the gridview page by categories instead of pages. In other words instead of at the bottom having some sort of page numbering scheme there would be categories from a specific column (kind of like a group by in sql) arranged along the bottom and when I would click one it would page to the start of all those matching rows (preferably return all of them rather than just say 10 or 20).

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Forms Data Controls :: Add Categories To Repeater That Displays List Of Job Postings

Jun 8, 2010

I have a repeater that displays a list of job openings. I now need to modify the repeater and break out the job openings by category.

See below for the existing code for my repeater. I'm not sure how I need to modify my repeater to display the jobs under the appropriate categories.

I've added a new JobsCategory table to the database and added the foreign key relationship between my jobListing table and the jobcategory table.

I've created a new stored procedure to pull the jobs my category:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetJobsByCategory]
@categoryId int
SELECT j.JobID, j.JobTitle, j.URL, j.City, j.State, j.Country, c.CategoryName
FROM ADPJobListing j
INNER JOIN ADPJobCategory c ON j.CategoryID = c.CategoryID
WHERE j.CategoryID = @categoryId

In my typed dataset (tableadapter), I'll add a new query to the above stored procedure and finally in my business logic layer, I'll add a new method to call down into my data access layer:

[DataObjectMethod(DataObjectMethodType.Select, false)]
public ADP.JobsDataTable GetJobsByCategory(int categoryId)
return this.Adapter.GetJobsByCategory(categoryId);

How do I need to modify my repeater to display the jobs by category?


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Forms Data Controls :: Listing / Categories That It Is Added Infinite Category,subcategory?

Sep 2, 2010

i have a problem about listing. i have categories that it is added infinite category,subcategory. Table is like that:


i want listing like this:

For example when i click "Arac", the list will become like following:
Araç (category)
Otomobil (subcategory)
Motorsiklet (subcategory)

Then .when i click "Otomobil"

when i click "Fiat"

View 3 Replies

Multilevel Nested Product Categories Display With C# And Sql Server?

Jun 9, 2010

I have a product category table with the following fields:

cat_id (PK)

Now when a user wants to add a product he should be able to select multiple categories from a listbox(multiselection enabaled). But to let the user know the hierarchy of the categories, I need to display them in the following style:

parent category 1
parent category 1->sub category 1
parent category 1->sub category 1->sub-sub category 1
parent category 1->sub category 1->sub-sub category 2
parent category 1->sub category 2
Parent category 2.........

I know that to achieve this I need to use recursive programming. But how can we do it via stored procedures?

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Forms Data Controls :: Nested Repeater: Rewrites Ending Category List To All Categories

Feb 11, 2011

Nested Repeater Issue: Each category list gets populated with the same set of date values rather then being populated with the data associated with that category. Trying to Do: Trying to group FAQ's by category and then list them using the repeaters.

The data is queryed though a business logic layer object that makes a call to the data access layer object. The data access layer object uses linq to sql to return data. There are 3 parameters that are passed into the innerDataSource's ObjectDataSource control to populate the nested repeater control (propID, CatID, isVisible).

With the debugger, the correct data is being returned and written to the nested repeater firing from the nested repeater's ItemDataBound event. Once this event is finished, another event fires and runs the FAQRule object again on the business logic layer which re-populates the nested repeater with the same data for each category. I have 2 repeaters, outerRepater (parent) and innerRepeater(child) with 2 ObjectDataSource controls innerDataSource and outerDataSource. See code below : ASP Page:

<asp:Repeater DataSourceID="outterDataSource" EnableViewState="false" runat="server">
<%# Eval("Description") &#43; " " &#43; this.Property.PropertyName %>
<asp:Repeater EnableViewState="false" runat="server" DataSourceID="innerDataSource">
<ul style="width: 500px">
<div><%# Eval("Question") %></div>
<div><p><%# Eval("Answer") %></p></div>
<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="innerDataSource"

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Forms Data Controls :: Dependent GridViews?

Mar 15, 2010

I have this "how to" type of question. I have a page where there are four gridviews. Now these four grids pull data from four different tables. The 1st grid retrieves data from table 1 with a where clause in it's query that comes from a hidden fileld value in the page. Till this things are fine. However, the 2nd grid has a dependency on the 1st grid and the where clause in it's query should be the data selected in grid view1. The 3rd depends on the 2nd one..and so on.

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Forms Data Controls :: Books On Gridviews?

Mar 9, 2011

Has anyone come across any books that covered the topic of gridviews REALLY well and just say what they do?

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Forms Data Controls :: Two More GridViews Acting On Each Other

Mar 28, 2011

I have a couple grid views one for Team Goals and one for Indicators for the Goals I want to be able to click on an indicator and it highlight the Goal in the other grid view both on the same page. I also want to be able to click one of the indicators and open a entry screen I assume for that I use the select portion of the control?

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Forms Data Controls :: When Try To Include A Query Of The Section ID To The Link Of The Project Categories (DataView Of The Projects Repeaters Does Not Contain SectionID?

Jan 6, 2010

I have a parent repeater that lists the sections of the website. this repeater binds to display a table that contain another repeater of the website pages .. or may display a table that contains another two repeaters of the projects categories and sub-categories.Until now everything is going fine.

The problem comes when I try to include a query of the section ID to the link of the project categories (DataView of the projects repeaters does not contain SectionID)my question is : is there any way to call the SectionID of the first repeater in my projects categories and sub-categories repeaters?Here is my code:


the code behind is as follow:


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Move Items Between Two Gridviews

Sep 16, 2010

how to move items between two gridviews. my requirement is as such that the items can be moved around and once the user clicks on the save button then only will the final items in the gridviews get committed to the database.

View 5 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Overload Page With Many GridViews?

Nov 4, 2010

I do have a page that is literally overloaded with about 10 GridViews and there is a datasource for each particular one. Now, each GridView is hide inside a panel, so I only display one at a time depending on what is it that the user request. My concern is the followng: Even though I am only displaying one GridView at a time, do the others datasource are still working behind the scene on the blind side and therefore are putting a load on the server and on its performance. Or I do not have to worry about this because as long as the Panel.Visibility = False, nothing inside that panel is working.

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Forms Data Controls :: Sort Not Working In All Gridviews?

Nov 2, 2010

I'm developing a bilingual web site, and therefore, I'm changing the text of the headings and the select buttons of my gridviews. I just discovered that if I set some code like below in the rowdatabound event of the gridview, the "linkbuttonish" headings get replaced by unclickable text. In another thread, I was told to change

If Session("lang") = "en" Then
If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.Header Then
e.Row.Cells("name").Text = "Given name"[cod]...

in the myGV_DataBound sub.This works well, but not everywhere. A few gridviews are populated from codebehind, and this is where things go wrong. What happens is that - nothing happens (it's still the original heading). I added a Watch, but once the HeaderText property changed, the Watch never yielded another result, but stayed with the new value.

Now I suspect that even though the HeaderText property has changed, this doesn't get reflected in the GV when populated from codebehind.

I guess that I should write something else than "e.Row.Cells("name").Text" to still have the click-behaviour, but I don't know what.

The same question arises for the select linkbutton in a cell of the gridview's datarows.

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Forms Data Controls :: Client Login And Gridviews?

Sep 19, 2010

I have a project I am doing where clients post the sale of tickets. They are stored in a DB and shown in a gridview when they login to their account. However, I need to figure out how to set the gridview to only show what they have posted. I know I can use the their login clientID(CID), but I can't figure out how to get the gridview to show post for the client that logs in. It will either show all the post by multiple clients or it won't show any at all. I am using response.redirect(clientlisting.aspx? & "CID"). I then set the where clause as ticketID(TID) = querystring to (CID) but it is not showing anything.How do I set the gridview to show only post by each individual client?

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Forms Data Controls :: Multiple Gridviews On A Form?

Jan 31, 2011

I am needing to display two gridviews in the same panel on a form. Each of the gridviews has their own sqldatasource. Both datasources pull from the same table but they have a different record selection. When I view this in the browser I only see one gridview displayed. Can someone tell me how to do this or is there a better way to get a two gridview look without using the gridview?

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Forms Data Controls :: Loop Through All Gridviews On Page?

May 26, 2010

I am trying to loop through all gridviews on a page to hide them and set their page index to 0. This should be very easy to do and it seems like the code below should work but it doesn't?? How can I accomplsh this with the least amount of code? FYI- this code is executed on a button click.

foreach (Control childControl in Page.Controls)
if (childControl is GridView)
((GridView)childControl).Visible = false;
((GridView)childControl).PageIndex = 0;

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Forms Data Controls :: Copy TemplateField Between GridViews?

Mar 17, 2010

I'm creating a new solution to print a grid of my system. I think that is the best solotion, but....I need to copy some TemplateFields between two gridviews, but on the DataBind of the new grid, trows the error "the databind method like eval() only called on context control templatefield". I have Eval() instructions and I can't remove it!.Follows the exactly code:


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Read Rows Data In Gridviews Row Command Event

Dec 8, 2010

how can we read all rows data in rowcommand event of gridview?

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Forms Data Controls :: Exporting Data From Two Gridviews To Two Sheets Of Same Excel File

Apr 6, 2010

I'm having two grid view and one button on aspx page , on click of export to excel button i want to transfer these grid view data to excel sheet.. My requirement is to trasnfer to same excel file with two sheets(One sheet for one grid view).

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