How To Send Values To A URL In A For Loop

Jan 31, 2011

I have a requirement that i have to send few values through querystring to other domain.

Ex: My Domian is [URL]

Other Domain is [URL]

Now, In a for loop i have send values to the other domain through url like [URL]

But i have to get response then only i have to send second record. like [URL]

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for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)

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Loop through Datalist and get values of non-control items( cell values?) on button click

for (int i = 0; i < datalist1.Items.Count; i++)
Name: '<%#Eval("ElementName")%>'

wanna access elementname... by looping through datalist on button click event... button is not on datalist

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Actuall i retrive one row from Database with more than 80 columns on page load. Now i need to fill these data in every control like Text-Box and Combo-Box which i have using on the Page.

My Column Name and My Id of the Textbox or combobox are same. now i need to fill the value in textbox and combobox where coumn name and textbox id are same.


(1) TextBox Id's Name :- txtCustName, txtCustNo, txtAddress, etc(More than 80 Column).

now i will be remove the 'txt" from every id.

so it would be seems like CustName, CustNo, Address, etc.

(2) Column Name :- CustName CustNo Address

Values from (Dataset) :- Xyz 123 Abc.......

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Configuration :: Adding Values To A Config File With Foreach Loop From Sql Database?

Sep 2, 2010

I have added the below tag in my web.config file;

<RewriterConfig configSource="configuration

It gets the rewrite vlues from another config file. I need to update this rewriter.config file dynamically.

I need to gets values inside it from sql databse. here is the look of the file

<?xml version="1.0"?>

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Loop Through The Check Box List For All True Values

Sep 13, 2010

How can I make the following code shorter and more efficient.

I want to loop through the check box list for all true values.

I want to get the check list item and complare with database value then check the box.


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DataSource Controls :: Ienumerable For Dropdown - Loop Through The Values Coming From Function?

Feb 8, 2010

Here is my code, using LinQ to get the data from database.

public IEnumerable categoryData()
db = new DBModelDataContext();
var cat = from c in db.Categories
select new { c.categoryname,c.categoryid };
return cat;

trying to get the values (categoryname and categoryid) into textfiled and valuefield of dropdown list.

dt = new clsData();
ddlCategory.DataSource = dt.categoryData();

what is the code that i need to write to assign the categoryname to textfield and categoryid to valuefield. I mean how to loop through the values coming from the above function.


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DataSource Controls :: How To Read Data Values Of A Table Using Loop In Sqlserver

Feb 10, 2010

I am using vs2008, Sqlserver2008.

my table: PostGL having data like thi

AutoIdx TxDate Id AccountLink Description Debit Credit
3 2010-01-22 JL 2 bcb 0 35.09
5 2010-01-28 JL 2 g 3.51 0

select AutoIdx,TxDate,Id,AccountLink,Description,Debit,Credit,(Debit-Credit) as Actual from PostGL where Id='JL' and AccountLink=2

AutoIdx TxDate Id AccountLink Description Debit Credit Actual
3 2010-01-22 JL 2 bcb 0 35.09 -35.09
5 2010-01-28 JL 2 g 3.51 0 3.51

I am trying in view like this

declare @cnt int
declare @i int
set @budget=20
set @cnt= (select COUNT(*) from PostGL where AccountLink=2 )
set @i=1
WHILE (@i<=@cnt )
set @tdebit=??


I am taking count the no of rows having AccountLink=2
I need to read all debit,credit and add all debit into totaldebit,all credit into totalcredit independently from table.
then i need to show the totaldiff as Actual.
i need ....totaldiff=totaldebit-totalcredit

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Forms Data Controls :: Get Values From Dynamic Fields In A For Loop - Autopostback And Comparing

Jan 31, 2011

I am dealing with dynamic fields in a for loop and now I need to retrieve the values that are being typed in the dynamic fields, any idea how can I do that? 2)also when I click the submit button, upon postback, the dynamic fields have gone missing, have been trying to slove that, but i did not, anyone knows how to deal with this? kinda urgent :x

3) and How do you compare the 2 dynamic fields? For eg: Im comparing the tbSch[i] to tbSch[i], so that the dates cannot be the same, am using a compare validator, but it throws me error that im comparing the same fields :) even though i change to ("tbSch" + i) for both, sorry Will provide my code snippet as follow :D tbNum is a textbox where user enter numbers and click generate

protected void btnGen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
for (int i = 0; i < Convert.ToInt32(tbNum.Text); i++)
// label and textbox needed
Label lblSch = new Label();
TextBox tbSch = new TextBox();
Label lblWsGrp = new Label();
DropDownList ddlWsGrp = new DropDownList();
CompareValidator cvSame = new CompareValidator();
cvSame.ID = "cvSame" + i;
cvSame.ErrorMessage = "Date cannot be the same";
cvSame.Operator = ValidationCompareOperator.NotEqual;
cvSame.Type = ValidationDataType.Date;
cvSame.Display = ValidatorDisplay.Dynamic;
cvSame.EnableViewState = true;
cvSame.ControlToValidate = (tbSch.ID);<<<<< what should be the value in here?
cvSame.ControlToCompare = (tbSch.ID);<<<<<<<<<< and here?
//schdule date
lblSch.ID = "lblSch" + i;
lblSch.Text = "Session Date : ";
lblSch.EnableViewState = true;
tbSch.ID = "tbSch" + i;
tbSch.Width = 210;
tbSch.Height = 27;
tbSch.EnableViewState = true;
//workshop grp
lblWsGrp.ID = "lblwsgrp" + i;
lblWsGrp.Text = "Workshop Group : ";
lblWsGrp.EnableViewState = true;
ddlWsGrp.ID = "ddlWsGrp" + i;
ddlWsGrp.Height = 27;
ddlWsGrp.Width = 210;
ddlWsGrp.EnableViewState = true;
//table to store data
TableRow trow = new TableRow();
TableRow trow2 = new TableRow();
TableCell tc1 = new TableCell();
TableCell tc2 = new TableCell();
TableCell tc3 = new TableCell();
TableCell tc4 = new TableCell();
TableCell tc5 = new TableCell();
TableCell tc6 = new TableCell();
TableCell tc7 = new TableCell();
TableCell tc8 = new TableCell();
TableCelltc9 = new TableCell();

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Forms Data Controls :: Loop Gridview To Update Values In Gridview To Stored Procedure?

Jan 14, 2010

I would like to ask a question on the visual basic codes to loop the gridview to retrieve the values and based on the values, it will be provided as parameters to update to the database table using stored procedure.

Firstly, I have a gridview named grvProduct. The page (ui) will be loaded with data from the database with the use of stored procedures. And only certain values can be edited through the use of template in gridview. So based on those edited values, I'm supposed to pass these values as parameters to the stored procedure which will then update a database table.

Let say, I have 3 records retrieved from the database and displayed in the gridview. And I would like to edit a values in the 3 records, how do I do batch update and pass those parameters to the stored procedure? I went to debug and step through the visual basic codes and realised there were too many arguments specified because I actually loop the gridview.

Below is my visual basic codes:


Below is my Stored Procedure code:

I believe it is the error in the looping of the gridview which results that I could not batch update the data/values.

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How To Send 4 Double Values To A Webservice

Mar 7, 2011

I need to send 4 double values to a webservice. Which is the best way to send. Array or Arraylist. I read some where that Arraylist has issues to serialize.I am using the following code on the client .aspx page to construct the arraylist.


ArrayList CapPlan = new ArrayList();
CapPlan .Add(Convert.ToDouble(TextBox1.Text));
CapPlan .Add(Convert.ToDouble(TextBox2.Text));
CapPlan .Add(Convert.ToDouble(TextBox3.Text));
CapPlan .Add(Convert.ToDouble(TextBox4.Text));
After this arraylist CapPlan is constructed, what would be the syntax to send this arraylist to a webmethod?
DataSet dataSetCapitalPlan = clientProxyobject.CapStock(CapPlan.ToArray(double));

And on the webservice side how can I receive this arraylist that was sent?
public DataSet CapStock(string As_of_Date, Array CapPlan)

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How To Send Values To Crystal Report

Sep 1, 2010

I want to print the values on crystal report that user input on the webform. On my form i have few textboxes, radio button list and couple of gridviews. Im not sure how to send these values to crystal report? Im using 3.5 and .Net builtin crystal reports.

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.net - Send The Web Page Values To The Email?

Oct 26, 2010

Using ASP.Net, VB.NetIn my web page, i have the textbox valueswhen i press the send button the textbox value automatically send to email address...How to do that...

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How To Send Multi Values To New Page Not Using QueryString

Oct 11, 2010

i have some form with few textboxes, i need to send it to another page (asmx) in different server. in this asmx page there is a code handler the data. how can i send all the data without using querystring or server.transfer (the page located on outer server).

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How To Send A Collection And A Few Other Values In Json Form To A Webmethod?

Sep 28, 2010

Upon clicking a button I need to send a collection and a few other variables to server in Json form.For each value in the collection the server code (C# ) wil update those other variables in the DB.

For example there is a ‘classnumber’ collection with values (First, Second, Third, ….),other variables (‘teacher_name’ and ‘subjectname’).For each value in the ‘classnumber’ collection I need to update the ‘teacher_name’ by searching for the ‘subject_name’ in the DB.So I need to pass the ‘classnumber’ collection,’teacher_name’,’subject_name’ values to server in json form. At the moment instead of sending the ‘classnumber’ collection I am sending ‘teacher_name’,’subject_name’,’classnumber’ as variables for each value in the collection ,which requires multiple requests made to the server.

Instead of these individual requests I am wondering if there is a way to send all the data at once to server in json form?

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JQuery :: Send The Selected Values On Checkbox Selection?

May 22, 2010

i have a field set


on button click i am checking all checkboxes..and I have other button on the Filedset which i submit.. when I submit clicks I need to send only which ever is checked from Fieldset?

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Read Model Values And Send Them By Ajax Post?

Feb 17, 2011

I have the following code and it`s pointing out errors as follows

Error 1 The name 'date' does not exist in the current context
Error 2 The name 'person' does not exist in the current context

What is wrong?

$("#test").Click(function () {
var date = $("#DateFrom").val();
var person = Model.SelectedPerson;
url: '@Url.Action("testEmp","Employee",new {dateFrom = date, selectedPerson= person})',
type: 'GET',
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "html",
success: function (result) {
return false;

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