How To Copy Text Into Textbox And Preserve Font / Style

Oct 11, 2010

I have a textbox on my page for users to enter input. If they were to type text outside of the box, and then copy it into the textbox, how can I make the textbox able to preserve the style of the text copied into it: italics, bold-faced, etc.?

It currently will convert anything copied into it as plain text.

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Web Forms :: Copy One Textbox Text Into Other Textbox In Other Page

Feb 7, 2013

I have 2 page index.aspx page and search.aspx

in index.aspx I have 1 textbox==txtIndex and 1 button ==btnIndex

and in search.aspx page I have 1 TB==txtsearch  and 1Button==btnsearch

I want when users enter text into TxtIndex that is in Index.aspx page and click on btnIndex

It go to Search.aspx and copy txtIndex.Text into TxtSearch

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Web Forms :: Copy Text From One TextBox To Another?

Mar 22, 2010

I am sure there is a very easy way to copy the text from one textbox to another using the on-click event of a linkbutton. However I am new to this and am unable to find an answer.

I have two sets of address boxes and I simply want to copy the values from one to the other when the Link button is clicked.

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Web Forms :: Copy Label Text To A Textbox

Jan 7, 2011

I want to copy the text from a label into a textbox. What happens is the user uploads a file which then generates an ftp link as label2 from the code behind. i want to copy the label2 text into my CDR_Data_LinkTextBox so it is recorded in my database.


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Web Forms :: How To Copy Only Text From One Textbox To Another Without Html Tags

Mar 2, 2011

i've 2 textboxes(t1,t2)
t1.text = <p>some data</p>
if i click a button i want to display only "some data" in t2 without <p>,</p> means, I want to display only text without any html tags, how?

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Web Forms :: Highlight And Copy Textbox Text On Click?

May 14, 2010

i wanted to know how i could go about selecting all the values of the textbox in one click, and then auto copying it.

So basically, the textbox is a read only, and has text inside, but when the user clicks the textbox, it will highlight the text in the textbox, and autocopy it.

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Data Controls :: Copy Text From One TextBox To Another In GridView Using JQuery

May 7, 2015

Refer here: [URL] ....

I have a gridview and the content of the gridview are EMPLOYEEID, SALARY, DEPARTMENT and I have one textbox and the id of it is txtEmployeeID. Now the question is if I'm going to type in the txtEmployeeID, it will be the same in the textbox inside the gridview.

And the gridview what I'm taking about is: [URL] ....

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Web Forms :: Copy Textbox Text To A Label Including Line Breaks?

Jan 6, 2010

How can we copy the textbox text as it is to a label including carriage returns?

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Treeview Selected Node Font Style Does Not Change

Oct 12, 2010

I have a treeview and I am giving the node style in code behind.

Treeview design is as below:

<asp:TreeView ID="tvIARHierarchies" runat="server" NodeIndent="15" ShowExpandCollapse="true"
ShowLines="True" Width="98%" OnSelectedNodeChanged="tvIARHierarchies_SelectedNodeChanged">
<ParentNodeStyle Font-Bold="False" />
<HoverNodeStyle Font-Underline="True" ForeColor="#6666AA" />
<SelectedNodeStyle Font-Bold="true" BackColor="#6f9dd9" ForeColor="White" />
<RootNodeStyle />
<NodeStyle />
<LeafNodeStyle />

While populating the tree-view I have a requirement to bind the one particular level with a different colour. So, I am binding it as below

foreach (DataRow row in dr.GetChildRows("rsParentChild"))
TreeNode cChild;
if (row["NAME"].ToString() != "")
if (row["Level"].ToString().Trim() == "4")
string strColor = "DarkOrange";
string fname = "<font id=" + row["NAME"].ToString() + " color ='" + strColor + "'>" + row["NAME"].ToString() + "</font>";
cChild = new TreeNode(fname, row["ID"].ToString());

Now when the tree view loads, the required level 4 nodes are populated in DarkOrange. But, when any node is selected the backcolour changes as #6f9dd9 as per the style specified in the markup. But the fore-colour does not change.

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C# - Adjusting The Font Axes Style And Size In Chart?

Aug 24, 2010

Does anyone know the properties that I need to change to decrease the font size of the axes numbers and change the font style? Also need to know how to add x and y labels.

<asp:Chart runat="server" ID="Chart1" Width="340px" Height="265px">
<asp:Series Name="scatter" MarkerSize="4" ChartType="Point" Color="Green" MarkerStyle="Circle">
<asp:ChartArea Name="ChartArea1" BorderColor="64, 64, 64, 64" BorderDashStyle="Solid"
BackSecondaryColor="White" BackColor="LightGreen" ShadowColor="Transparent" BackGradientStyle="TopBottom">
<Area3DStyle Rotation="10" Perspective="10" Inclination="15" IsRightAngleAxes="False"
WallWidth="0" IsClustered="False" />
<AxisY LineColor="64, 64, 64, 64">
<LabelStyle Font="Trebuchet MS, 5pt" />
<MajorGrid LineColor="64, 64, 64, 64" />
<AxisX LineColor="64, 64, 64, 64">
<LabelStyle Font="Arial, 3pt" />
<MajorGrid LineColor="64, 64, 64, 64" />
<asp:Series Name="Line" ChartType="Line" BorderWidth="3"
MarkerStyle="None" BorderColor="180, 26, 59, 105" Color="DarkBlue">

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Data Controls :: Change Font Style In Datalist Pagination

May 7, 2015

I used below code for datalist pagination
private void PopulatePager(int recordCount, int currentPage)
double dblPageCount = (double)((decimal)recordCount / (decimal)PageSize);
int pageCount = (int)Math.Ceiling(dblPageCount);


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C# - Preserve Line Breaks In Textbox?

Sep 24, 2010

I have a multiline textbox whose .Text property get saved in an SQL 2008 DB. When I submit the textbox, I loose the returns. How do I handle this?

I've used Enviroment.Newline() to do some html conversion stuff, but I've never ran into this specific problem.

Edit: Nevermind, it was working just fine, but I was replacing " " incorrectly. Stupid mistake. I have to convert the " " to <p> tags. I've done this before, but if anybody wants to answer, I'll mark their answer as correct.

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Preserve Layout Of Text In A TextArea Control?

Jun 1, 2010

Ho do I preserve the layout of text in a TextArea control in ?e.g.

"This is some text:
- line 1 text
- line 2 text
- line 3 text"

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Preserve Enter And Tabs In Multiline Textbox?

Dec 10, 2010

i have multi line textbox in my page. when user enter some data in that i store the data in database table. now when i display the data back to the page the ENTER which user has pressed while entering the data get lost and all the data is displayed in same line. so i want to save the ENTERs pressed while entering data and display the data in the form it was being entered.

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C# - Preserve New Line Characters Of Data From Textbox To Sql Server

Mar 1, 2011

I am using Multi-line Textbox through which users will be able to enter data which will be saved on to the SQL Server 2008 database. There is an other process, which reads this data from the table and writes to a text file.


If the data entered by users in text box contains <Enter> from keyboard, it is saving to the database with some spaces replacing the <Enter>.

Some how if I read the same data to a text box on webpage, it is being displayed properly.

But, if my second process that reads the data from database and prints to a text file, it is not keeping the text format properly. It is not retaining the <Enter> in the data being printed to text file.

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C# - How To Remove The Inherited Style On Text Box Object From <td> That The Text Box Is Nested

Aug 12, 2010

How can I remove the inherited properties?

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Web Forms :: Preserve Line Break Of TextArea (Multiline TextBox)

May 7, 2015

I have multiline textbox and my user type like

Monday 14 pm

Tuesday 15 pm

Wednesday 16 pm

I want on save button these will go into loop into database like it should not go into one row of sql server database instead it will into 3 rows.

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Copy Text From Rich Text Editor, Ignoring Markup

Mar 27, 2010

I have a Rich Text Editor on a web page and I need to copy the contents of the editor, just the raw text part, ignoring any behind the scenes markup that might be there.

If I use the folllowing code I get everything, including markup

this.Textbox1.Text = this.CEditor.Text;

Is there a way in to just extract the raw text part, ignoring the markup?

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Web Forms :: Textbox Wordcount Not Allow While Copy And Paste Into Textbox?

Dec 29, 2010

the multiline textbox should allow only the words count with 100 after that it should not allow while copy and paste into textbox also in

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How To Change Font Color To Red With Text

Dec 5, 2011

I used code below to assing text to label1.

dim sText1 as string
sText1 = sText1 & "------------------------------------" & "<br />"
sText1 = sText1 & "If member provides verification ask:" & "<br />"
sText1 = sText1 & "------------------------------------" & "<br />"
label1.Text = sText1

In code page (not in HTML), how to change font color to red with text?"If member provides verification ask:" //(change to read color)

View 7 Replies

Web Forms :: Want To Set Font Format In Textbox?

Feb 13, 2011

i want to set format for text like bold ,Italic or underline same as here on toolbar given i wan to do for text box and wanan save same one in database and get data from Db how i can do i dont want to use rich text box becoz i have alerady text box and dont want freetextbox.dll and i found by using this when i use italic i can not save in Database got error like db truncate error

View 4 Replies

AJAX :: Text In TabConainer Tab Is Printing In Very Small Font?

Jan 19, 2011

I'm using vs2008,, C#, .net 3.5, AjaxControlToolkit.dll 3.0.20229.0

1. is this the newest version that can run on vs2008 with .net 3.5?
2. I have a web page that uses ajax tabcontainer control. All the text starting from "<b>ABOUT OUR LEADERSHIP</b><br /><br />" shows up very small in the print preview. I played witht he percentage, setting the Full Wid View optino and 60% in Portrait would give me the best layout but the text is very small either in preview or in the print out.
3.There is a background img in this page so i change the setting in preview to print out the background image.

4. The most noticable when first in print preview is that the tabcontainer shrinks down to about 40% of its orignial size protion on the web page in the "View Full Page" option. When I selects the "View Full Width" it then streches out to about 80% in width but all text on this page is still small.

5. There is about 1inch on left and right and 2-3 inches of dark blue background. the page should occupied this whole page. If I check not to print background and img then the img won't show but those blank spaces are still there but it's just now white instead of dark blure.

6. In print preview when first show up it's set for 100% and it's completely useless. It breaks the web page to 2 pages. The first page shows about 2-3 inches of content and the rest of the page is just blank

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JQuery :: How To Change Font Of Selected Charcters In Textbox

Aug 5, 2010

Not sure if this can be done. The requirement is to change the font for part of the text in a textbox when a semi-colon (keyCode 186) is typed. This is an ASP.NET 3.5 app. Our corporate environment only uses IE so there are no cross-browser compatability issues. I have written this much so far in jQuery:


This is pretty close. As soon as the first semi-colon is typed, the font of the entire textbox changes to italics. As soon as the second semi-colon is typed, the font changes back. The requirement is that the font be normal until the first semi-colon is typed and then everything between the first and second semi-colon must be in italics. After the second semi-colon, the remaining characters must revert back to normal. This is an example of the text correctly formatted: This is the start; of the string and this is; the end of the string.

Is it possible to change the font style of only the middle part of the text string? If so, it probably involves creating a range that starts with is the whatever character position of the first semi-colon + 1 and ending at the second semi-colon, right? I just can't seem to wrap my head around this one.

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Web Forms :: Print Items From Text File And Altering The Font

Aug 24, 2010

I'm looking to print a file which is constantly being read too. Although, there are certain times when a user must print from this file. How do I print from this file and also alter the font depending on which item I'm printing. For instance, we have 3 items in a text file.

76277BLACK WHITE 001.300601R W2308101/4
76287BLACK SCANDA000.500208 E W2308101/4
76289BLACK WHITE 006.801701 W2308101/4

Two of these items need to be printed in a bolded font. The one with the 'R' and the one with the 'E'. I want it so that I f I were to print this particular job off with these three items. I would have two lines which would be bolded and the third line would be regular font. It would look something like this

76277BLACK WHITE 001.300601R W2308101/4


76287BLACK SCANDA000.500208 E W2308101/4
76289BLACK WHITE 006.801701 W2308101/4

If you look above I also need to denote that if an R is present it is a remake, if a E is present, it is an export.

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Setting Particular Part Of The Tool Tip Text To Be Bold With Different Font Color?

Jul 5, 2010

i have tool tip for an image in asn & and i want to set particular part of the tool tip text to be bold with different font color,how can that be done?

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