I have gridview with many items. On each item showing the detailed description when clicking the Detail button on each item inside the gridview with collapsiblepanel extender. But my client requirement is as follows,
If the user clicked on the details button while a listing is in any position other than the top, the listing will move to the top position and open the details.
Is this possible on gridview without refreshing the page?
is it possible to move(swap) selected gridview Row up/down using button externaly. i want to Swap selected gv Rows up/down using button control outside grid view. i think its possible if we have button also as column field.
I have one textbox one button and one gridview on my webform, when Page loads all records are displayed on gridview, which works perfectly fine, now,I search particular records by entering id in textbox, which finds particular records and found row's background becomes red.which works perfectly fine too, my gridview's pagesize is 15 which means it display 15 records per page, Now,Problem is when i enter ID textbox to search record,but searched record is on another page,so,I want that When i click button to search, the page must be displayed where searched record exist. It displays first page even after search, How can i move to that page where record exist. what i have to code in click event
I have a gridview control on my page allow paging set to true and page size to 10 , i have an external button to select a particular row and move on to consecutive rows , How is that to move on to the next page when the row selection reaches end of the existing page i'e force gridview to perform Page index change externally without clicking on a pager of GridView .
I have a gridview with two image buttons, I was wondering if anyone had an example of moving rows up and down. I've found a few online but they didn't really suit.
I am using RowCommand event as this is where I handle my Inserts, Deletes etc. So it would be ideal if I could handle it in this location as well.
i have this on my gridview RowDataBound method. and my grid view has BoundFields which i use to display data, it is always on insert mode. i wand and edit mode. i want the bound textbox fields to change colour on onmouseover and on select to match the entire row colour background as i have specify on d code below. how do i do that? i knw how to change everything bt dnt knw how to oldy change the selected row and changing it only on onmouseover n select. the only thing i wanna change is d controls backcolour
I am printing a GridView on a Panel using the PrintHelper sample code. Two issues arise from the result. One: I would like to print the text of one column, without the hypertext underlining. Two: I would like to print strings ("Active" or "Inactive") for one column instead of a CheckBox.
I have a gridview with 30 columns and I need to print the whole gridview. I tried in some way but its resulting not in good thing. I need to print the gridview in two or three pages. The gridview having paging also in it. How can I do this? I need serial number for each row for all the pages of the gridview in the print part.
My webpage has logo..some other controls and a gridview. The gridview can attimes have huge number of records.So when they save the file as a pdf, and the gridview cannot fit on 1 page...some rows of gridview are displayed on 1st page and then continued on next page no headings...So in order to allow all the text on one page and show the grid properly I have enabled paging on gridview. But now the problem is when they save the final page as pdf, they see just the first page of the grid.is there a way that user can save all the pages(gridview) in same file but separate pages or turning off pagination and displaying the grid on next page with heading repeat?
This grid looks great in the browser, but when printing, the date is duplicated - one w/ the correct format and one w/ the full datetime format (including hh:mm:ss). I've tried converting the datetime in the Select query, but keep running into error messages.
Javascript automatically move cursor to next Input Control(Like Textbox ,Dropdown,checkbox,radioButton these Controls are usen in Gridview) in gridview using up/down Key.
How to put the title of the report on the page within this cluster of your code?
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); HtmlTextWriter hw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw); GridView_EngrDisp.RenderControl(hw);
I experimented with a couple of things and looked at MSDN on stringwrite/stringbuilder, etc before bothering you. Keep in mind I'm not talking about the gridview column headings; I'm talking about the report title before the gridview.