Forms Data Controls :: Greyed Record Locking?

Sep 3, 2010

In a multiuser web application that performs CRUD functions, how is a record in a listview control "greyed" out while someone else is making changes or would you consider I need a custom control,

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I can also use a DataReader if that helps, but I need to dow some locking logic I would have thought.

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Mar 21, 2011

I have a delete button bellow my gridview and I want a pop up to show when no record is selected and tell the user to first select a record. The button click event would show the pop up, but my gridview data blanks out.

Here is my code:


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Forms Data Controls :: Selecting A Specific Record From Gridview And Displaying The Selected Record In Detailview

Aug 13, 2010

i have design a web application having suppliers table using SqlDatasource..

i have a master page in my design and other form are bound to a context menu..

Now i have displayed the records in the gridview..all i wanted is after i select a record in the gridview it will display the selected record in detailview from another aspx form..

i was able to create the link to another aspx form but the data that it display is the first data from the gridview not the data that i select.

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Forms Data Controls :: Display Child Record Details On Click On Parent Record In Grid

Jul 6, 2010

i have one parent grid on which if user clicks a record ,the child details should get displayed on same page.

for example :

There is one department details table and employees table:

if user selects a record in department details grid,then employees in the selected department should get displayed in the next grid in the same page

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Data Controls :: Call A Record On Datalist By Button Click And Display Record On FormView In Model

Apr 27, 2016

How to Call a record on datalist by button click and display record on formview in model using Username

Here is what i tried

 <asp:DataList ID="GetMergedAll." runat="server">
<asp:Label ID="Name" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>
<asp:Label ID="Post" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>
<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton6" runat="server">LinkButton</asp:LinkButton>
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

[Code] ....


 model here

<asp:FormView ID="Post" runat="server">
<asp:Label ID="Name" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>
<asp:Label ID="Post" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>

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Forms Data Controls :: Second User Will Try To Add His Record, It Remove The Record Of First User?

Sep 27, 2010

What I am trying is, whenever user enters his Name and Address into the textbox on the webpage, I am going to displaying it in a Gridview. Now if second member will do the same thing thing the GridView will be updated and his Name and Address will display in second row and likewise for other users. But what happened in my code is when second user will try to add his record, it remove the record of first user and add the record of second at row1. I want the record should be added one after another. below is my code


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Visual Studio :: Web Forms Toolbox Is Greyed And No Design Or Split Or Source Button

May 27, 2010

vs2008 "There are no usable controls in this group. Drag an item onto this text to add it to the toolbox"

the problem is that in my website web forms items can not display all toolbox elements:Standard,data,html and so on.

first, i have tried click right on the toolbox region to choose "reset items" and "reset the toolbox " command , then in the dialog i check the useful controls, surprisingly whole controls is selected in the default way. but nothing change.

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DataSource Controls :: Locking The Database?

Jan 12, 2010

I have multiple database running in my SQL Sever , in that I need to lock only one database is there is any inbuilt method in SQL Server 2008

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DataSource Controls :: SSIS: RetainSameConnection And Variable Locking?

Jun 8, 2010

I am modifying a rather large ETL package using BIDS. It builds a datawarehouse, so there are many sources and a single destination. There are quite a few data flow tasks, and their connection strings are read into variables from an encrypted source. All the data flow tasks are arranged serially because of variable locking issues - occasionally two DFTs attempt to simultaneously lock the variable and it fails. I realize there are script solutions out there, but I am looking for perhaps a more elegant (easier) solution than to apply scripted solutions to tons of packages over something so trivial.

I came across the "RetainSameConnection" connection property, and I have a hunch this could be the solution. My reasoning is: If there's only one connection to a data source, there should only be one read operation from the variable. At least, it makes sense when SOURCING.As for destinations, I'm not sure if it's a good idea to have data from multiple sources flowing in through a single connection.This is my first week working in ETL so I don't know all the nuances of databases, ETLs, connections, etc.

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DataSource Controls :: Locking Down Database Access For Production?

Mar 12, 2010

In the development environment, in SSMSE > MyDatabase > Security > MyUser > Database role membership I have checked db_owner to allow me to build the database.

Now I am copying the database to the production environment I would like to lock the security down tightly. In the past (with classic ASP applications) I have only checked db_datawriter and db_datareader and, in Securables, checked Execute Grant on the stored procedures.

In Database > Securables I add my stored procedures and check Execute/Grant for each of them and click OK. When I return to the securables page the stored procedures are no longer listed.

I have noticed that nothing is listed in Effective Permissions and I think it should list Execute. If this is the problem, how do I add Execute to the Effective Permissions list?

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VS 2008 - Smart Tag Option Is Greyed Out

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Is this a bug in 2008 or something related to using the Ajax controls?

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Visual Studio :: Toolbox Items Greyed Out...

Mar 28, 2011

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Jan 2, 2010

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Web Forms :: Locking Id Into Databse?

Sep 14, 2010

i have create a form..and i generate ID using dropdown list for user for registration before they save the page..the ID will appear when click "signUp" button.("ID" not saved yet into database)

i want the "ID" lock into databse when click "signUp" button..

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Javascript - ExtJS Combobox Sometimes Hides Behind Window Greyed Out?

Sep 27, 2010

So the code below is called when a user selects Save on an ExtJS popup modal window. This window ONLY contains a combobox. Now, sometimes when a user saves this, and then re-opens it later on, the combobox will appear BEHIND the window all grayed out, unable to get to. Other times, it will be fine and work, and no difference in events happening either time, just complete utter inconsistency.Does anyone know what this could be?

var changeProductOK = function() {
var win = getChangeProductWindow();
if (win.subProductId.getValue() == '') {


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Display Empty GridView To Insert New Record If No Data Retreived From Data Table

Jan 11, 2010

How to display empty GridView to insert new record if no data retreived for some record on the result from data table?Actually i am trying to give a user an option to add recrod from Gridview. On result of some query it is perfectly displaying data and a footer row with the insertion textbox but when there is no data in the gridview it is not displaying. It should display with footer having insert textbox.

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Forms Data Controls :: Create A Lookup Data Source Based On A Union Query With The Actual Data And A Blank Record?

Jun 1, 2010

I'm new to 3.5 and trying to create a test site so I can figure out how to use it in the real world. I have created a FormView (Formview1) based on a Client table using Linq Data Sources. The page includes a DropDownList to lookup Clients. I have added a list option (<asp:ListOption value="" Text="(Select Client)" and set AppendDataBoundItems=true so my added option is displayed. I decided to try to use Formview with only the Edit and Insert Modes, and I have set the Default Mode = Insert. When you open the page, a blank Client record is displayed.

The Client record contains serveral lookup fields and they have drop down lists for each. When I select a client from the Client DropDownList, is get the following message 'ddlClientType' has a SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items I had this problem before and decided the best way to handle this (in the interim) was to turn off foreign key constraints for each of the lookup fields (e.g. ClientType) in SQL Server. That worked for 2-3 days. Now the problem has started again.

When I develop in other applications, I would simply create a lookup data source based on a Union Query with the actual data and a blank record. How can you do this using Linq DataSources. Can you get access and modify the queries?

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Web Forms :: When Adding New Global.asax File, The Option To Create A C# Code Behind File Is Greyed Out?

Jul 25, 2010

I have an application. I want to add a global.asax and global.asax.cs file to my project. In the IDE when I select to create a new global.asax file, the option to create a CS code behind file is greyed out. When the global.asax file is created, no code behind is created, instead code is placed in the global.asax file and the global.asax.cs file is never created? Why is the option for a C# code behind file greyed out?

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Bind Field Foreign Key's Data Record

Dec 6, 2010

I have two tables

Employee Table : ( EmployeeID,EmployeeName,... Etc )
Bonus Table : ( BonusID,EmployeeID,BonusDate,Bonus Reason,... Etc )

I wanted to list the bonuses in a gridview, so i made a query to return list of bonus records and my data access object returns the result set as Bonus business object ( generic collections of bonus BO ). i have bind my gridview with the bonus collection.

now my problem is that collection has the property "EmployeeID" and it will be displayed but instead of showing EmployeeID, i wanted to show Employee Name in that grid. I have a gridview where i want to list the bonus records ( bonus ID, bonus date, bonus description, employee ID) ,

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