How To Change Output Format From Pivot Solution

Oct 2, 2010

I am using following pivot to get the result but getting error


When i use select * from tableName i am getting following data

StartDate Headcount
08/01/2010 182
08/08/2010 176
08/15/2010 198
08/15/2010 192

I want data like this

08/01/2010 08/08/2010 08/15/2010 08/22/2010
182 176 198 192

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Forms Data Controls :: Store Format Or Format Output Of Text Field Into Datalist

Mar 29, 2011

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<asp:Label id="WebDescriptionLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("WebDescription") %>' ForeColor="Brown" />

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For reference:

When the date is added:


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<span class="month">@row.EntryDate.ToString("MMM")</span>
<span class="day">@row.EntryDate.ToString("dd")</span>

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"Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.

Parameter name: index"

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Heres my attempt:


Csharp Code:


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It seems to be a bug.Has MS released a patch or a fix for this.

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how to change the format

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Web Forms :: How To Change Input Format

Feb 9, 2010

I have a matadataclass which I use to show my table individually. No I have the problem that I want to have a kind of input format for my date field like: yyyy/MM/dd and not the german format I'm using on my SQL Server. I already learned from the video that I have to change the display format to show it on my main page. I want to see the two " / " as akind of mask. Sorry for my bad english.

[DisplayName("Delivery Date:")]
public object deliveryDate { get; set; }

Maybe I need a kind of "input validation"? I need the same for my IP field. I have a IP field to add the IP address of a system into my inventory database there I want to have the 3 dots xxx. xxx . xxx . xxx and the range per tree letters from 0-255.

[DisplayName("Production IP Address:")]
public object IP1 { get; set; }

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Web Forms :: Browser Output Doesn't Look Like Web Developer Output Using Nested Master Pages And Css Stylesheets

Apr 18, 2010

First off, suggest better ways if you want rather than patch up this code. I am just starting this project and it is first time I have tried to code a web site so anything you suggest is very much welcomed. I have spent the last 2 and 1/2 days trying to find workable answers to this but none I have found and tried seem to fit. If needed I can email screens shots or code. I am trying to construct a website that will have the same main theme throughout as far as the header, navbars sitemap, and footer go. Naturally the content will vary from page to page. I want to use a single master page and css stylesheet for this main theme and I will change the content format as needed per page because each page may vary somewhat.

However, about 15 of the pages will all use the same format for their content and this format will differ from the rest of the site but the format of the main theme will stay the same. So I am trying to create a nested master page to use to format the just the content area for all these pages while retaining the main theme for the header, etc.. I believe I should use a separate css file with the nested master page to handle the formatting of the content areas for these 15 pages. I have code that looks like it works when viewed in web developer but design view but does not work when viewd through a browser (IE, Chrome, Firefox). So far I have the following done in web developer.

If it helps the code and screen shots follow. Master Page called "Parent.master". For all theme throughout site Nested Master Page called "Lab.master". For the 15 like pages Primary stylesheet file for main theme called "StylesheetNew.css" For site theme Secondary stylesheet file to syle the 15 like formatted pages. It is called Labmaster.css Labs.apsx file to use as first of the 15 like pages.
Finally screens shots from web developer and browser. Sorry try as I might I could not capture screenshots and put them into this post. The problem is that web developer shows all the area (many lines high) with gray background and with the XXX text that I want to allocate for content in the 15 pages. Yet all the browser show is one line of text o a white background followed by the footer. It looks like the LabStyleSheet works in Web Developer but not in a browser.

<%@ Master Language="VB" CodeFile="Parent.master.vb" Inherits="MasterPage" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "[URL]">
<html xmlns="[URL]">
<head id="ParentHeader" runat="server">
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder runat="server" id="headerPlaceHolder" />
<link href="~/StyleSheetNew.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<form id="form1" runat="server">
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How To Change The Format Of DateTime.Date Variable

Oct 18, 2010

I want to save the current date to a table in database. The coloumn type is declared as DateTime in the table, as i may have to select rows between two dates. So i can't change the format by converting it to string variable. I want the DateTime.Date variable to have dd/MMM/yyyy hh:mm tt format instead of MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt format.

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Web Forms :: How To Change Date Format In Gridview

Feb 26, 2010

I want to change the date format in my gridview.....

Right now its showing as
2/25/2010 4:55:00 PM but I just want it to show as 2/25/2010

My Code:

<asp:Label ID="lbl_senddate" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("SendDate")%>'></asp:Label></ItemTemplate>

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