Forms Data Controls :: Upload Book - Document And File That Must Be Stored In A Database Table

Nov 25, 2010

I need to upload book , document and file, that must be stored in a database table. For this I need code.

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Data Controls :: Open Word Document Stored In Database And View In Browser?

Apr 19, 2014

how we can open word,pdf,txt document which is saved in sqlserver database in binary format.

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Web Forms :: Passing CurrentUser.UserId With File Upload Control To Database Table?

Feb 18, 2010

implementing an file upload control that uploads the binary data to the database table and associates it with the correct user/the current user who uploaded the data.

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Forms Data Controls :: File Upload To Database

Oct 25, 2010

I'm using a DetailsView control and have a FileUpload control in a TemplateField for uploading images to a database. However, I'm not sure how to take the image name e.g. Button.png as a value and enter it into the database.

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C# - How To Download Word Document Stored In Database As Content Data In Sql Server

Jan 4, 2010

How to download a word document which is stored in database, sql server as a content data through C#? This is my Code I'm using:

string doctype = dtResumeInfo.Rows[0]["ContentType"].ToString();
string docname = dtResumeInfo.Rows[0]["FileName"].ToString();

But, it is showing the following error:SubStatusCode 'Response.SubStatusCode' threw an exception of type 'System.PlatformNotSupportedException'
base {"This operation requires IIS integrated pipeline mode."} System.NotSupportedException {System.PlatformNotSupportedException}
Headers 'Response.Headers' threw an exception of type 'System.PlatformNotSupportedException'

My IIS version is 6.0 where I published. Donwloading word document can be done only in IIS 7. So, this is the cause of the error. Is there any other way to overcome this problem? Any other code will support lower version??

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AJAX :: Upload File To Database Table Using AsyncFileUpload ?

Sep 23, 2010

can i upload my pdf or word file to oracle/SqlServer database table ?

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Forms Data Controls :: Upload Image To Database - Couldn't Find File Path

Sep 8, 2010

I'm trying to display images in a GridView (yes, still this...). [edit] Before I can come to that I have to upload some images to the database.

I've followed this tutorial for the "upload image to database" code (this worked fine for uploading images, but I don't know if the images were converted to byte):


and I've followed this tutorial for the "display images in gridview" code (and "retrieve file" from the tutorial below).


It doesn't quite work, the GridView shows but without images

Now I'm trying to change the "save file" code according to this tutorial:


but I don't understand everything in it. When I try to upload an image I get an error on this line:


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Web Forms :: Display Image Which Is Stored In Some Folder And Its Path Is Stored In Database Table?

Feb 13, 2013

i want to display image which is stored in some folder and its path is stored in database table. i used your link [URL] for the same but i am not storing any thing like data column in my table and have passed name column to Byte[]and so its giving datatype error there. what is the way to convert it to byte?

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Web Forms :: Display Image Which Is Stored In Some Folder And Its Path Is Stored In Database Table

Dec 27, 2011

i want to display image which is stored in some folder and its path is stored in database table. i used your link URL... for the same but i am not storing any thing like data column in my table and have passed name column to Byte[]and so its giving datatype error there.

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Web Forms :: Upload Txt File Data To Table?

Mar 18, 2010

I want upload txt file data to sql table. I cant use sql server master db. so i cant use sql bulk uploader to do this.This is my code

FileUpload1.PostedFile.SaveAs( Server.MapPath("~\cvs\"+ FileUpload1.FileName ));
string pth= Server.MapPath("~\cvs\"+ FileUpload1.FileName );
Label1.Text = FileUpload1.FileName;


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Web Forms :: How To Upload File And Save It To Oracle Database And View The Upload File Using C#

Feb 8, 2011

how to upload and save files to oracle database, and view file using C# .net and can upload one or more files in one webform.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Save A Doc File's Text To Database Table

Mar 17, 2011

actually my need is that, after uploading a doc file I want to save this doc file's text to database table, with the help of asp fileupload control. actually in real I dont want to save this whole file anywhere, but I just need the text to save in databse.

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Web Forms :: Two File Upload Controls And One Textbox - Store In SQL Table

Jan 5, 2010

i have two upload controls in form and one textbox. i have submit button. if click button the two uploaded image files and textbox values should store in a table in SQL.

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Data Controls :: Showing Video Through File Path Stored In Database Using DataList?

May 7, 2015

I have a DB in which I store Video File Path. Now I want to show that video on my ASP page. especially demo with FlowPlayer.

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DataSource Controls :: Inserting Excel Data Via File Upload Into Sql Server Database?

Apr 28, 2010

I have requirement that User can Upload the Excel Sheet Data to sql server Database at once.

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Data Controls :: Display And Play MP4 Videos Using File Path Stored In Database Using DataList

Mar 8, 2014

I want use flowplayer to play my flv video file. I have a datalist like below :

<asp:DataList ID="frmViedo" runat="server">
<div class="flowplayer"> <video>
<source type="video/flv" src='<%# Eval("Vurl" , "~/Videos/Video/{0}") %>'>

In code behind :

if (Request.QueryString["vid"] != null) {
frmViedo.DataSource = video.GetVideoById(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["vid"]));
} public OleDbDataReader GetVideoById(int id) {
string strSelect = "select * from Video where VID = @VID";
return ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, strSelect, new OleDbParameter[]{
new OleDbParameter("@VID" , id),
}); }

But it don't work and i get this error :

Adobe Flash is disabled for this page, click player area to enable. Why?

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Architecture :: File/document In A Web Farm?

Oct 11, 2010

I have an application running on a web farm that allows users to upload files and download them later via link to that file. Currently, I use Windows DFS to replicate the local IIS directory where the files are stored across the web farm servers. However, as this solution does not scale out, I want to implement a more scalable solution by partitioning the documents. Specifically, say I set up multiple file storage servers (Fs1, Fs2, Fs3, etc.) on the network. Further, let's say I change my upload page to save the uploaded file to one of the file storage servers on the local LAN (based on some logic). I assume so far I am safe with ASP.NET doing this much assuming I have the correct permission for the ASP.NET process ID. The question I have is withregards to download links. When a user gets served a download link to their document (e.g. is there a way for me to "intercept" that HTTP request and underneath the coversserve the doc1.txt from the file storage server (e.g. Fs2) it resides

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C# - Database Table To XML Document?

Jul 8, 2010

Basically I have a that I need to display an XML document (straight xml, with the tree nodes) I have the sql statement which returns the row names and each one of their values. Just wondering how I should go about doing this?

SQL Server 2008, my query is just a select * from offices, my results is "1","New York","New York City","555-5555" I would like the output to be

<item id="1">
<state>New York</state>
<city>New York City</city>

where state/city/phone is the column name, and the value is the value of that column

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DataSource Controls :: Store Data From XML File To Table In Database?

May 14, 2010

I am trying to store data from an XML file to a table in my database, but I keep getting the same error.

This is my code from the cs file:


And this is my error:

Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_Areas'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.Areas'.

The statement has been terminated.

In my XML file I have both existing rows and new rows for the database table. I'm guessing I have to do something to sort out the the rows that are not already in the database, but so far I have been unsuccessful to figure this out.

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Data Controls :: How To Upload Default Image Into Database When No Image File Selected

May 9, 2013

I have to insert default image into databse..when no image is selected from fileupload control.. Here is code...not working for default image...

if (FileUpload1.HasFile){string FileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName);
FileUpload1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/UPLOADEDFILES/" + FileName));
feedBack.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(FileUpload1.PostedFile.InputStream, FileName));
} else {
string filename="~/images/"+ "sun.gif";filename.pPropertyImage = filename;FileUpload1.SaveAs(MapPath(filename));}

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C# - Read The Data From A Text File Stored In The Database?

Apr 15, 2010

I have a text file stored in my sql DB. in that .txt file I have certain numbers like:


How to get the count of these numbers from the txtfile stored in the database? Also to read the file and fetch the number one by one in a string? I am using (C#)

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Forms Data Controls :: Upload A File Using Asp:formview And Retrieve File Data Back?

Mar 1, 2011

im tryign to do an upload using an aspforview, does this mean i have to do a findcontrol for all the items to get the results?

as in the uploadfile func it cant find any of the fields, how do i do this?

also id like to get the filesize, type and name back so i can put them in a database


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Forms Data Controls :: Upload Images With Data But Image Url's Are In Separate Db Table?

Sep 3, 2010

I'm making a simple homes classifieds section and when a home ad is created, a HomeID is automatically created for it in the db. I need the images to upload and enter the associated HomeID with each image automatically. What I tried isn't working, because it looks like it's looking for the HomeID in the codebehind before it gets entered into the db.


<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>"
InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [Homes] ([UserName], [Street], [Details], [Contact], [Phone], [Email], [Thumb], [Price], [Approved], [Posted]) VALUES (@UserName, @Street, @Details, @Contact, @Phone, @Email, @Thumb, @Price, @Approved, @Posted)"


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Web Forms :: File Upload Control Filepath Disappeared After Adding New Row In Table?

Oct 18, 2010

I have a dynamic html table. I can create new rows by clicking 'add' button at runtime.

Each row has 3 textboxes and a fileupload control. A row can be submitted after filling the textboxes and browsing the file for upload.

A 'submit' button is there to submit a row(which will also upload the selected file).

If i select a row, fill it, choose a file to upload after browsing and click submit button, it works fine.

The problem is that if I fill a row (and not submit) and 'add' a new row, my previously selected file (filepath) disappears.

What can I do to keep the file path remain after adding new rows?

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Forms Data Controls :: Datagridview That Uses A Stored Procedure Which Returns From Temp Table?

Jan 13, 2010

I am trying to populate a datagridview control using a stored procedure in SQL Server database. The stored procedure accepts a parameter value.The output is a select * from #temptableoutput . Since the columns of the #temptable can not be seen by VS since they do not exist yet how do I configure the datagridview control to use the yet to be "initialized" columns?I have not found any tutorials on using stored procedures to fill datagridview controls

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