Forms Data Controls :: Want To Show A Dropdownlist Of Months So The User Can Select The New Month?
Jul 14, 2010
I'm building a pretty simple application where a user can enter/modify/delete data from a table. Right now, the only field is month, which I'm storing as an integer (1-12). The actual table has more fields but I'm simplifying for the purposes of this question.I have the entry part. For modifying, I've set up a gridview with an 'Edit' button:
The code is putting the gridview row into edit mode. Now, I want to show a dropdownlist of months so the user can select the new month. Also, I would like the dropdownlist to default to the value in the database. I can't figure out how to bind months to the dropdown list ddlMonth.
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AddDate - nchar(10)
RandomData - nvarchar(50)
When the user input the date, the format is in "dd/MM/yyyy". How do I go about doing this?
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May 7, 2015
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Jan 6, 2013
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BindDropDownList(DDL3, "Guidcenter", "Centername","id");
DDL3.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(" please select ", "0"));
I have button in my page that when user click on it insert data into database
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protected void ImageButton2_Click1(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) {
string data = Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["BehCode"]);
SqlCommand _cmd = new SqlCommand("insertinfo", _cn);
_cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
[Code] ......
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Here is my code:
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Dec 11, 2012
How to display the number of days in textbox when the month is selected in the dropdown list,,,for example if i select the month december ,after selection i want to display 31days in the textbox how ?
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Jun 23, 2012
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Here all months & year from 1900 till current year is displayed
I need to display the month or make user select the month & year only till one year back , not beyond that current month is june 2012
The user should be able to select months from may 2011 to june 2012 only
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Jan 25, 2010
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Mar 2, 2014
I have 2 Dropdown(say "DD1", "DD2") and 1 Listbox(say "LB") in my web form,value of the 3 controls depend on each other.
"LB1" is dependent on "DD2" value, "DD2" is dependent on "DD1" value.
I want that if user selects "LB1" without selecting "DD2", it should give a message that "please select DD2 first"similarly if user Selects "DD2" without selecting "DD1", it should give a msg that "Please select DD1 first" ,using ASP.NET C.
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class B.
and here i am binding my code..
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Jan 11, 2011
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<asp:DropDownList ID="ddllocation" runat="server" Width="80px">
How can i add tat option.
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Jan 20, 2010
I am trying to populate a gridview when you select the dropdownlist.selected value. I don't want to use the sqldatasource or any other datasource. I am trying my best to achieve this, but didn't succeed till now. One of my friend said that i need to get the selected value from dropdownlist and search for the data in the database using the selectedvalue and populate the dataset and bind to the gridview.
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Mar 24, 2010
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Nov 20, 2010
When I try to use this code in a Form View, I get an error message:
Compiler Error Message: CS0103: The name avgift_namnTextBox is not in the current context
ROW: 35
Rad 33: if (dropDownlist.SelectedValue == "Other")
Rad 34: {
Rad 35: avgift_namnTextBox.Enabled = true;
Rad 36: avgift_namnTextBox.Text = string.Empty;
Rad 37: avgift_prisTextBox.Enabled = true;
Here is my code:
<%@ Page Title="Lista medlem" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Site.master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="medlem.aspx.cs" Inherits="medlem" %>
<asp:FormView ID="FormView3" runat="server" DataKeyNames="faktura_id"
DataSourceID="SkapaFaktura" DefaultMode="Insert" Width="687px">
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Mar 31, 2010
I have a Gridview that show the values from mysql database .Can U tell me whn I click on linkbutton on grid view then Display the pop Box nd Data show in textboxes in pop box
id 01
Name GD
Ph 09582901670
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Nov 29, 2010
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Nov 29, 2010
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Sep 22, 2010
i want to use a ajax calender extender in which when user clixcks on button caleder show only dates of current month not previous dates.i dont want to disable dates. i should not apper on current month calender. means it should start from 1 and end to 30 or 31
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Mar 15, 2011
I have a dropdownlist and a button(btnSend).
protected void btnSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
What i need to do is as follows;
1) Once i select the item in the dropdownlist, it will extract data from my sql query which is :
string mySQL = "SELECT * FROM examtimetable WHERE subject_name= '" + dd_cat.SelectedValue + "'";
Once seleted,it will display everything in a gridview1.
subject_id subject_name admission_no date venue seat_no
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