Forms Data Controls :: Send All Pages From Gridview To Email With C#
Jun 5, 2010
iam using with c# iam sending gridview data in a mail ,but when gridview having many records in pages then, only first page is send in email and other pages are not send , can you correct my code how to send all data in a mail
in my gridview 1st column is checkbox control in template fileds and iam using paging also. when user clicks the button ,all selected no of check boxes data has to be send in mail
as u can see from below aspx code i need values of row of the gridview
1)My gridview last column contains contains two values (qualified/disqualifed).on selecting qualified or disqaulified i need to get all the values of the row of gridview....
2)after getting all the values i need to send those values to email...the email should be send to the particular email id of email column,
For eg-if i select 1st row from gridview.and in that 1st row if i select ist dropdownlist(either qualified/disqualified).after selecting qualified/disqualified from dropdownlist i need to get all the values of the first row..and i need to send all the values of the first row of gridviews through email to the emai id of first row.....
I am new to ASP.NET and have made a register page, 'get' which on submitting redirects to another page 'pick1' displaying the data in Gridview. In each row of the Gridview there are 'View' buttons which on clicking opens a pop-up page having 2 buttons 'send mail' and 'cancel'. On clicking 'send Mail' button, i want selected row of data to be sent by email instead of the entire gridview. Right now only the entire gridview data is coming to my mail. Also i want to attach a link to the email so that it redirects to the 'pick1' page again on clicking in email. How can I do it?
Name Email Message Ram Tomorrow meeting at office 10 AM Arun Tomorrow work to be finished at right time Vijay vijay76@gmailcom Client meeting at 11 AM
i have one button called Sendmail,when i click that sendmail Button i want to send the mail.
In Visual Studio 2008 I am using an 3.5 listview control as my frontend to an sql server 2005 database backend. I am also using a linq to sql datacontext to query and perform all my backend CRUD commands. Within the OnInserted event of my linqdatasource I am assigning a query string variable (customer_id) to populate a child page (code below). This works perfectly. However, what I would also like to achieve within this event is to build an email body containing other database column references, from my insert, that will send an email to all the email addresses contained within a seperate column from another one of my db tables. Any ideas on how I can achieve this? C# code examples will be appreciated.
Im trying to send an email from a web page and have found many examples. My problem is that I cant see the SmtpMail Class. Im using VS 2008. Heres the code:-
unyet I have added the System.Net.Mail namespace. Heres the error message:- Error 1 The name 'SmtpMail' does not exist in the current context C:DocumentsVisual Studio 2008ProjectsWeb ApplicationsASPEmailEmailDefault.aspx.cs 29 13 Email.
I am working on Shopping Cart its almost done. But i need small help from you guys.In my application final Step when customer try to CheckOut the products cart should be email with attachment as a PDF.
This application developed using
I have completed till the checkout page. After that i am not geting any Idea how to send the cart Items to email as a PDF.
I tried to convert the webpage, repeater control to pdf but no luck...I can't spend money on thirdpaty tools.
Even i tried free One itextsharp but i could not get it..
check out page has the following
1.products on a repeater control and some labels.and other server controls.
2.Images company Logo
Can any one tell me how to send the cart items as email in pdf format.
Is there any other best way to send sales Quotation to customers on products.
I have a form in formview which uploads data to my mssql databse fine. I want to send an e-mail after the data is uploaded to supply notification that someone has filled out the form. I am trying to use OnItemInserted to achieve this. This is the error message I get:
Compiler Error Message: CS0122: 'Personal_Loans.ClientappFormView_ItemInserted(object, System.Web.UI.WebControls.FormViewInsertedEventArgs)' is inaccessible due to its protection level
This is then followed by the e-mail sending code. The servers CAS level is set to "full" I have tried using capitals and all lowercase for OnItemInserted I get the same result.
i am using the following tutorial, URL...I would like to add in textbox's for extra email and message body for the end user to type in before the email is sent out. like the example above the email should already have the pdf automatically attached.
I am trying to send email using gmail smtp. I used to bind the grid view to mail body using GridViewToHtml(GridView1) this method. I defined the method in same source file as ...
I have a page showing user records in GridView. Users can do paging, sorting, filtering all on the page. All records inside GridView have typical edit and delete buttons. When user click Edit button I load complete record on the next page which user can edit and save. When user save record how can I send user back to the GridView page displaying the same record which user has editing. I means if I simply use Response.Redirect and send user back the page with GridView load again with first page of the grid and user can't see the same record which user has edited after moving forward few pages in the GridView.
Also when user save record on the editing page. Why user need to press browser back button twice to go back to GridView page? I think if I can create a link or button on the editing page which can send user two pages back by playing with browser history or javascript my problem can solve.
How can I send the rich text mail to several recepients?
protected void SendEmail(object sender, EventArgs e) { string body = this.PopulateBody("John", "Fetch multiple values as Key Value pair in ASP.Net AJAX AutoCompleteExtender", "" + "in-ASP.Net-AJAX-AutoCompleteExtender.aspx", "Here explained how to fetch multiple column values i.e." + " ID and Text values in the ASP.Net AJAX Control Toolkit AutocompleteExtender" + "and also how to fetch the select text and value server side on postback"); this.SendHtmlFormattedEmail("", "New article published!", body); }
With this code i can send to only one recipient, namely to Say i want to add as well.
using (MailMessage mm = new MailMessage("", txtEmail.Text)) { mm.Subject = "Account Activation"; string body = "Hello " + txtUsername.Text.Trim() + ","; body += "<br /><br />Please click the following link to activate your account"; body += "<br /><a href = '" + Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Replace("CS.aspx", "CS_Activation.aspx?ActivationCode=" + activationCode) + "'>Click here to activate your account.</a>";