Forms Data Controls :: >>>Display Gridview Column Heading When MouseOver On Particular Column?

Oct 12, 2010

want to display gridview column heading when mouse over to the particular column in the gridview.

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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: >>>want To Display Gridview Column Heading When Mouse Over To The Particular Column In The Gridview?

Oct 12, 2010

I want to display gridview column heading when mouse over to the particular column in the gridview.I am working in VisualStudio 2005 with MS.Net2.0 framework.I don't want to use ajax.

View 4 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Setting The Color Of A Column Heading On A GridView?

Jun 16, 2010

I have sutmbled across somethig strange. When you ser theYou cannot set the color in a style and apply it to the heading of a grid, it will show in the templated columns, but not in the non-templated columns.

You can set the color for the non-templated columns with the HeaderStyle-ForeColor attribute, but it seems strange for it not to recognize the color in the style and seems redundant to have to specify a style and a color seperately.

Am I doing somethign wrong. Is there some sort of setting I have wrong that is causing this?


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Forms Data Controls :: Display Text In 2 Rows And Then A Gridview Column - Third Row Is Displayed As A Row Under First Column

Jul 14, 2010

I have a gridview with 3 columns. In second column I want to display some text in 2 rows and then a gridview.
Here is my code:


The problem is my third row is displayed as a row under first column. How do I make it a separate column in my girdview. Not sure what is going wrong.

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Forms Data Controls :: Add A Button At First Column Of Gridview And Get Cell Value In Another Column

Jul 22, 2010

How to add a button at first column of gridview and get cell value in another column?

For example, add a button named it as "Click me". Once user clicks will get third column cell's (ID) value.

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Forms Data Controls :: Make A GridView Column Invisible If Every Cell In That Column Is Empty?

Mar 4, 2011

No sense in showing a competely blank column. how to make a GridView column invisible if every cell in that column is empty?

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Column Validation When The Sum Of Column Value Is More Than 100?

Jan 8, 2011

I am using GridView ,I want to do a validation like if i edit any one of the Cell in that column, it will through the validation when the sum of column value is more than 100. How can i do this validation?

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview 2nd Column Decrease After Expanding The 3rd Column's Gridview?

Oct 29, 2010


Main Gridview[Code]....

View 3 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Column Change / Replace A Column Data Field Value to 'Not Applicable'?

Jan 6, 2011

I have a gridview which is binded to a Sqldatasource. I would like to replace a column data field value to 'Not Applicable' if that column has got a value of 2 in database.

View 2 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Display GridView Column / Row Binding

Sep 14, 2010

I have a table with the following structure:

........ likewise.

I want to display these data in a gridview in the following manner

Sunday Monday Tuesday ............ (till Saturday) - should be gridview columns, I can retrieve this using dayno

Attribute 1
Attribute 2
Attribute 3
Attribute 4

like wise attributes should be taken in to rows.Is this possible in a gridview, if so how can I do that?

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Row - Display A Column Value Using Javascript

Mar 21, 2011

These are the part of the javascript:

var gridViewCtl2 = null;
var selRow = null;
var gridViewCtlName2 = 'GridView2';
gridViewCtl2 = document.getElementById(gridViewCtlName2);
selRow = gridViewCtl2.rows[2];

Now I want to diaply a particular column (eg. 5th column) into a HTML text box or asp control (Label).


Text1.value = selRow.......

How can I do that?

View 6 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: How To Display Gridview Column Number

Feb 20, 2011

how to retrieve the column number in gridview

i am able to get the row number using this syntax <%# Container.DataItemIndex + 1 %>

but what about column number?

View 3 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Display Multiple Columns Under One Heading

Jun 28, 2010

I want to display my data from sql in a grid view. Here the problem is how do I display more than one columns under one column. For example, I have A, B, C, D, E, F columns in sql and then when displaying in Grid, I want to display as 3 columns A, B, C and under column "B" I want to Display D, E, F.

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Forms Data Controls :: Display Column Wise Records In GridView?

Aug 5, 2010

My requirement is i have to display column wise records in GridView control.

I am thinking to create a user control for this.

See the attachment of sample screen.


My requirement is i have to display column wise records in GridView control.

I am thinking to create a user control for this.

See the attachment of sample screen.


View 3 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Display Without Rounding Off In Gridview Bound Column

May 17, 2010

I am having trouble with displaying double data in gridview bound coulumn. I want it to display as it is... But it gets rounded off when displayed.

Like my 1.34 displays 1.00
1.57 - 2.00

and so on. But i want it to display as it is i mean with decimal points, without rounding it off.

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Forms Data Controls :: Can Conditionally Display Hyperlink In A Gridview Column

Jan 4, 2011

i have a gridview of a list of VehicleRequisition's with a column whose itemtemplate is as follows.



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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Best Way To Display With Lots Of Words In A Column?

Dec 28, 2010

I like to use GridView because it is easy and flexible to work with. However, I found it quite frustration when it comes to display a column with a large chuck of words into the value of that particular column. Is there anyway to restrict how many words should only be display in a particular column rather than let it expands to cope up to display all the word. For example, I'm trying to display 20w and normally it would display


but I would like to limit to 5 words in a line so it's going to be


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Forms Data Controls :: Combine Two Boundfields Into One Calculated Column To Display In Gridview?

Nov 10, 2010

i am trying to combine two boundfields into one calculated column to display in Gridview like:


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Forms Data Controls :: Display Text File Onto Gridview Column, From Sqlserver DB?

Jun 24, 2010

How to populate a gridview column, from sqlserver2005 database table.I've tried this:


But this would display data on to page. but how to do it on to gridview coloumn

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Forms Data Controls :: Format Gridview Column Using DataFormatString To Display Blank?

Oct 22, 2010

I have gridview where there is column charges. If charges value is $0.00, I need to display it as BLANK or NULL that is it should be empty. I tried few DataFormatStrings but no luck.

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Data Controls :: Rotate GridView Rows Into Column With Image Column

Apr 27, 2016

I saw post [URL] .... which is converting rows into column item,quantity ,price. I have one other image field .how can bind image in this program?

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Data Controls :: How To Hide Column In GridView And Access Value Of Hidden Column

Aug 16, 2013

As per my requirement, I am getting CompID, Company Name and URL from SQL database. I want to display just CompName and URL in gridvew. So, I need to hide the CompID in gridview. One way I can do BoundField field Visible to false but I need to retrive that compID id when user selected any of the row. if I set visible to false user wont see any compID in gridvew but I want access the selected compID also using SelectedRow.Cells[1].Text..

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Data Controls :: Change Value Of GridView BoundField Column Based On Value From Another Column

May 7, 2015

I am using item template and eval function in the gridview to display the records. Can I add a coulmn which is not in the table?

I have to add some columns which is not in the table and assign the values from code behind to that particular column

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Data Controls :: Get Column Index Of A Selected Column In GridView

Feb 3, 2014

I have a grid view with 4 columns and 12 rows.  Getting the row index is not problem; ;however, I cannot find a way to get the column index of the cell that i select.

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Data Controls :: GridView - Display Multiple Columns Under One Heading?

May 7, 2015

Gridview code :

<div class="table-responsive">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="ExistingBuilderGrid_UpdatePanel" runat="server">
<asp:GridView ID="ExistingBuilderGrid" CssClass="table" EnableViewState="False" AutoGenerateColumns="False"


I want to merger both Fields and both Values column HEADER to one Header cell like Business Assigned Resource ...


dont merge the data cells , only merge header cells

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