Forms Data Controls :: How To Display A Header Of Gridview As A 3D View Color Header

Jan 4, 2010

how to display a header of gridvew as a 3D view color Header?

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Header Css / Set The text Color To White For The Header Only The Non Bound Columns Go White

Aug 13, 2010

i have a gridview bound to sql datasource with template fields binding the columns. I have set the Header Style to a css class. I have 3 columns not bound to data as Add, Edit and Delete. When I set the text color to white for the header only the non bound columns go white. The bound columns are BLUE like hyperlink. Any one know a way round this. (If I set the style in the gridview the all columns are white. Want to set in external css file).


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Forms Data Controls :: Add Color To The Header Of A Gridview?

Jul 6, 2010

I have a gridview with the following header shown below


Big New York


Now, I would like to add a background colour for the headers TYPE, LOCATION. How do you do that? Kindly note, I am not trying to add a text color but instead a background color

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Forms Data Controls :: Adding The Custom Header Control To The GridView Header?

Jan 21, 2010

I have a Gridview where I want to handle the Sorting in a custom control that I've added to the header.
I've added this control to my GridView's Header via OnRowCreate event handling. I want the Sort Expressions to persist session to session (via Webparts Personalization)

Here is what I have for adding the custom header control to the GridView Header


This works out well for adding the control, but I can't get anything to persist because these controls are creating initially via postback (per the event) and re-created on all subsequent postbacks. I can't add an If(!IsPostback) because the controls are initially created on the gridview's postback (well at least thats how it's acting when I put it in there) If I were to add this control via the ASP page, not via the Codebehind, I would be able to persist the control. If I try to treat it as though everything is setup correctly, and assign my custom control's controls to [Personalizable], I get a runtime error telling me that I can only have webpartzones in or before Page_init (I'm guessing this is due to when/where the
gridview hits the OnRowCreate event). If there is some fundimental logic I'm missing, or best practices that I'm moving away from,

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Column Header Button Instead Of Header Name?

Nov 28, 2010

is there anyway i can add in the gridview in header column name a button instead of label ?

column name 1 column name 2 column name 3 button

i am using checkbox column in item template for the button ,i wish after selecting checkbox for some row to click on the button on the header !!

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Header / Change The Header Based On The Session Variable

Feb 16, 2011

I am using the following code to change the header based on the session variable


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Forms Data Controls :: Display Dates As Header For Datalist Control (dynamic Dates) And Header In Each Row

Sep 30, 2010

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row.8/1/2010,8/8/2010,8/15/2010,8/22/2010 are dynamic dates whic change every month based on user selecting date from datecontrol.

HeadCount 8/1/2010 8/8/2010 8/15/2010 8/22/2010
Forecaster HC 447 446 441 432
Agents Scheduled 447 446 441 432

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Jan 6, 2010

I have two dates, example would be 10/1/2008 and 9/8/2008.i need to display it in gridview header.

i want month like below


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Forms Data Controls :: Custom Grid View Header - Grid View Row Created Event Versus Gridview Row Databound Events

Aug 24, 2010

It happened to add an extra Gridveiw Header in row_databound event , It did worked fine on !Postback but disappered on Page.Postback . Quick google search guided me to move the event to Row_Created event and every thing is okay .

Can any expert post some pointers , differnces between grid row_created vs row_databount with some sample table data created dynamically behaviour of both the events in !Postback and page.Postback .

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Mar 11, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Datagrid Setting Background Color Depending On Header Value?

Oct 18, 2010

I have an gridview which represents some kind of reservation calendar. Each row represents a workplace and each column a day. The header value (date) is set by a method since the start of the time period shown by the gridview can be selected by the user. Since the date column can start at every day of the week I wanted to mark the weekend day columns with a special background. How to set this? (See .aspx code snippet below which is currently used for each column ().

Remark: ItemStyle-BackColor= '<%# %>' (dynamic) annotation isn't allowed in the <TemplateField> Tag and the actual date must be evaluated somehow from the header or another control.


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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Display Gridview Using A Header Templete And An Item Template Field?

Oct 23, 2010

I have a gridview ...asp 2.0 and VS 2005.The Gridview has template fields and I am using a Header Templete and an Item Template field.Within the Item template fields I am using a asp: table and within the table I am using different asp controls to bind data to the gridview

Here is the issue ...I want that each datafield should align with each other eactly i.e. symmetricaly each column wise.The problem as of now is that as each row of data is displayed in a new table and as a result each column aligns differently.How can I align the columns with each other?

<asp:label> ...<Eval(datafield) </asp:label>[code]....

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Data Controls :: Display Dates As Columns In GridView Header

Mar 26, 2014

I want to add the header dynamically during runtime in grid view. I am implementing an attendance application where I want to show the report as absent or present for the last few days for a subject. 1 means present and 0 means absent. How to bind these dates as header during runtime these dates i am getting from database.

Name 17-03-2014 18-03-2014 20-03-2014 21-03-2014 22-03-2014

Rohit 0 1 1 1 1
Raj 0 1 1 1 0
Abhijit 0 1 0 1 1
Sonu Nigam 0 1 1 1 1
Arnold 0 0 1 0 0

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Web Forms :: Setting Gridview Header Back Color Dynamically ?

Mar 29, 2011

i am setting the gridview headers backcolor dynamically
if (!Page.IsPostBack)

{ buildGrid(); gvTeamGameSeries.HeaderStyle.BackColor = Color.FromName("red"); }

however everytime i reload the page,backcolor disappears.If i move it out from IsPostBack block ,it works fine but i want to load grid only when the page loads for first time(inside !Page.IsPostBack).

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Data Controls :: Display Weekly Analysis By Days Of Week In GridView Header?

Dec 4, 2013

I want one column Category having values Travelling,Food,Air Fare,Auto Rental in gridview.Now I want date and day as header for next columns and I can insert record datewise in grid. I want it as following image.

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I am trying to create to a college time table, I am not sure how to display calendar date and day in GridView header. Also, how to display editable time in the time table .

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Setting Gridview Header Color?

Oct 13, 2010

i am working in and c# i have a grid view. i have 10 columns in that grid view. I have some problems with grid view header text color.some of the columns header have link (for sorting). the color of such header text is a light blue.after clicking the blue color change to another color.

some of columns header does not have link. the color of such header text is gray. i want to make the color of entire header text to single color like gray. after clicking the link it must be in same color.

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Jan 27, 2010

I have to display "Add New Record" Button After Header Row in GridView then rows will appear

i.e, in gridview firstrow should be add new record button and other textboxes

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Forms Data Controls :: Column Header And Row Header For Data?

Aug 16, 2010

I want to display something like the following, what would be the best tool to use?

TravelOption1 TravelOption2 TravelOption3

City 1 400 555555 2121

City 2 355 33333333 3455

city 3 444 22 4433

city 4 777 6544 4333

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how can I access the header of a grid view control?

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Forms Data Controls :: Stop Growing Header In Grid View?

Oct 27, 2010

Grid view header should not grow big on top when less elements are present,if i have more elemnets/rows header appearing as small if i have less rows 2 to 3 rows header growing bigger, i want header should be of fixed size whether it does have less or more records.

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