Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Fired Sorting Event Without Handle On Statement "helper.ApplyGroupSort()
Jan 25, 2010
I have problem with gridview sorting. I am using online example to sort a grid view. see the link [URL] but I always got an error "The gridview fired sorting event without handle" on this statement "helper.ApplyGroupSort();"
<table width="100%">
<td colspan=3><asp:Label id="category_name" Runat="server"
ForeColor="#ff0000" Font-Bold=true /></td>
<td colspan="3" align="center" width="100%">
<asp:GridView ID="dg_drawings"
runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" EnableViewState="False" CellPadding="5" CellSpacing="0" Width="90%"
<asp:BoundField DataField="Description"
SortExpression="Description" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="sub_description"
SortExpression="sub_description" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="drawing_id" InsertVisible="False"
SortExpression="drawing_id" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="DRAWING_DESCRIPTION"
<asp:BoundField DataField="DWG_URL" SortExpression="DWG_URL" />
Here is my C# code
public partial class listDrawings : System.Web.UI.Page
admin _admin = new admin();
private GridViewHelper helper;
int categoryid = 0;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Convert.ToString(Session["logged_in"]) == "1")
/*if (Convert.ToString(Session["details_hit"]) != "1")
_admin.add_page_hit("Standard Details");
Session.Add("details_hit", "1");
string categoryidStr = Request.QueryString["categoryid"];
string category = Request.QueryString["category"];
//int categoryid = 0;
if (categoryidStr != null)
categoryid = Convert.ToInt32(categoryidStr);
category_name.Visible = true;
category_name.Text = category + " Drawing Details";
protected void get_category_drawings(int categoryid)
OracleConnection myConn;
OracleCommand myCmd;
if (categoryid == 3)
myConn = new OracleConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("oracle"));
myCmd = new OracleCommand("DRAWINGS.GET_STAR_SUB_DRAWINGS");
myCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
myCmd.Connection = myConn;
myCmd.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter("iCATEGORY", OracleDbType.Int32, ParameterDirection.Input)).Value = categoryid;
myCmd.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter("iSUB_CATEGORY", OracleDbType.Int32, ParameterDirection.Input)).Value = 0;
myCmd.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter("oDRAWINGS", OracleDbType.RefCursor, ParameterDirection.Output));
myConn = new OracleConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("oracle"));
myCmd = new OracleCommand("DRAWINGS.GET_STAR_DRAWINGS");
myCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
myCmd.Connection = myConn;
myCmd.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter("iCATEGORY", OracleDbType.Int32, ParameterDirection.Input)).Value = categoryid;
myCmd.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter("oDRAWINGS", OracleDbType.RefCursor, ParameterDirection.Output));
this.dg_drawings.DataSource = myCmd.ExecuteReader();
helper = new GridViewHelper(this.dg_drawings);
string[] cols = new string[2];
cols[0] = "Description";
cols[1] = "sub_description";
helper.RegisterGroup(cols, true, true);
catch (OracleException ex)
if (categoryid == 3)
_admin.send_email("resources/listDrawings.aspx", "DRAWINGS.GET_STAR_SUB_DRAWINGS", ex.Message);
_admin.send_email("resources/listDrawings.aspx", "DRAWINGS.GET_STAR_DRAWINGS", ex.Message);
View 5 Replies
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Mar 23, 2010
I googled and found this post : [URL] I have never had this problem b4. I just started a new job, do i need a service pack update or something?
DataTable dt;
DbCommand cmd = GenericDataAccess.CreateCommand_SP("rptPlannedActivity");
GenericDataAccess.AddParameter(cmd, "@Outstanding", DbType.Int16, 1);
GenericDataAccess.AddParameter(cmd, "@Period", DbType.Int16, 45);
dt = GenericDataAccess.ExecuteSelectCommand(cmd);
GridView1.DataSource = dt ;
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Feb 21, 2010
I have a gridview in an update panel which is declared in an ASPX page, and bound to a SQLDataSource in code. The gridview's 'allowsorting' attribute is set to true, and because it is bound to a SQLDataSource, I expect the sorting to be automatically handled.
Yet I am getting the "Message: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: The GridView 'grdStatusItems' fired event Sorting which wasn't handled" error. I am using Visual Studio 2008, IE8, IIS7. What am I doing wrong? I have done anextensive search for this error, but it seems in most cases where this error occurs, the people are not using a SQLDatasource, so have to handle the sorting event themselves. Is this the case here? Here is the updatepanel and gridview declaration in the aspx file:
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Feb 19, 2010
I have a page displays CRM data (with CrmService) in GridView. Everything run ok until I tried to sort out one field by default and I received the following exception: The GridView 'GridView1' fired event Sorting which wasn't handled. The reason I am using GridView to do the sorting because:
1) Cannot do it with SQL "ORDER BY" since date retrieval from CRM Web Service
2) Cannot use OrderExpression for QueryExpression from CRM because the column I want to sort is generated by my algorithm
GridView1.Sort("ColumnName" SortDirection.Descending);
in Page_Load, or Button1_Sort(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e), they all trigger the above execption!
I also added the method to the following method to handle exception, but didn't work:
protected void GridView1_Sorting(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e)
GridView1.Sort("ColumnName" SortDirection.Descending);
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Feb 8, 2010
I have a GridView; one of the columns displays concatenated records from a tables. to extract the records that are going to be concatenated and put in this column, i have used: FOR XML path('') and it works just fine for displaying those records. the problem now is the whole gridview can not be sorted anymore and gives me a 404, document not found, error whenever i try to click the columns to sort. here is my select statement for my sql datasource select command:
SqlDataSource2.SelectCommand = "Select a1.*, keyword = substring( ( SELECT DISTINCT ', ' + keywordName FROM keywords JOIN key_mm_articles ON key_mm_articles.keywordID = keywords.keywordID WHERE key_mm_articles.articleID = a1.articleID FOR XML path(''), elements ),2,500) FROM articles a1 WHERE title LIKE '" & titles & "' Order By a1.articleID"
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Apr 20, 2010
I have a very simple page, just some buttons and one GridView on it. The logic is a user click the QUery button,then the button click event was trigured to populate the gridview with data queried from database via LINQ. for a user friendly interface, in RowDataBound event, I visit every row, change a boolean value into checkbox represention. But it seem that the RowDataBound run twice, because the checkboxs were inserted twice for every row in one cell. so why? the source code snippet as follow:
protected void btnSelect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
RetiredEmployeeDataContext db = new RetiredEmployeeDataContext();
GridView1.DataSource = db.ENTUserAccountSelectAll();//userAccounts;
protected void GridView1_OnRowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
CheckBox chkActive = new CheckBox();
chkActive.Checked = ((ENTUserAccount)e.Row.DataItem).IsActive;
chkActive.Enabled = false;
View 9 Replies
Apr 21, 2010
Why wasn't my GridView's RowDataBound event fired? I have a masterpage on whick i have a query button, and I have a content page on which i have a customized GridView(named cgvEmployees,derived from GridView). The logic is when user click the button, the button click event triggered that search the underlying database and populate the GridView.
Everything runs great except that RowDataBound event isn't triggered. Because I have to change some cells' representations in RowDataBound event handler. I have surfed so much pages to find the answer but failed. Below is what i have already done:
1. set the autoeventwireup to true;
2. i have a cgvEmployees.bind() sentence in the button click event handler;
3. i have OnRowDataBound="cgvEmployees_OnRowDataBound" in the content page GridView tag attribute
by the way, the database query is coded by Linq Dynamic Query (please google 'dynamic Linq').
void Master_QueryButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
RetiredEmployeeDataContext db = new RetiredEmployeeDataContext();
NameValueCollection nvcQueryKeyValue = getNVCQueryKeyValue();
Expression<Func<RetiredEmployee, bool>> searchPredicate = getLambdaExpr(nvcQueryKeyValue);
IQueryable<RetiredEmployee> retireds = db.RetiredEmployees;
Expression expr = Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable), "Where",
new Type[] { typeof(RetiredEmployee) }, Expression.Constant(retireds), searchPredicate);
IQueryable<RetiredEmployee> query = db.RetiredEmployees.AsQueryable().Provider.CreateQuery<RetiredEmployee>(expr);
List<RetiredEmployee> employeeList = new List<RetiredEmployee>(query);
List<RetiredEmployeeEO> employees = new List<RetiredEmployeeEO>();
foreach (RetiredEmployee employee in employeeList)
RetiredEmployeeEO employeeEO = new RetiredEmployeeEO();
cgvEmployees1.ListClassName = typeof(RetiredEmployeeEOList).AssemblyQualifiedName;
cgvEmployees1.LoadMethodName = "LoadFromQuery";
protected void cgvEmployees1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
//Add the edit link to the action column.
HyperLink editLink = new HyperLink();
if (((BasePage)this.Page).ReadOnly)
editLink.Text = "View";
editLink.Text = "Edit";
editLink.NavigateUrl = "employee.aspx" + EncryptQueryString("id=" + ((RetiredEmployeeEO)e.Row.DataItem).ID.ToString());
//Add checkbox to display the isactive field.
CheckBox chkActive = new CheckBox();
chkActive.Checked = ((RetiredEmployeeEO)e.Row.DataItem).liveOrDead;
chkActive.Enabled = false;
if (((RetiredEmployeeEO)e.Row.DataItem).gender.Equals((byte)1))
e.Row.Cells[2].Text = "Male";
e.Row.Cells[2].Text = "Female";
if (((RetiredEmployeeEO)e.Row.DataItem).retiredOr.Equals((byte)1))
e.Row.Cells[14].Text = "Retired1";
e.Row.Cells[14].Text = "Retired2";
if (((RetiredEmployeeEO)e.Row.DataItem).birthday.Equals("1753-01-01"))
e.Row.Cells[3].Text = "";
if (((RetiredEmployeeEO)e.Row.DataItem).dayToEmployed.Equals("1753-01-01"))
e.Row.Cells[6].Text = "";
if (((RetiredEmployeeEO)e.Row.DataItem).dayRetired.Equals("1753-01-01"))
e.Row.Cells[7].Text = "";
if (((RetiredEmployeeEO)e.Row.DataItem).dayParty.Equals("1753-01-01"))
e.Row.Cells[13].Text = "";
if (((RetiredEmployeeEO)e.Row.DataItem).daytoassign.Equals("1753-01-01"))
e.Row.Cells[17].Text = "";
View 22 Replies
Dec 20, 2010
I have a Gridview which contains templated column that has 5 checkboxes in it. When you click on one checkbox, I want to uncheck the other 4.
I am using the Item Template for this. I don't want the user to have to Select a row, before clicking on the checkboxes. Here is my non-working code to uncheck the other checkboxes. I realize it's not "SelectedRow" that I want since there's no selected row, so how do I find the row containing the checkbox that fired off CheckChanged?
View 2 Replies
Aug 5, 2010
I've got a gridview that returns student order history which works just fine. It pulls the StudentId from a hidden field on page load. I have a link button that ADDS AN ORDER when clicked. It calls a stored procedure, inserts the record, then rebinds the gridview and displays the new record at the top of the list.
Problem is when I go to EDIT it, i get this error... "The GridView 'GridViewOrderHistory' fired event RowEditing which wasn't handled." But the interesting thing is the error doesn't occur if I close the browser and reload the page and then click on that new record that was created. Obviously I'm missing something in my code when the new order is created. Here are the 2 subs involved in the process.
View 8 Replies
Jul 21, 2010
since APS.Net 4.0 I have a curious problem with an event.
There is a FormView and inside of the EditItem there is a GridView. In the Footer of the GridView I put Controls for inserting records.
But when I fire a markup defined RowCommand of that GridView then the same event is getting fired for the Parent FormView. First I had 'Insert' as the CommandName and so I was getting the Error that my FormView had to be in insert mode to insert a record. Then I changed the RowCommand of the GridView to 'xxx' and I got also the RowCommand 'xxx' at the RowCommand eventhandler of the Parent FormView.
The project was migrated from .Net 3.5 a few days ago, but nothing was manually changed in the code/markup. And the problem was not there with the "old" framework.
Of course, I could simply change the CommanName of the LinkButton e.g. to 'InsertChild' but I would like to know:
Is this a known change or a bug of ASP.Net 4.0?
View 1 Replies
Oct 28, 2010
So I have a GridView control with autogenerated column set to true, it also has autogenerated Edit and Delete buttons, sorting and paging, and also I am binding this same gridview to multiple data sources at runtime. All is working well.
Now I am adding a dynamically generated footer row at runtime. This footer row will allow users to add new record regardless which data source it binds to. So it is working as well except there's a small bug I couldn't figure out why. It's when I navigate to the last page of the gridview, if the rows on the last page is less than the page size, for example, I have page size 10 and the rows in last page is 9, then when I click the 'Add' linkbutton, the Add event does not fire, instead, it fill the last page with additional blank rows, that means if the last page has 5 rows, it will fill 5 blank rows below, if it has 9 rows, it will fill 1 blank row below. Then if you click the add again, it will work. If the last page already has 10 rows then, it works just fine.
Below is the code I used to dynamically add footer row:
View 9 Replies
Dec 20, 2010
I am populating the gridview on the basis of listbox selection . However, I am setting the datasource in the click event after listbox entry. When i am trying to update any record in the gridview this error gets thrown because the datasourceid from the aspx page has been removed. Code for reference -
protected void btn_save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
foreach (object o in ListBox2.Items)
string str2 = null, str, host;
host = Convert.ToString(list[0]);
str2 = " ( SYSTEMNAME like '" + host + "'";
for (int i = 1; i < list.Count; i++)
host = Convert.ToString(list[i]);
str2 = str2 + " or SYSTEMNAME LIKE'" + host + "'";
str = str1 + str2 + " )";
string connectstring = "Data Source=SRCPA035\ovops;Initial Catalog=reporter;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Password=ril123";
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectstring);
SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand(str, connection);
SqlDataAdapter sqlDa = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlCmd);
if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
GridView1.DataSource = dt;
GridView1.DataSource = SqlDataSource1;
catch (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException ex)
string msg = "Fetch Error:";
msg += ex.Message;
throw new Exception(msg);
View 6 Replies
Nov 17, 2010
If the grid column is clicked to sort i dont want to retireve data agian, i can get it from viewstate, but i dont know if that triggered the post back or if the ImageButton on the page triggered it
View 5 Replies
Jan 5, 2011
I have a page on which everything is loaded dynamically.
There is a Gridview (AutoGenerateColumns=true) and in the RowDataBound I check every column for a boolean datatype. If found I add a checkbox (autopostback=true) to the cell and register the CheckedChanged event.
The problem is, that I only get the CheckedChanged event, if I reload the grid in Page_Load:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
But this is very expensive and causes that the db request will be executed twice. If I changed the code to what I want:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if (!this.IsPostBack)
I get no CheckedChanged event.
Is there a possibility to get:
- Adding a Checkbox in RowDataBound
- Only "LoadGrid()" if it is no PostBack
- Getting the CheckedChanged event of the relevant row
View 2 Replies
Dec 17, 2010
i have a gridview which consists of two columns.
1. name
2. radiobutton
when ever i click the radio button, the correspondng name should be saved in a variable in code behild(c#)
the gridview code looks as below:
View 4 Replies
Nov 15, 2010
how to handle click event of linkbutton in gridview in
View 2 Replies
Dec 26, 2012
i have a problem in my gridview control,actually i am having a gridview and bind the gridview with the database,in that gridview i provide a link button called delete,when i click the delete button its shows an error,after reloading the page the current record is deleted,but whenever the delete button is pressed its shows the following error..The GridView 'GridView1' fired event RowDeleting which wasn't handled.but whenever i reload the project the record will be deleted,here is my code
<asp:GridView runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false" ID="GridView1"> <Columns>
<asp:BoundField DataField="empname" HeaderText="EMPLOYEE NAME" SortExpression="empname" />
<asp:TemplateField> <ItemTemplate>
<asp:LinkButton runat="server" ID="lnkDelete" Text="Delete" CommandName="delete"
View 1 Replies
Sep 14, 2010
All of my columns are bound in the Gridview. On OnRowDataBound event, I am adding some custom styles like underlines and colors to the text of the columns. Sorting of data is working fine but I am losing my custom styles when I sort. I am using the generic sorting code for the GridView.
How I can keep my custom styles on sorting that I added during OnRowDataBound event.
View 4 Replies
Sep 7, 2010
i am building my objectdatasource dynmically when certain buttons are clicked on the page.. and with that the gridview is being displayed with the results of the objectdatasource that was built.
So my gridview code looks like this:
How can i enable sorting and paging if the datasource is being built on button click event?
View 16 Replies
Feb 11, 2011
I Read This [URL] but when i click next page mygird be Empty and blank
<asp:GridView ID="grdData" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" GridLines="None"
View 1 Replies
Jul 18, 2010
Moderators Note: THIS ISSUE IS BIG FOR ME AND EVEN IF POSSIBLE, GET THE REPLY FROM THE DESIGNER OF GRIDVIEW. I have been looking for him for long. I am really fed up with reviewing a good lot of web pages on how we can possibly customize the gridview to enable sorting and paging. So many sites have listed out a lot of information and so many guidances. But the problem is that one works out fine and the other is a burden. I really feel bad about being given the job of customizing this kind of a gridview which has no user friendly approach to it. Also, this control is rendered without the pager links inside the <tfoot> tag. I have tried the Pear Pager in php. It is that good and easy to use and compared to that, the gridview in is the worst ever control i have ever tried so far.
1. i can use the images to indicate the sorting direction
2. I can have the custom pager like
<<Previous 1 2 3 .. 7 Next >>.
When i click the next when i am viewing the page at 3 , the pager links should change as
<<Previous 2 3 4 .. 7 Next >>
Kindly look into this type of requirement and firstly tell me whether this is possible with the gridview control. I would like this request even to be escalated to the designers of the gridview control also, so that Microsoft comes out with a reply THAT WORKS and not the kind of stuff like surfing through a lot of links and pages and finally wasting a lot of days precious time and still breaking the head with this useless control. I have spent a lot of time in searching for a perfect way. Not writing a code that is non-standard. I am really serious b'cos I have spent weeks in customizing this control. If I dont get a solid reply atleast now, I am going to generate all the output by HTML content by custom coding.
View 7 Replies
Aug 2, 2013
I created nested gridview refereing asp.snippets.. Its working fine now requirement is to add Checkbox within child grid.. i added childgrid by
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Approve">
How to find child grid check box control
View 1 Replies
Jun 16, 2015
need to add textbox in gridview and write code in textchange event in show the data in gridview if i click the button i show the textboxes but i need to write the code in that textchange event in that
View 1 Replies
Jul 22, 2010
I've been asked to take over a project that's filled with a bunch of bugs. It's currently using MVC 1.0 and there's a view with Html Helper Data Grid that uses a DataGridHelper class. I'm not that familiar with all of MVC yet, and I was wondering if it is possible to have the sorting of the columns be a POST event rather than a GET.
Currently when a user clicks a column to sort, the controller for the view calls the GET action method. This I guess is all fine and good, but the problem is that this view has a search form (which is a model in it's own right) with some text boxes and some drop down lists. When the GET action method is called, I lose all of the information in the search criteria. So when ever someone searches for something, but then wants to sort the results, it requries the db for all records (because all of the search criteria is cleared).
I guess there could be two solutions:
1) Is there a way to access the items in the search form / model in the GET portion of the action method? I've tried using ViewData or adding a parameter for the search form model, but (and maybe I'm doing it wrong) both return null.
2) Is there a way to make the sorting event of a column call the POST portion of the action method? That way I'll have the search form / model information and be able to sort the search result content instead of query for all records.
Also, there is a stored procedure that currently can handel all of possible search parameters. So, no matter what sort column is selected, or search parameters are entered, it can properly setup the sql query.
View 6 Replies
May 24, 2010
I have a rowDeleting even on my gridView. When I click Delete link, the Rowdeleting is not fired. I checked my aspx...and I have it there...I dont see any problems there..bu still when I click delete, my page is refreshed without calling RowDeleing event.
View 20 Replies