How To Call/execute Another Page From The Parent Page Without Disrupting The Flow Of Events

Mar 21, 2010

When a button/link is clicked, I want this URL to be called followed by the execution of the following statements. The ASP.Net page is in C# btw.

Function A
statement A
call abc.apsx
statement B

abc.aspx is a silent page, doesn't display anything on the page but creates an output.txt file. So when abc.aspx is called, output.txt file is created and Statement B is executed seamlessly.

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function closePopup() {

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C# - Call Child Iframe Method From Parent Aspx Page?

Jul 26, 2010

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As I understand I need to receive the instance of Child class so then I'll be able to them call. How can I make this?

Default.aspx (Parent page)

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="Parent_Child_Iframe._Default" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">

So How I can call getResultData () from Child.aspx.cs by clicking Button on the parent page.

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if (condition != what-i-want) {
Label_Error.Text = "Sorry, you messed up";

And the problem with that snippet is that ASP.NET draws the rest of the defined page without cutting off after the error. I really don't want to make the whole page Visible = False and then undo it when someone is authenticated. Is there some good way to do this? I have tried Response.End() but that doesn't output clean HTML (or anything actually, since I'm checking in Page_Load). I've had similar experiences with Response.Close(), et al.

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Page With Base Class With Dynamic Master Page Not Firing Events

May 3, 2010

I am feeling that I have terribly wrong somewhere. I was working on a small app. I have some dynamic themes in the heme folder and have implemented a page base class to load the master page on the fly. The master is having the ContentPlaceHolder like: <asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="cphBody" runat="server" />

Now I am adding pages that are derived from my base class and added the form elements. I know, Visual Studio has problem showing the page in the design mode. I have a dropdown box and wish to add the event of onselectedindexchange. But it is not working. the page is like this:

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" Inherits="trigon.web.Pages.MIS.JobStatus" Title="Job Status" AspCompat="true" CodeBehind="JobStatus.aspx.cs" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="cphBody" runat="Server">
<div id="divError" runat="server" />
<asp:DropDownList runat="server" id="jobType" onselectedindexchange="On_jobTypeSelection_Change"></asp:DropDownList>

I have also tried adding the event on the code behind like:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
jobType.SelectedIndexChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.On_jobTypeSelection_Change);
if (!IsPostBack)
JobStatus_DA da = new JobStatus_DA();
jobType.DataSource = da.getJobTypes();

protected void On_jobTypeSelection_Change(Object sender, EventArgs e)
//do something here

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Accessing Controls / Events On A Master Page From Child Page

Sep 3, 2010

I have a problem i am trying to work out the best method with my limited skills. Im using 2010) I am using a dll for an IFrame , which is call from code behind. On my site I havea masterpage which has two gridviews. ( GrdViewWebBureau is the one i am using for this query) GrdViewWebBureau is contained within an update panel and updated on a timer control trigger. GrdViewWebBureau updates the page with file counts and status from our clients. I can click on any one of the cells and the code behind is fired. What I am trying to do is put an IFrame on the master page and every time a user clicks on the grid, the Iframe is fired up.

I have tested the iframe and vb code behind from a dummy page and it works, however when the Iframe is on the master page it doeant work. What I am tryingh to achieve is that no matter what page a user is on the site, they will be able to click on the GrdViewWebBureau and the iframe will fire with the correct childpage. Each webPage may also have an Iframe as well, so i dont know if it is possible to make the IFrame global and just call that control ?? I have no idea if 1 this is possible with the code i have and 2, if i have the brains to understand the who what why and when.


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Web Forms :: Launching A Function Once After All Page Load Events On Page?

May 28, 2010

Using C#, ASP.NET 3.5, VS 2008.

On a page with some user controls, I need to execute some lines of code only once (i.e. not on postback), however, the code must run after ALL page objects complete loading.

Example, Page1.aspx also contains uc1.ascx and uc2.ascx. If I imbed the code in a if (!PostBack) code block, it will end up running before the corresponding page load is completed for uc1 and uc2.

Is there a way to run the code on Page1.aspx once AFTER all the objects on the page have run thru their page load events?

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Web Forms :: How To Apply The Stylesheet Of A User Control To The Page Its Getting Called From Parent Page

Jan 31, 2011

I have created one user control for changing the theme of the page where i have several buttons and on click of each button i am applying the theme of clicked buttons color and for that i have created several css files like red.css, blue.css , green.css etc.

now i want to apply this theme to the page but i am not able to do that from the user control as because i am not getting the stylesheet property in the page and thus i am not able to work further.

can anyone tell me how can i apply the theming from user control to the page its being called.?

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Forms Data Controls :: Sending Date From Second Page To Parent Page?

Oct 19, 2010

I am in little confusion to send date from second page that is Calander.aspx to the Page from where it has been called.The confusion is that the following code is in the Calander.aspx:


In Parent page, the textbox is in formview and there is an image when we click it the above code activated and gets the date using above line of code and sends back to the parent page from where it is called.The confusion is that if this calandar is in other pages therefore do I have to add the following line of code in the above MyDateChange() function for each page textbox or there are more then one textbox to take date as input in same page?


So how above function will recognise that from which page the request coming or to which text box it has to send the data?

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C# - Page Life-cycle - What Tool ( Perhaps Reflector?) Would Enable Me To View The Order In Which Page Events And Their Event Handlers Are Called?

Mar 3, 2010

1) I know there are lots of web sites that describe in what order events are called during the Asp.Net page life-cycle. But is there also a tool, perhaps Reflector, that would enable me to figure out by myself in what order are ALL the page's events and their event handlers called during the page's life cycle? 2) Would you say that trying to figure out exactly what is going on under the hood is a good idea or a waste of time? To clarify - I'd like to figure out exactly what is going on when a control tree is build - thus all the method calls, all the events called etc needed for control tree to be build ( I imagine there are hundreds or perhaps thousands lines of code written just for building a control tree).

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C# - Response.End Terminating Page Events Within A Sharepoint Page

Aug 19, 2010

This article explains how to fix a bug in Sharepoint where the page would go dead after a save dialog is prompted. It states to add in my case where the link button is under the page where the link button resides

exportButton.OnClientClick = "document.getElementsByTagName('form')[0].onsubmit = function() {return true;}";

Ive tried this the error it produces is "server tag not well formed". My form name is aspnetForm and my link button name is TestLinkButton. Any ideas what im doing wrong from the article?

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Forms Data Controls :: Open A Page In Separate Browser When Imagebutton Click From Parent Page?

Sep 29, 2010

In parent page there is an imagebutton. What I want to when user click this image button, another page will open with width=200 and height=100 with no toolbar.

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