GridView Does Not Show Updated Data

Feb 17, 2010

When I click the update button on my Gridview to update oracle database, it does not show the updated values..


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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Created TextBox In GridView Does Not Show Updated Value After Postback?

May 10, 2010

I have a grid view that is dynamically created.In which every cell in the girdview has a 2 textbox (cTxtboxQty,ctxtWorkOrder) and 2 label.

When user click on the cell, a pop up come out and user are able to change the text inside the cell and click save.After that the pop up close and changed data immediately reflected on the screen.

My problem is:

After my data are changed and updated to database on the pop up page and having it post back to the parent page , my dynamically created textbox in gridview retain old value even new value has been assigned to it.

This sound very weird but i have no idea how to solve this.

My client side code is as below :





I have tested many times and find out that it might be the page hold the old value in memory, so that even we have updated the textbox value, after postback, it still keep and show the old value?

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Web Forms :: How To Show A Message When Data In Textbox Has Updated

Aug 10, 2010

I have a formview where there are a few textboxes. I want to show a message when only one textbox(txtAppNum) has been updated. I am not sure if I need to use textchanged event or onchanged event or there is some thing else to make this work.Please suggest me the way to do this.

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Web Forms :: Databind() In Gridview Does Nothing In IE / Databind Doesn't Show The Updated Grid

Mar 21, 2010

i'm opening a new window and passing on to it variables in a querystring, the values are loaded into a function that is filling my dataset and then filling my Gridview. after i press the button field in my grid to delete an item, the databind doesn't show the updated grid but remains the same. i've noticed that if i navigate back and refresh i see it correctly. in FF btw no problem.

the code:

this is used to open the new window





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Forms Data Controls :: DataList - Updates Show Original Values Not Updated Values?

Jun 3, 2010

Updates to the edited item are not passing the new / updated values but rather the original values. And I can't for the life of me figure out why when I change the original value in an edit textbox and post the update the new value is not being passed. I get the original value. Perhaps fresh eyes can spot the problem. This should be super basic but apparently I'm missing something.

Here's the code for the Item and Edit templates. The code behind is below this.


Code behind begins here....


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Forms Data Controls :: How To GridView Is Not Updated

Apr 7, 2010

I have a GridView, and its GridView_RowUpdating() method is called, and NewValues are set correctly... but at the end the database is not updated.



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Web Forms :: Always First Row Data Getting Updated In GridView Update?

Jun 12, 2012

cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE tbl set SET c_amt=@c_amt,c_type=@c_type,status=@check WHERE id=@id";
cmd.Parameters.Add("@id", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Convert.ToInt32(GRD.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value.ToString());
cmd.Parameters.Add("@c_amt", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = GRD.Rows[0].Cells[2].Text;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@c_type", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value =GRD.Rows[0].Cells[3].Text;
bool isChecked = ((CheckBox)GRD.Rows[0].Cells[4].Controls[0]).Checked;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@check", SqlDbType.Bit).Value = isChecked;
cmd.Connection = conn;

i have above code whcih gives me proper id on debug but whe i update the selected row gets updated with the first row value.

View 1 Replies

Data Controls :: Record Not Getting Updated In GridView

May 23, 2012

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE M_T1 SET c_name=@c_name WHERE rowid=@rowid";
cmd.Parameters.Add("@rowid", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Convert.ToInt32(grdmsal.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[1].Text);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@c_name", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = ((TextBox) grdmsal.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[2].Controls[0]).Text;

[Code] ....

I have the above but fater editing value when i update its not updated no error...

View 1 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Add New / Updated Rows Only To Gridview?

Jun 24, 2010

I have a gridview bind to an object datasource Now there is an edit button to edit the entriesUser selects new entries and clicks update Gridview gets updated (all previous entries replaced)Now the new records dont contain the table id of the previously added rowsOn form update, how do I know which entries to drop from database and which entries to insert as the previous rows are all gone?the results are in form of collections of objects returned by object datasource.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Get Row Index From GridView After A Cell Is Updated

May 5, 2010

I have a simple grid with 5 columns. The first 4 are numeric values I have formatted with templates. The last column is a total and I've added the Update button on the end. When the Update button is pressed, I have it updating the table with the new values and calculating the Total column. My goal is to have the Total column calculated after each cell is updated and not when the Update button is pressed.

I've added CommandName="myUpdateRowTotal" to
my templates.
<asp:TextBox ID="R01_Item_txt" CommandName="myUpdateRowTotal" runat="server" BackColor="White"
Font-Names="Arial" Font-Size="10pt" ForeColor="Blue"
Text='<%# Bind("R01_TARGET_COMMISSION", "{0:###,###,##0}") %>'

View 2 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: >>>Unable To See Updated Record In Gridview<<<?

Sep 23, 2010

There is a very common problem I am facing in my new webproject in gridview control.The sequence of the execution of the process is as follows:There are some search parameters in SearchPage with a gridview. In gridview's rows there is an Edit button.By providing search parameter(s), data populated to gridview and if we click edit button a new page opens as a popup to update record.In new page the record is updated fine. On successful updation user close the window but he goes to the Search page he again finds the same record with the same parameters to see changes it remains unchanged.Its only changed when he search another record and then again provides the previous parameters.I don't know why is this behaviour of gridview?

Any idea would be helpful.

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Forms Data Controls :: Checking Last Updated Rows In Gridview?

Mar 24, 2011

I need to know how to check last updated rows in Gridview.

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AJAX :: ListView Inside Update Panel Does Not Show Updated Values

Jan 16, 2014

I have a ListView control that is inside of an update panel.  I have a Button control that calls code behind when clicked and I have a trigger in the update panel that is triggered based on the click event of the button.  The button that calls the code behind and inserts a record into the database works fine but I get a full page refresh and the ListView Data is not updated as expected.  I then can go to another page, come back and the new data is there.  I'm not sure what I missing.  Please see the code below.

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" >

<asp:ListView ID="ListView2" runat="server" DataSourceID="sdsrcMessageComments" DataKeyNames="MessageId"
ItemPlaceholderID="PlaceHolder2" EnableViewState="False">


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Data Controls :: Data In GridView Not Getting Updated In Database

Nov 12, 2013

I have used the same steps that you have used on your sample for inserting, deleting and updating. This is my code

private String strConnString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["CustomerConnectionString2"].ConnectionString;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if (!IsPostBack) {

[Code] ....

It is deleting the data but not updating the data,it sticks to the same data after clicking on the update button...

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Web Forms :: Refresh Gridview With Updated Data After Closing Modal Popup

Mar 9, 2010

I have a gridview binded with data and i am providing to user edit command button in gridview s row command event i opened the new page in modal popup to edit the selected id record and after modify i close the popup here i want to refresh gridview with updated data. here is the code i used to open editdocument page in modal popup from gridview row command event

Dim webLink As String = "EditDocument.aspx?ID=" & gv.DataKeys(Item_ID).Values(0) & "&Mode=" & 1
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Me, GetType(String), " Done", " '" & webLink & "', '','resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes,toolbar=no,menubar=no, height=580px, width=480px,left=350px,top=100px' );", True)

View 2 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: GridView - Cannot Grab Updated Value From TextBox EditTemplate

Apr 14, 2010

I have a GridView with an ItemTemplate and an EditTemplate:


I am able to go into Edit Mode and once in edit mode I can see the textBox tbLogEntry fine. lblLogEntry is gone. I have left regular Item mode and am in Edit mode:


gives me back the original value, not the new one.

How do I get the edited value from the front end textbox?

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Data Controls :: Update GridView Dynamically When Record Is Updated Using SqlCacheDependency

May 7, 2015

I am binding repeater control for mega menu, its working fine but i want to repeater do not load every time from database ,it load when any change or add in database ....

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Inline Editing Not Returning Updated Value But Prior Value?

Jun 14, 2010

I have been struggling with this and it must be somthing I am missing. I have Griview and go to edit te row and when I click update and step through the rowupating procedure the value for CollectAmtEdit and txtCollectDate give te old values. If I do not bind them originally then they return blanks after I enter data in them. Here is the form Logic:


Code behind:


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AJAX :: Gridview Rowcommand Doesn't Return Updated Gridview

Jun 2, 2010

have a Gridview which repopulates itself when I click on a button outside the grid.This works fine, except that when I click on a button on the grid after repopulation, it gives the old values rather than the updated ones. I notice that querying GridView1 gives the grid when it was first populated.Anywhere I could have gone wrong?is already true.

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Forms Data Controls :: Show Child Gridview In Parent Gridview Using Nested Gridview

Dec 1, 2010

In nested gridview, i am finding some problem, i want to show child Grid headers in Parent Gridview. Can anyone tell me that how it is possible? Its very urgent. Waiting for quick response.

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SQL Server :: Why Are All Columns Updated Not Just The One Wanted Updated

Nov 21, 2010

Here is my code. I just wanted to update one column. Why is everything getting NULL put into it?



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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Capture The Updated Value Of Texbox Within Gridview: TextBox TextNewQuantity = (TextBox)

Feb 4, 2010

I have been trying to achieve the following:

1-Allow the user to change the quantity in a textbox i.e // "txtQuantity"

2-capture the newly entered quantity i.e //int integerNewQuantity= int.Parse(textNewQuantity.Text);

3-update the database using the newly entered quantity i.e. //UpdateItem(data,integerNewQuantity)

Problem:1-I have not been able to capture the text i.e. the newly entered quantity i.e. the value entered in the text box "txtQuantity"

2-Hence the database is updated using the existing value and NOT the new value unless I make a constant assignment as below:

textNewQuantity.Text = "2"; When tested the assignment of any number correctly updates the database. see the c# code:

C# code: Version.1
protected void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
txtItemDescription.Text = txtItemDescription.Text + "from btnUpdate talking.."; [code]....

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Show GridView Footer Visible, If No Data In GridView

Jan 17, 2010

I have a customized gridvew i.e. grvResult. There is a textbox and a InsertButton in the footer.

If there is a data populated into gridview it is showing GridView footer and inserting data but if there is no data in gridview then its footer also not visible.

I have tried in two ways to make footer visible but it is showing following error:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Tried ways:



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C# - How To Display Updated Records In Gridview First Row

Feb 17, 2011

I am santhosha, actually am developing a sample web application using and c# which includes a sample CRUD operation, here i want to display updated record to first row of the gridview.

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Web Forms :: How To Get Values Of Updated Row In GridView To TextBox

Jun 20, 2012

How to get the values of updated row in the grid view to textboxes

something like


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