How To Add .manifest File Reference To The 2.0

Aug 2, 2010

I have a COM DLL and i made .manifest file for it so i can use it on my host.but i cant add the reference to the 2.0.

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# This file was generated at 2/28/2011 4:03 PM

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I have images in C:images and I would like to do this:

<img src="C:imageslogo.gif"/>

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JQuery :: Reference A Javascript File In .net?

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Configuration :: Reference Dll's App.config File?

May 27, 2010

retrieve appsettings from the app.config file stored in a DLL directory?

I have read many posts on this and it appears as though it's not possible. I've tried all configurationmanager options without success.

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Modify Every File That Contains A Javascript Reference?

Mar 24, 2010

I have some pages that reference javascript files.

The application exists locally in a Virtual Directory, i.e. http://localhost/MyVirtualDirectory/MyPage.aspx

so locally I reference the files as follows:

<script src="/MyVirtualDirectory/Scripts/MyScript.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

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<script src="../Scripts/MyScript.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

I've tried referencing the files this way in my local setup but it doesn't work.

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Reference The Response That Write The File?

Jan 7, 2010

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Response.ContentType =



Error 1 'Response' is an ambiguous reference between 2 references that have a Response.Neither is the one I need,how do i reference the Response that write the file?

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Mar 2, 2011

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] [code]....

I try to upload the file and then save the record to the database, but it doesn't work.

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Apr 21, 2010

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Properly Reference A JavaScript File In A Project?

Apr 16, 2010

I have some pages that reference javascript files.

The application exists locally in a Virtual Directory, i.e. http://localhost/MyVirtualDirectory/MyPage.aspx

so locally I reference the files as follows:

<script src="/MyVirtualDirectory/Scripts/MyScript.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

The production setup is different though. The application exists as its own web site in production, so I don't need to include the reference to the virtual directory. The problem with this is that I need to modify every file that contains a javascript reference so it looks like the following:

<script src="../Scripts/MyScript.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

I've tried referencing the files this way in my local setup but it doesn't work.

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Configuration :: Reference To A Web.config File Programatically At Run Time

May 28, 2010

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how can i reference to a web.config file programatically at run time.

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Web Forms :: Register Or Add Reference Custom Control In Web Confige File?

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Visual Studio :: Cannot Add Assembly Reference And Using .dll File From 2008 And 2010

Oct 19, 2010

tell me the way to solved my problem to looking for a long time.

My System Info:

OS: Windows 7 - Ultimate - 64bit

VS: Visual Studio 2008 - Professional (and problem with my VS2010 installed)


I have a small project and build it to library .dll file with some function util.

From an other website (with diffirence solution). I added reference the .dll before to website.

In website, I declaration to using the function in library (dll file before). But I found error:

Error 1 Type 'LibraryName' is not defined.

And in VS2010 the problem is same.

But, run website on an other computer, it work normally.

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AJAX :: Reference To A JavaScript File To Use In HTML Editor Content?

Jan 6, 2010

I wish to execute a javascript function in HTML Editor content. Hower, I give me the error "object expected". It seems like the browser cannot locate my javascript file.

Here is my setup:

- I have an external javascript file, "myscript.js" under "script" folder which has "test" function which contains a single "alert()" command.

- I referenced to "myscript.js" via <script src=....> tag (and also tried using Script manager's ScriptReference Path, same result).

- In my default.aspx page, I have a button which call "test" on mouseover event, which works call "test" correctly whenever I mouseover.

- In my default.aspx, I have the HTML Editor, with the this HTML content:

<span id="0001" onmouseover="alert('ok');">OK</span>
<span id="0002" onmouseover="test('not ok');">Not OK</span>

When I mouseover "ok" alert() script executed, but it give "object expected" error on I mouse over "not ok", it look like the browser cannot find "test" in myscript.js.

How do I reference this a script file inside the HTML Editor content?

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Jul 8, 2010

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Custom Server Controls :: How To Reference A Control Defined In The Code Behind From The Aspx File

Jul 1, 2010

I have the following Report class that I want to serve as the base class for my pages.

I will have several aspx files MyReport1.aspx, MyReport2.aspx, ... MyReportN.aspx


public class Report : Page
protected readonly ListView reportListView; [code]....

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Aug 6, 2010

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Then I keep getting the following error:

An unhandled exception of type 'System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException' occurred in System.Web.Services.dll

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